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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. He finally made a profile on OKCupid and is currently wading through all of the ugly people to get to the attractive ones.
  2. They should just do what my parents did and get a second television set. They'll never have to talk to each other again!
  3. My greatest fear is dating someone who thinks it'd be totally awesome if we could play World of Warcraft together and then either have to feel guilty when they're forced to play it without me or spend most of my gaming time playing a boring MMO. It'd be like dating Gamer Mom.
  4. 6 is California Games.
  5. 3 is Yakuza 2.
  6. Thank God. :p
  7. 10 is Samorost 2. 11 is Machinarium.
  8. 9 is And Yet it Moves.
  9. Truly a match made in heaven! Unless she was just humoring you. :p
  10. Oh, Mokong. I can practically hear your wife rolling her eyes in the other room. :p
  11. Don't worry, there'll be a Christmas next year too.
  12. Sorry to bump this old thread, but I just have to rant about how absolutely boring this game was. At least it was pretty. The cutscenes felt pretty last-generation, though. Almost every single one was just characters standing around talking, and occasionally doing a stock animation like raising their hands to their mouth or slowly turning their head. I mean, I realize there's only so much you can do when your game has so many cutscenes, but they could have put a little effort in. Cutscenes that last fifteen minutes at a time that are nothing but characters sitting around talking about things that aren't interesting with long pauses between lines and no lip-syncing just aren't fun. I probably wouldn't have minded the cutscenes being filled with talking heads if the story had been at least somewhat interesting. The only thing I knew beforehand about the story was that you played through the dream of a dying Frédéric Chopin. And that actually sounded interesting! Something different from most JRPGs! And then Chopin takes a backseat to a plot about magic and an evil count and magic drugs and two nations on the brink of war. Oh, and there's a band of rebels. There's always a band of rebels. This is the best scene in the game:
  13. Hmm, fair enough. Now that you mention it, I do remember some colorful and pretty areas in the game. It was more of a 'general impression' kind of thing. Let's say it was like someone had poured blood over Zelda instead!
  14. I didn't buy the DS games because it seemed unlikely we'd ever get the third game when the DS is pretty much dead, so lucky me. Though I'm not sure if I'll buy this if it's released over here because of ~football~ anyway, but it'd be nice to have the option. :p
  15. I finally played Darksiders last week and it kind of felt exactly like an inferior Western take on Zelda. Well, the combat was more God of War/Devil May Cry, I guess. But the rest of the game was like someone had poured brown paint over Zelda. The best part of the game was when I was in the last temple and wondering what Zelda item they would steal next, and I got... the Portal gun. That was hilarious. It was still pretty fun, though, so I may check out the sequel. :p
  16. You occasionally get to choose what to say! What more do you want? Well, I hope you enjoyed it/are enjoying it, anyway. I really do think the story becomes awesome eventually.
  17. Am I remembered? No? Never mind, then. I just got back online after five days without an internet connection. I'm glad to see that I didn't miss anything interesting on N-E! I had a dream that Shorty told me about a thread he deleted where people had been listing their most disliked N-E members, but hopefully that didn't actually happen.
  18. Well, according to Urban Dictionary... That's probably not it, but I thought it was funny after your other thread. The things you get up to when you're not on N-E. :p
  19. Well, at least the other guy was a good sport about almost killing himself (and the instructor?). Or it's proof of how innocent you are! You're as pure as the driven snow.
  20. The reviews I've read of Deadlight have all been pretty negative. One review said the first third of the game was by far the strongest, so if you haven't finished the game yet, Dog-amoto, you may be in for a rude awakening.
  21. Magnus


    Really, Fused? How much did you say you loved the game?
  22. Yes, that's what it's for. To make RPGs with. To the Moon was made using RPG Maker.
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