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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I think it kind of looks like Zac Efron, but twenty years older and after a lot of plastic surgery. Hamish doesn't seem to mind, though.
  2. By your logic, it'd be fine if a company released a DVD case shaped like, say, the Companion Cube without the permission of Valve. :p It's just a generic suitcase to us, but they probably paid someone good money to design it!
  3. The PC/Mac/Linux version of McPixel can be downloaded for free on the official website for the next ~24 hours, if anyone trusts Flameboy enough to want to play the full game, but not enough to want to pay money for it. Though you're welcome to pay whatever you want.
  4. The source is apparently this GameFAQs post, where Bob from High Voltage decided to answer questions he'd received through private messages and "other channels" (read: himself, based on the last question). Toy Story Mania was released on the Wii in 2009 according to Wikipedia, so I guess High Voltage is porting it or something. 55% on GameRankings! "Good shooting gallery" indeed. I wonder if he's really excited about their projects or if he's just happy that they've somehow managed to stay in business despite only releasing mediocre trash. Edit: Victorious: Taking the Lead looks awesome, though.
  5. My cold sore had just about disappeared when I started to get another one. These lips will never be kissed again.
  6. Download it from Xbox Live like a normal person. :p
  7. Well, at least now you know what to call her the next time you send her a message.
  8. I think he wanted to see your whole profile, and not just your profile picture. He probably wants to make sure that you've written a list of exactly what you're looking for in a girl. That's always a turn-on. Stop being so picky, Cube, and just date one of the fake girls already.
  9. If you're strong You can fly You can reach the other side Of the rainbooow Words to live by.
  10. If it makes you feel better, the next season will probably start in just ten months. Does that make you feel better? No?
  11. I may have exaggerated a little. It's really only 999,999 times better.
  12. If they ever decide to kill you off on NCIS, I'll be sure to warn you beforehand! :p
  13. Man, you know your console is a flop when even the biggest Sony fanboy on the forum thinks it belongs in a dumpster.
  14. Should be in a dumpster. Dohoho. No, but seriously, these games look terrible.
  15. I sometimes find myself pressured into watching things just to avoid spoilers. I recently watched The Cabin in the Woods because I'd heard that the less you knew about the movie, the better, and I'd stayed completely spoiler-free up until that point. It was the same with Scream 4, where I made sure to watch the movie before I stumbled upon any spoilers. I usually avoid spoilers for things I think I may watch/play at some point in the future, but I love reading spoilers for bad things. I know about most of the big moments on Smallville thanks to reading spoilers for it and every time I see an article about a "shocking turn" on NCIS, I'll click on it in the hopes that it's something the fans will hate. :p Though sometimes it's a bit hard to avoid television spoilers just because the writers on entertainment blogs are so inconsistent with what they consider a spoiler or not. They won't spoil if a character gets written off a show because of creative reasons, but if an actor chooses to leave a show, it's all over the blogs weeks in advance. And sometimes they're just jerks. On one blog, there was a post about a "shocking surprise on [TV show]", which was spoiler-marked, so I didn't click on it. Then a few days later, there was another post with "pictures from the surprise wedding between [characters] on [the same TV show as before]". Spoilers, right? Apparently not! "This isn't a spoiler anymore, since I already posted about it the other day." Well, thanks for that! For the full spoiler experience, I recommend the IMDb boards, where even suggesting that people should spoiler mark their threads always leads to the person suggesting it being ripped to shreds. Because God forbid people want to come there to discuss a TV show when they haven't watched the latest episode - or if they don't live in the US. Ironically, the Caprica board was filled with Americans sternly reminding people not to post spoilers when the second batch of episodes aired in another country first. The GameFAQs boards have a policy against people posting unmarked spoilers, which is great if you want to read about a game before buying it. If they were like the IMDb boards, you'd only get three posts down before getting the Mass Effect 3 ending spoiled, and then the rest of the first page would be filled with spoilers for every major moment in the game. It's a good thing the story in Revelations was absolute pants, because I had the ending spoiled to me, and that would normally have annoyed me to no end.
  16. Aww, man. No one told me these deals were only for Gold members. Not today, American Nightmare. Not today.
  17. I bet she went home and complained about how rude British tourists are. "One of them called me a cow today, Steve!"
  18. Well, it's only about a million times better than NCIS. So no.
  19. Yeah, Twozzok's awful. I'll be in the chat room for a while. You can listen to me complain if the final boss in the game I'm playing is too hard. :p
  20. Hahaha.
  21. What a strange way to end the show. OH WAIT THEY'RE SAVING HALF THE SEASON FOR NEXT YEAR. *Bitter*
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