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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I somehow forgot to watch 30 Rock last week. You know what that means: bonus 30 Rock episode this week!
  2. Well, the issue was with people calling themselves vegetarian when they still eat fish, not with people who eat fish but not other meats. I know a woman on Facebook who sometimes posts about PETA (these days she's more about THE MUSLIMS, though), and eventually I got tired of it and posted a link to a list of some of the many ridiculous things PETA has done. And she was like, "I don't care what they do, I'm a member of PETA because I love animals." WELL I LOVE VIDEO GAMES BUT YOU DON'T SEE ME POSTING IGN ARTICLES.
  3. Yep, that's a penis. *Focuses on what's important* I feel like there should be more activity in this thread, but I never have anything to say about the show, so I'm part of the problem.
  4. Magnus


  6. Magnus

    007 Legends

  7. They should just pay you in Lego and cut out the middleman.
  8. Well, since I don't see them wrapping up this storyline and starting a new one in just thirteen episodes, I would assume that this is it. I haven't really been feeling this season so far. There's been too much focus on the plan and the tapes and I'm still waiting for something interesting to happen. But I have faith!
  9. Maybe it's Demons’ Score! That's so well-known I had to look up the name.
  10. The show currently hasn't been renewed for another season, so this'll hopefully be it, but CBS is trying to get everyone on board for a season 9. I guess Chuck Lorre is too busy to create another show right now.
  11. Well, okay then.
  12. I hear that to play local co-op in this game, everyone either needs their own profile, or they have to clone another player's team, meaning you'd get four teams of Bob 1-4, Bill 1-4, and so on. And of course they've left empty slots in the weapons menu for DLC, so that's nice of them. I spent about ten minutes reading up on this game on Wednesday, and that's all I needed to realize that it's not worth the hassle until they fix the many problems the game seems to be having. We must frequent different parts of the internet. Well, obviously we do, because I wouldn't be caught dead trusting an IGN review. :p
  13. Yup, seems like a 'shop to me. Bwahaha, puns.
  14. Nintendo isn't going to create a dozen fake languages for a video game, so the best we could hope for when it comes to Fused's idea would be vaguely different-sounding nonsense for different races. And then what's the point? They'd express no emotion and hearing a Goron go "wubwubwub" for the millionth time would just get annoying. You may as well say that the Banjo-Kazooie games have voice acting. Or if Nintendo decided to just have everyone speak Hylian and actually went to the trouble of creating a rudimentary language (hey, they did it for Avatar...) they'd still need to get good voice actors, because Johnny from accounting isn't going to know how to pronounce anything and what do you mean I'm emphasizing the wrong words?
  15. With all the people in makeup living in a forest, this felt like an episode of Stargate.
  16. Happy birthday to our beloved forum members. And also to Hellfire and Dan Dare.
  17. To be honest, I'm pretty over Barney in general. Because his character was so cartoony to begin with, the Flanderization (or some other, non-TV Tropes term) of the characters in the last few seasons has made him especially tiresome. I feel like this needs to be spoilered after the discussion on spoilers on the last page. :p
  18. Are you saying that it's International Suit-Up Day and International Skeptics Day on the same day? I SOMEHOW DOUBT THAT.
  19. Oh, everything's an International Day these days. I quite liked the little ending montage in the latest episode. They kind or ruined the mood with that icky tag scene, though! I was expecting Barney to come to his senses before the end of the episode, but I guess this is going to be an ~~arc~~.
  20. I think emeralds were only added a month ago or something. You can trade with NPCs if you find a village, but most of them just seemed to want to get rid of their useless emeralds. I don't think there's any way to choose what to trade/trade for.
  21. I think you should feel flattered that Moogle finds your kidneys attractive.
  22. I still have no idea what emeralds are for, and the going rate for emeralds in villages is about 12 wheat, so I'm not convinced they're worth the trouble!
  23. I finally started playing Minecraft for the first time the other day, after buying it nearly two years ago before they raised the price. Better late than never! I already have, like, 20+ diamonds. Guys, this game is so easy!
  24. Young Asian Zoo Candies? I'M PRETTY SURE THAT'S NOT A GAME BOB.
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