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Miyamoto and Peter Ancel knighted!(but not the really good British Knighthood)

The fish

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To hate a group of people based on their nationality is retarded and to defend it is also retarded. Not until you've met and disliked every french person can you reasonably say that you dislike them.


Did I say I hated the French? No. Sure there are a lot of french that I dislike but I do not say that I hate them. And I wasn't saying that hating the french was right or wrong. I was saying that saying all people who hate the french are jumping on the bandwagon and listening to the sun is wrong.

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Dirtiest? Have you seen England? At least the French clean their arses properly! The French being dirty or the women having hairy arm pits is a stereo typw created by the media. Having being born in France and living there for a while as well as regular visits I can say in complete honesty that they are cleaner, in general smarter and friendlier than the English. And they have more sex than the English too.


...Actually it's been proven that they are by surveys and such that the French are the dirtiest peoples in the EU. I can't find anything on the net about it though; search engines are shit!!


...I didn't say anything about hairy armpits being unclean or anything


...They're probably 'friendlier' because they don't get imigrants like the UK; they pass through there just to get to here


...I REALLY don't want to know what you know about peoples arses, sicko!!!...All i know is that mine's clean thanks.

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Well, here in Portugal the most hated country is Spain, for historical reasons, I guess in England it's the French, every country has one. I have come to the conclusion that after the childish hate for I had for the spanish, that they, of all the countries in the world are the most similar to us (still don't like saying that).



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...Actually it's been proven that they are by surveys and such that the French are the dirtiest peoples in the EU. I can't find anything on the net about it though; search engines are shit!!


...I didn't say anything about hairy armpits being unclean or anything


...They're probably 'friendlier' because they don't get imigrants like the UK; they pass through there just to get to here


...I REALLY don't want to know what you know about peoples arses, sicko!!!...All i know is that mine's clean thanks.


A survey? Wow then the opinion or information of a select group of people is absolute fact. And the armpits thing was an example of another bullcrap generalisation.

Also France has loads of immigrants. The south is like a Morrocan district in some places. And remember the Paris riots? Immigrants.

The arse thing was in referance to Bidets.

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Yes, I too contain that special gene that predetermines my system to react in a hostile manner to anything tri-coloured. Sometimes I revel in these emotions (London:2012), other times I choose to ignore them in favour of rationality (Paris:1944) and not just being an arse (I'm going skiing there after all).


Irregardless of how you feel about the French, the fact remains. They had the sense to give Shigsy and Ancel a knighthood, and we didn't.

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This thread has gone just a little bit off topic :/


Er... only slightly...

But to get back onto what now it seems is the topic on this thread, I dislike the French because a bunch of French chavs(so much for them having great fashion sense) beat up one of my mates from school. They then tried to beat up so other people from my school (it was a trip) before eight guys in the school rugby team came round the corner(three being scrum halfs). I never knew chavs or french people could run that fast.

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I'm going to say something and then this thread WILL get back on topic:


I share a flat with a french girl at Uni. I'm also quite good friends with half a dozen or so of her friends, and i have to say that they are the some of the nicest people i have ever met and i will not have a bad word said against them. Generalisation is a terrible thing, and i think that a lot of people are falling into that trap.


Now, back on topic. :)

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Oh, and yeah, I've been to France loads. Its a very ncie place. The people are often top notch, the food is nice and the beer is cheap. Plenty of sun, seas and sand. Perfecto.


Granted, there are some tossers, but look at the chav infested inner cities in the UK. Need I say more?

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Its cool, much like the hating of the Americans. People will join on the bandwaggon because The Sun tell them to.


I don't hate the French (Thierry Henry is a god). But the whole rivalry/hate goes way back to the Middle Ages, and all the wars we've had with them since then to be honest. Not to mention their performance druing the Wars.


So I don't think it has much to do with current media.

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But why should ancient wars have any bearing on opinions now?

Its good that Shigsy has been awarded this but its a shame that he will never be remembered by major award things. If the oscars made a game section the lifetime acheivment award has to goto Shigeru Miyamoto. But it will never happen, they dont even award stunt men.

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I don't hate the French (Thierry Henry is a god). But the whole rivalry/hate goes way back to the Middle Ages, and all the wars we've had with them since then to be honest. Not to mention their performance druing the Wars.


So I don't think it has much to do with current media.


Well I suppose you could account it to historic events such as the invasions and such and maybe thats a reason for a national dislike, but a hatred if you've never even been to France is a bit much.

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I don't hate the French (Thierry Henry is a god). But the whole rivalry/hate goes way back to the Middle Ages, and all the wars we've had with them since then to be honest. Not to mention their performance druing the Wars.


So I don't think it has much to do with current media.


You do know that the french resistance saved alot of soldiers during the war?

And they gave up because they had no other option, the Blitzkrieg tactic completely got them off guard even though france was superior in manpower and weapon power and not giving up would be fighting a lost battle.

The only reason people make fun og france is because they saw a stand up comedian make fun of them....

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From the french attitude to war I'm guessing they hand out knighthoods to the people who are good at running away and hiding.


Nice generalisation based solely on the World Wars. Complete BS though.


Fact is, the French are the old enemies. From Charlemagne all the way through to Napoleon and shortly after. France, being the closest country to us(barring the home nations) have always been looked upon as the ones who would try and conquer us.


I don't hate the French. I respect them.


hehe; I love this piece of text, epitomises this thread, and the whole 'patriotical' feel in England.


The English are great lovers of themselves, and of everything belonging to them; they think that there are no other men than themselves, and no other world but England; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner, they say that 'he looks like an Englishman', and that 'it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishmen'. Venetian Ambassador to England; 16th Century.

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Nice generalisation based solely on the World Wars. Complete BS though.


Not only in the World Wars, at lucerne (dnt kno exact date) 2000 Swiss soldiers were fighting alongside french soldiers trying to protect the French king, and u kno what the French did?

They frickin took the king and ran away leavin those 2000 soldiers to die.



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