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Rate the last film you saw


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Where The Wild Things Are:


Did anyone else find the goat beast extremely creepy? :)


Haha I thought they were all quite creepy in some way, but on the other hand they were also charming. The goat was indeed one of the more creepy ones, but I also just wanted to hug him heh.

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My brother went to see Avatar a few nights ago. Blew his load over it, not so much as he wants to kill himself so he can go to this Pandora place though. I knew he'd probably leave his phone on, so thought I'd remind him. Just as the film started his phone went off, he uses the Catchphrase buzzer noise. He apologises and reads the message aloud: "Turn your phone off you fag." everyone laughs.


Hopefully he learnt his lesson.


Quick question about the 3D viewings. Like an 3D image, if you were to look at it sans glasses it'd look dodgy with a half blue, half red look. Is that the case at the cinema?

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Quick question about the 3D viewings. Like an 3D image, if you were to look at it sans glasses it'd look dodgy with a half blue, half red look. Is that the case at the cinema?


It would be the case with the old 3D techniques of using red and cyan glasses. These days most cinemas won't use that anymore I think. When you look at the screen without the glasses, you will simply see a double image. So same as it was before, minus the red and cyan colours.

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Bill Murray-thon


Ghostbusters- no summary necessary for why its a 10/10


What About Bob?- Murray nails his role as neurotic, multiphobic, obsessive-compulsive nuisance Bob Wiley. Its fun to watch him systematically destroy Richard Dreyfuss but by the end of the movie, i couldnt decide who was more of a prick. 7/10


Kingpin- this one is hilarious more often than not.

Murray's supporting role of narcissistic creep delivers the best quips in the movie. 9/10

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Before I went back to Uni I watched Mamma Mia with my mum. :grin:


This movie just oozes silly happiness. Cheesy, funny, Meryl Streepy (who my mum said looked hot) I'm like DUDE (cos that is how we talk to each other), Amanda Seyfried but could see the attraction for a 60 year old woman.




The Simpsons Movie


I almost know the script off by heart I've watched it so much.


9/10 I care not of your onions. :p

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Saw Avatar last night, 8/10 for visuals. The 3D is well done the CGI is near perfect, but nothing is without flaws (fast motion blurring away the 3D). Story wise....anyone who expected a good story is dumb. The story was just there to differentiate this from a tech demo.


Overall I'd say 7/10, I don't particularly want to rush out to see it again.


Also, Unobtanium!?!?!?!? That's as fucking dumb as Gundamnium, I didn't expect lots of creativity but jesus the best name for the hard to get mineral is unobtanium?! That is shoot yourself retarded.

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it's fantastic i can't believe the amount of moaning about 3d and such in this thread. This is coming from someone who had wear glasses UNDER the glasses.


The main problem with the film is it was predictable.. Didn't bother me though in the end. It was a joy to watch from beginning to end. In terms of story and originality it wasnt as good as district 9 but for it's strength it's light years ahead of transformers 2.


a generous 9/10 from me.

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Before I went back to Uni I watched Mamma Mia with my mum. :grin:


This movie just oozes silly happiness. Cheesy, funny, Meryl Streepy (who my mum said looked hot) I'm like DUDE (cos that is how we talk to each other), Amanda Seyfried but could see the attraction for a 60 year old woman.




The Simpsons Movie


I almost know the script off by heart I've watched it so much.


9/10 I care not of your onions. :p


Well I don't have any onions for you but I will say the Simpsons Movie is nowhere near 9/10, not by a long shot. Though I think whole seasons of the show back in the day would easily reach that score.

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Sex Drive: The Unrated Version


I liked it. The unrated version was genius. It started with an introduction from the makers saying how other extended editions have a few extra scenes and maybe an extra boob or two. They then explained how their unrated version had tonnes of extra boobs and schlongs. They also explained how their unrated version was shit and you should watch the normal version if you hadn't seen the film before. All throughout the film, there was random naked people who had been badly edited in to scenes which made no sense. It was genius.


Aside from that, the film was pretty funny as well.



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the road


ok, now the film was as bleak as a christmas episode of eastenders, but still enjoyable.


was reminded a bit of fallout 3, and how awsome it was, throughout the film.


biggest letdown was

the end was a bit of a cop out "yes, we are a family, we have been following you for a while, waiting for just such an occasion. we also have a dog, despite the fact we havent any were near enough food for our selves.



aaragorn just gets nude in every film now, huh?


9/10 a great envisioning of the appocolypse

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I'd argue theres a few (well okay one) thing that I didn't see coming a mile off tbf. Because it never happens in


blatant franchise



films these days.


Obviously talking about Ripley dieing/dying.


Really? What made it worse...


...is that when she did die, I really did not care.



Saw Avatar last night, 8/10 for visuals. The 3D is well done the CGI is near perfect, but nothing is without flaws (fast motion blurring away the 3D). Story wise....anyone who expected a good story is dumb. The story was just there to differentiate this from a tech demo.


Overall I'd say 7/10, I don't particularly want to rush out to see it again.


Also, Unobtanium!?!?!?!? That's as fucking dumb as Gundamnium, I didn't expect lots of creativity but jesus the best name for the hard to get mineral is unobtanium?! That is shoot yourself retarded.


Uuuurmm....Unobtainium is real.












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I saw Avatar last night. I think everyone's complaints here about the story lowered my expectations, which made it pleasantly easy for them to be exceeded. I actually liked the story. Yes, it was a tad predictable and had its weak points, but I still found it perfectly enjoyable. In fact I have to separate plot from story - because it was the plot that had its weaknesses, but the story more than made up for it. The 3D made my eyes ache every now and then, so I took the glasses off for a moment here and there and it was only then that I realised how well the 3D was working. Visually an incredible feat, the Na'vi looked amazing, they didn't have that over-exagerrated movement that always makes CG look weak to me, and I loved the part where everything in the forest glowed luminescent.


9/10 for me, and not just for the visuals.

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The plot was definitely predictable. It was dances with wolves/ last samurai/ a few other films with a few changes. It was definitely well told though, and certainly worked really well in terms of pacing, clarity and purpose. Cameron has always been good at that, though. It's just a shame it's not as original as The Terminator

I enjoyed it though. I thought it was perfectly enjoyable.

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Romeo + Juliet (1996)


Hadn't watched it in years, not since when I was in English class in high school when we were doing Shakespeare.


I saw it in HMV for a fiver, and as I love Baz Luhrmann I thought I would give it a try.


The production is first class, the costumes, the setting, the colours, the camera-work is just GORGEOUS. It's much like Moulin Rouge in the way of visual orgasms. It totally drew me in, and was hooked till the end of the film.


I just couldn't decide whether I liked the use of Shakespeare dialogue in there, it was far too confusing and I found myself working out what they were trying to say all the way through it.





Moulin Rouge


As I was in the world of Baz Luhrmann, I thought I would watch my favourite movie of all time for the 10000 time :)


GOD I just can't describe how much I love this movie. The art direction is just out of this world, it's everything I love, weirdly wonderful. I admit it's probably a love it or hate it king of thing.


The use of "popular pop songs" is really well implemented, they don't seem tacked on, it's just melded in to the story, and half the time you don't realise they are singing an Elton John song, or a Madonna song.


My favourite scene has got to be "El Tango De Roxanne", not only is the dancing phenomenal, but when Christian starts singing his bit, and it cuts between the dance and Christian, it gives me goosebumps, everytime. :love:


But yeah, if you haven't already watched, please please do.




PS has anyone seen Strictly Ballroom? Is it any good? Thanks :)

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