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Rate the last film you saw


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'Fraid not Paj. I do admit I ballsed it up. I read up to Cube's post and got tired.


The Star Wars Saga


I think I'm one of the only people who actually enjoyed the prequel trilogy. One of the things that went against it was that it had alot to explain before the original trilogy came into play.


After all this time I cannot believe how foolish I was to think the Force Choke was a power only the Dark Side followers performed.

I enjoy the prequels aswell... well Eps. I & III anyways, I'm not a fan of Eps. II.


This isn't the main reason I don't enjoy Episode II, but does anyone else find it one of the most confusing films/stories to follow... ever? It doesn't matter how many times I watch it I just can't get a proper grasp of the whole clone story and who knows what.

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Picture This


One of the worst films I've ever seen, not because it's cliched or shit in general (which it of course is), but because it has one of the weakest backbones storywise to a movie..ever. Seriously. The character's make no sense, SO the story can be as shit as it is. Every situation could be resolved if Ashley Tisdale's character was realistic and told her dad to go fuck himself.






No, 1/10

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noted every single thing that made no sense

Was one of them the fact that animals who would be hunted down by lions be bowing before them? Because that bit always amazed me.



Escape From New York

Nothing really happened! I think I saw Escape from LA years ago and found it more entertaining, but t'was too long ago.

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I actually quite like this film. It has it's problems: Reeves isn't exactly fantastic and some of the bus characters are a bit unbelievable and supremely annoying. I thought the film managed a subtle tension throughout and got the balance between action and calm right. It seems to pace itself very well, although I thought the ending dragged a bit. The rest of the cast play their roles quite well I thought. Nothing spectacular though, especially as it's hard to really care about any of the characters in it.



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A lot happened, Kurt Russel is just too pro for most people to notice!

Especially the cameraman.

I enjoy the prequels aswell... well Eps. I & III anyways, I'm not a fan of Eps. II.


This isn't the main reason I don't enjoy Episode II, but does anyone else find it one of the most confusing films/stories to follow... ever? It doesn't matter how many times I watch it I just can't get a proper grasp of the whole clone story and who knows what.

Even though I don't believe I had the same problem, I came across this a few days ago and gave a bit of it a read.



There is alot to go through, but if you get to tye area around the prequel area you'll learn that there is a shitload more than meets the eye. I always thought that blue bell end who's at the senate with Palpatine was in on something:

"If only... Senator Amidala was here..."

You can see right through him.

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Lilo & Stitch

So good, hadn't seen it in years. Still really sad (one of the saddest Disney animated films), I could feel the trace of wetness behind one eye.

The alien aspect works, but it kinda detracts from how stunning the main story is.


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Well I watched It last night and was pleasantly surprised. I've not read the book, but based on his Dark Tower stuff I'd say the film tried rather hard to squeeze in the narrative. I hear it's supposed to be a 3 hour film/originally going to be a mini-series, and I guess it is a bit too long, but I did enjoy the element each of the 7 people brought to the ka-tet... and really I just wonder if I saw the end of the movie at all (bathtub?) because I only saw a 90 min version... Any tips, folks?


beep beep, Richie / 10


Read the book!!!


It's such an amazing book.


Read it.


Read it.


Read it!

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indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skulls or lol, what?


ok, so i didnt go in expecting much, and maybe that helped, as i didnt hate it.


it was just to stupid and clashes with the outher films badly.


also, it had shia labouf or what ever hes called in it, so i spent most of the time wanting to punch him. seriosuly, hes got all the charm of a rapist, how does he keep getting work?


the ending was hillarious.


tbf, i think it would have been a bit better recived if it wasnt indy, but it is, andthere for certain expectations were held.


i guess the car chase was pretty cool

5/10, you cant have the ark of the covinant and aliens in the same story line. its just silly.

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I think that KotCS would be much more appreciated if it was released soon after the third, when people didn't care if a film was completely nonsensical like the four Indy films.


It would be more appreciated if it actually was a good film.


It's just...bad. Not even laughably bad. Bad in the kind of "oh my god, what have they done to my childhood" bad. The moment the credits rolled, me and my friend (who I went to see it with) both looked at each other and didn't utter a single word on the way home. I was actually close to crying.


I've not seen many bad films at the cinema, but this really was one of them. But then, I hated the fourth Die Hard film whilst others loved it, so maybe many people liked this.

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It would be more appreciated if it actually was a good film.


It's just...bad. Not even laughably bad. Bad in the kind of "oh my god, what have they done to my childhood" bad. The moment the credits rolled, me and my friend (who I went to see it with) both looked at each other and didn't utter a single word on the way home. I was actually close to crying.


I've not seen many bad films at the cinema, but this really was one of them. But then, I hated the fourth Die Hard film whilst others loved it, so maybe many people liked this.


didnt love the fourth die hard either. It's a nice 7/10 film but it's too OTT.


oh you gotta watch the uncut version as well its way better. YOu'd be suprised the amount that was left out to make it 12s.

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My friend and I just had our own whispered commentary throughout, which had us in hysterics. So I loved going to see in the cinema, but for the wrong reasons.


a hole in my heart (2004)


Wowza. "Prepare yourself for the most shocking film experience of the decade." it says on the back (which I read after viewing, as always)...they weren't lying. Pretty intense, I did cover my eyes/the screen at various points.

Intense, brutal, pornographic, disturbing, vulgar but also sad and beautifully shot.



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come on, the ending was so bad it was good. when i realised what was happening i really start to laugh, it was just so unbelivably stupid, that even in the context of indy, it seemed to be too far.


i just laugh when i think how long they spent on the script.


i suppose it helps that i dont class it as related to the outher movies.



haha, im cracking up rembering it.

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Read the book!!!


It's such an amazing book.


Read it.


Read it.


Read it!

Will do! Turns out I really did only watch the first part of the film :P After I'm done with The Dark Tower series (by xmas!) I'm gearing up to get the rest of the King's stuff done. Might start with The Cell (Cellular? I forget the title, if I'm honest) before hitting up It, then going the ol' chronological route.

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didnt love the fourth die hard either. It's a nice 7/10 film but it's too OTT.


oh you gotta watch the uncut version as well its way better. YOu'd be suprised the amount that was left out to make it 12s.


I plan to watch it again, soon. But, for my own score of it, we're talking about half of that score you gave. I just didn't like it. It just seemed like an average action film, rather than The King of Action films, which is what Die Hard films should be considered to be.


I'll try that uncut version. Maybe I'll like it more on repeated viewings.

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Mr Deeds.


Terrible. But the bit where she has a smack-down with the overweight woman and manages to run straight into her fist had me in fits. I looped it and watched it about 20 times over, all whilst rolling around in hysterics on the sofa.



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