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What I don't get is why don't the machines just drill into Zion and then just gas the place. That way no robots need get hurt.

I'd like to know how it all got started, someone breaking out the Matrix, managing to save loads of people and create life as they remember it, out of probably nothing.

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I'd like to know how it all got started, someone breaking out the Matrix, managing to save loads of people and create life as they remember it, out of probably nothing.


IIRC, there were some people who were never put into the Matrix (Tank and Dozer were 2 of them). I imagine it was those people who started the city. Or just found a place to hide and it kind of grew.


Might have to go back and watch the trilogy to see if it is a dire as people make out.

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IIRC, there were some people who were never put into the Matrix (Tank and Dozer were 2 of them). I imagine it was those people who started the city. Or just found a place to hide and it kind of grew.


Might have to go back and watch the trilogy to see if it is a dire as people make out.

I think it might've been Tank/Dozer's parents, as I remember Tank saying how he was home grown in the natural world.

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Wait do you guys not remember it properly? The big reveal about the Matrix was that:


The machines themselves are the ones that create the one, let him/her choose a certain amount of people to be taken out of the Matrix and recreate Zion, then the machines destroy it and it starts all over again


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I've seen the first one once or twice about 8 years ago, and I've seen about 40 mins of the second one at 3 in the morning. There's a bit with a massive dance in Zion, and they go into the kitchen of a restaurant, except it's actually a mansion owned by Persephone.

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I'm currently reading Half Blood Prince and I'll be entirely honest.....I can't UNDERSTAND AT ALL how people (especially who have read the book) have anything over than contempt for the film. Its so freaking bad! They miss out half the important stuff. Ugh.


TBF my friend who loves me (I love him too) agrees 100% with me, which is reassuring.

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yeah, the sequels really did add a healthy dose of pretnetious shit.



any one else notice the morphius is a cunt?


can't give a straight answer.


I didn't think he was a cunt. I just thought he was an utter tool. Like you said, he didn't give any straight answers. He just spoke utter twaddle.

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The Matrix


Loved the first one so much.




The Matrix Reloaded






The Matrix Revolutions


Awful, the only good thing about it was the ending.




Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (second viewing)


I watched it again purely because I love it and now watching it again, I love it even more.


10/10 (deserved in my opinion)

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Quite like the second Matrix film so I do. :blush:



Thought it looked alright from the adverts from when it was in the cinema, so gave it a rent on Saturday night. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for suspending my belief when watching a film but I just didn't quite think the ending worked. Well no, it probably works but it wasn't put across that well.


So they took the kids because they listened to the whispers and didn't get caught up in the world. (Religious overtones of people listening to God/ Holy Spirit and being saved from damnation, fire and brimstone, death in hell at the end of the world.) The kids become an Adam and Eve to start a new world and human race with on that utopia of a planet. Right? I get that and I kind of like it but they didn't work it into the film as well as they should have- it was the climax after all and it was pretty much glossed over!



6 /10 ::shrug:

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I seen an advert for this a few weeks back and thought it looked pretty good so thought I'd hire it out.


Well for the 1st hour or so I did not have a clue what was going on it was like watching 3 different movies, If things were explained earlier I might have enjoyed it more, but it just dragged on with nonsense and I got bored pretty fast.


The ending was pretty good and it then started to make sense, I think I'd prob enjoy it more at a second viewing, but I really could not be arsed watching it again.



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Just got back from Inglourious Basterds


It am good / not The Fuck


Bit of a return to form, actually. Really good- although perhaps not quite what I expected. The titular Basterds feature much less than I imagined they would, although to the credit of the rest of the cast you never feel it's a great issue.


It won't win Tarantino any new fans but it definitely restored my faith in his ability to actually make a really good film from time to time.


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Inglourious Basterds


So. SO. Stunning.


I loved.


Genuinely funny. A treat for the eyes. An uncliched, engaging story. Stunning performances from a cast of beautiful people (Brad Pitt arguably looking the worst). So exhilarating - I was actually anxious, because at one point it looked like all possible forms of shit had hit the fan, and all things precious had seeped down the drain.


Just brill.


A bona fide 10/10. One of the best films I've ever seen.




"You're all Nazi cunts."

Edited by chairdriver
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Inglorious Basterds

Fan-fucking-tastic. I've been on a high since the film finished at 4:30 pm! Great story, beautifully shot, great soundtrack, engaging dialogue, superb tense and thrilling moments and just the right amount of humour. Fantastic acting by everyone, especially Christoph Walzt who should be getting an Oscar next year.


One of the best cinema experiences I've ever had.



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I'm looking for that David Bowie song right now!


slightly paranoid that the doors might be locked or that a fire would start in the cinema when 'that' scene was on



I'm so badly going to shout "FIRE!" when people are coming out of the film tomorrow night when I'm working!


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