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Rate the last film you saw


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Bolt was stunning, let us bear that in mind when we discuss Disney's present state.


I wont say anything bad about Disney. I love them, and think their 3D stuff has been pretty amazing, Bolt included. Its just nice to see them going back to the old ways. Feels kinda special.

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Isn't the girl in it also a new addition to the official Disney Princesses?


It's a massive deal to Disney fans apparently/ (Also, the Disney Princess line effectively saved the marketing dept of Disney from folding)

Yeah she'll be a new princess, and the first black one so it's a pretty big deal apparently. =)


Bolt was stunning, let us bear that in mind when we discuss Disney's present state.

Bolt was indeed great! I only ever saw Bolt and Chicken Little from Disney (never saw Meet the Robinsons), and while it's not bad, it hasn't been too great a success either (Bolt probably being the exception I guess). And besides, now that Disney pretty much own Pixar, it would be silly to have both of them making 3D films. Glad they went back to 2D finally, it's been too long!

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A Complete History Of My Sexual Failures

Documentary with a heavy slab of fiction. Chris Waitt is trying to figure out why every girl he has ever gone out with has dumped him by trying to interview all of his ex-girlfriends. It's not 100% believable, some of it is clearly quite contrived, but it's a lot of fun and we do start to garner some sympathy for him after a while.




In The Loop

"Do you want me to hole punch your face?!!"


Iannucci's debut feature and it's up there with all the work he's done on television.



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Well, i wanted to watch Yes Man last night but alas, the postman failed in delivery. So instead i watched


For Richer or Poorer


Tim Allen stars as the man evading Tax Fraud in the Omish Community. Pretty good movie, has some classic moments as both Brad (Tim Allen) and Caroline (Kirsty Allen) blend in as Omish and try out the Omish lifestyle to disasterous effects to begin with.




Hopefully, if the postman succeeds today, Yes Man will be tonights movie after Waterloo Road.

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The Black Freighter


Didn't like the animation really.




Watchmen Motion Comic: Chapter 1


Really really good. Until Silk Spectre II talks and it's being voiced by a man, doing a woman's voice. Shame, because otherwise it was awesome.



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Scream 2


Lovey, since I watched with my sister, who is just getting into scary films via the Scream series. Some bits I love, like the whole scene in the Film school, the big reveal, and the escape from the locked car.



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Crank 2: High Voltage


Fantastically OTT with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Sexy, slutty, ultra-violent and everything else you can throw into an 18 cert Stath flick. Brings back all the faves from the original as a nice bonus too.





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Watchmen Motion Comic: Chapter 1


Really really good. Until Silk Spectre II talks and it's being voiced by a man, doing a woman's voice. Shame, because otherwise it was awesome.




Mhm I found that really jarring. Watched the third chapter as mine was non existent in the book but surely this dude could have gotten a female friend to do stuff.


Anyway, it was a wonderful idea (the film, not the man as woman voice).

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Let the right one in

My 3rd or 4th watch of this movie and I still felt that it was a great movie albeit could use some better editing.

As a movie about vampires it blows everything vampire related for the past 10 years out of the water, you don´t really have to be big on vampires to enjoy this.

So watch it!



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Watership Down


I liked it. Proper old skool animation that actually looks like it was painted by an artist instead of an animator. Plus the story was pretty heavy for a kids film.



I'd give it a 9. Plus, it's not a kids film. Nor is Plague Dogs.


Let the right one in

My 3rd or 4th watch of this movie and I still felt that it was a great movie albeit could use some better editing.

As a movie about vampires it blows everything vampire related for the past 10 years out of the water, you don´t really have to be big on vampires to enjoy this.

So watch it!




Aye, aye, *agrees*

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Mhm I found that really jarring. Watched the third chapter as mine was non existent in the book but surely this dude could have gotten a female friend to do stuff.


Anyway, it was a wonderful idea (the film, not the man as woman voice).


Yeah, I was really enjoying it then Butch Spectre opens her yap. Removed any desire to watch the other chapters.

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V for Vendetta


Decent film, been meaning to watch it for ages but just never... got... around... to... it... :blank: yeah... anyway it was enjoyable pretty much all the way through, loved the action and orchestrated explosion bits in it :grin: oh and the completely unecessary but amusingly verbose alliteration, also for some reason it always kind of escaped me that the film was by the Wachowski Brothers and just goes to show that it's a good thing that they decided to leave the Matrix alone and go on to making more original stuff, though personally I would have preferred the original Matrix to have been left as a standalone film *shrugs* anyway...



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it always kind of escaped me that the film was by the Wachowski Brothers and just goes to show that it's a good thing that they decided to leave the Matrix alone and go on to making more original stuff

But it wasn't original, it was based a 20ish year old comic.

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Amish not Omish. ;)


It can be both. (IIRC)


It is, see the Wierd Al song its called "Omish Paradise".


Scream 2


Lovey, since I watched with my sister, who is just getting into scary films via the Scream series. Some bits I love, like the whole scene in the Film school, the big reveal, and the escape from the locked car.




Scream movies are too predictable, you know roughly where the killer is at all times and it isn't scary when it is meant to be for me. There is an ok story behind the movies, but it isn't the best to be fair.


Anyway, as promised:


Yes Man (Blu-ray)


Still as good as it was when i first saw it back on Boxing Day. Jim Carrey stars as the man who decides to say "Yes" to everything. Its quite funny how more opportunities arise after the magical word "Yes" is said to one opportunity. Pure brilliance, the music in the movie is great. I now have Journey as my mobile ringtone after hearing it on the opening credits.




Yes Man extras


I would like to say there is loads of extra stuff, but i'd be lying. There is enough to entertain if say you had a spare 30 minutes. In the extras it even has a section with Jim Carrey talking about the stunts and what made him want to do that Bunjii Jump himself and not the stunt-man doing it. And you get a room tour of Norms pad whilst he is in Harry Potter gear.


There are deleted scenes including an alternative ending to the movie, which to be fair doesn't work too well. And there is a scene which should of been put into the movie to explain something.


There is a gag reel and a behind the scenes movieette as well.



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But it wasn't original, it was based a 20ish year old comic.


Original adaptation then - if that works - what I perhaps should have said was that it's a change of scenery compared to the Matrix which they continually plugged for almost half a decade so it was nice to see a one-off film from them as opposed to yet another sequel. :/

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Lies Jimbob, Scream is fantastic. The mix of humour, irony and self-aware characters with some genuinly classic death scenes thrown in just make it amazingly fun to watch. The same goes for the sequel. It's not all "Omg, like let's totally go and check out that noise in the dark room, it'll be totally fun. I know, lets be sexually suggestive while we do it too!", like horror movies have developed into nowadays. It's no wonder critics loved it.


Plus, Gale Weathers has to be the best character ever. Love her to bits.


Sarah Michelle Gellars death in the second is one of my favourite horror movie scenes ever. Though, that's probably just my Buffy fetish kicking in. Though, nothing beats Drew Barrymores scene in the first, it's amazing.


Edited by Slaggis
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