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Rate the last film you saw


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Lovely is a nice word. As a word, it is nice.


Rather as a prefix or whatever (I've already posted this) reminds me of a nasally indie-kid with a massive nose and an annoying voice.


Also, it's like a self-defence against just saing "it was enjoyable". It's some form of justification for your liking it. As if it was only ok, when really you genuinely liked it. I dunno. I might be reading too far into it...but it comes across as that. An annoying tendency to try and portray feelings as "cool", or whatever.


(None of this is against Haggis, btw, just the word)


Haha! I do love your odd ramblings. Just to clarify, I do not see how anyone would use the word "Rather" in order to portray themselves as being cool. I'd say that's (rather) impossible. Seriously, it's just a word. If I really enjoyed something, I wouldn't say it. If I kind of enjoyed it, but not to a "Yay" extent, I'll say it was "Rather enjoyable".


Lovely. :heh:


*superhero voice* Back to the thread! *points*




Get Over It


Meh. Some funny moments, but otherwise a little cliche/boring.



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Bride Wars


Girlfriend dragged me to see this. It wasnt bad in all honesty. I like both Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson and they worked well together. The story was quite predictable and not as funny as i'd hoped from the trailers. Most of the funny parts were already shown in that. But nontheless it was a pleasant film. Definitely a girl flick if it wasnt obvious and probably not funny enough to keep most men entertained, but i have a bit of a feminine side so that got me through the "oh-my-god weddings are so great!" stuff.




I'm actually desperate to see this. I know it won't be a fantastic film, but it just looks pretty damn amusing. I love the basic plot of it, and Hathaway is always awesome in whatever she's in. I need it.

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Slumdog Millionaire


It was fairly good, but some bits went into way much more detail than it needed too. I didn't quite get why some parts seemed totally unrelated to the question when other large chunks of his life was skipped. The pacing was all over the place.


It was also confusing as to why they alternated between subtitles and English.


I also wasn't fond of the ending.


He should have lost.



The music was awesome, though.



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Because then it would just be "slumdog". Plus then there would be no film anyway as the peeps are asking him because he won and why was he able to.



Sky Blue


Looked nice...story seemed...okay. Characters a bit naff. Should stop watching films while doing assignments...

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Ghost World


A treat.




I love Scarlet Johansson's face/voice.


Ghost World is a great film, just watched Into The Wild which I thought was a very beautiful, sad film in the end but definately a great film. Soundtrack is also awesome thanks to Eddie Vedder.

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Wrong. The people are asking him because he managed to get to the final question, and if he had lost it wouldn't matter anyway, because it was all about the girl. The title could still be correct in some sense because he went on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and he could feel like a millionaire because he won the girl over.


Corny but true.


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The Land Before Time

Simply one of the greatest films ever. My delightful timewasting habit at work of making dinosaurs out of blu-tac inspired me once again to watch this [i might take pictures] Sadly just over an hour long, but is full of fucking pr0ness [scientific term] it's unimaginable. My workmate kept arsebanging Jurassic Park, saying I should've watched that. Good film as that is, If confronted with a choice, Littlefoot wins everytime [i can only imagine the stick he's gonna get if he grows up]


Ten Shabba's





Men in Black II

Was watching this while I was waiting for In & Out. I'd seen it before, isn't a bad film. Doesn't match to the original though. It's weird seeing Monk in a dodgy role as an pansy alien.

Seven and a Half Shabba's





In & Out

I love this film. There's just something about it that exudes family charm. It should be a family film. Shown at dinnertime, with the "fuck"s kept in. Plus any film with Tom Selleck in is surely a winner, even if he has let his moustache get away from him. I'm going to have Macho Man stuck in my head for ages now. If someone could send it to me, it'd be greatly appreciated.


Nine Shabba's



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Wrong. The people are asking him because he managed to get to the final question, and if he had lost it wouldn't matter anyway, because it was all about the girl. The title could still be correct in some sense because he went on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and he could feel like a millionaire because he won the girl over.


Corny but true.


Ah thanks. Maybe I should start paying attention in films ^_^




A short (5 minute) film about global warming but quite interesting. It had one of those faux-arty commercial feels to it as Lee Pace plays a man (polarbearman?) who goes about the usual morning ritual but because his house is being filled with water (ice caps melting and all that) he has to move floor by floor.


And herein finishes my Lee Pace series I believe.

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The Land Before Time

Simply one of the greatest films ever. My delightful timewasting habit at work of making dinosaurs out of blu-tac inspired me once again to watch this [i might take pictures] Sadly just over an hour long, but is full of fucking pr0ness [scientific term] it's unimaginable. My workmate kept arsebanging Jurassic Park, saying I should've watched that. Good film as that is, If confronted with a choice, Littlefoot wins everytime [i can only imagine the stick he's gonna get if he grows up]


Ten Shabba's




Quite awesome. The Land Before Time is brilliant. I've only seen the first six though.


I'll have to add them to my LoveFilm rental list.

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there are now so many land before time movies, that if played back to back, they would last longer then time itself. irony!

Don't forget the series.

My youngest sister is obsessed with dinosaurs.


We have all 14 Land Before Times, and the Sing-along version.

Where'd ye get them from?

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Wow! That was exactly what the quote on the front says, "A Genuinely Outstanding Film".


Not a drama or epic that pulls on your heartstrings, but an expertly crafted and thoughtful tale of the role of ethics, morals, ambition, and misconception, set in and around a High school preseidential election. It's also hilarious at times.



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A Beautiful Mind


A really good film, but I didn't enjoy it. If that makes sense. Like, I'd derive no pleasure from watching it again.


It did make me cry though, especially at the bit where

he almost drowns the baby



Quite freaky because you assume he's just a bit weird for the first half of the film.



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Wow! That was exactly what the quote on the front says, "A Genuinely Outstanding Film".


Not a drama or epic that pulls on your heartstrings, but an expertly crafted and thoughtful tale of the role of ethics, morals, ambition, and misconception, set in and around a High school preseidential election. It's also hilarious at times.




That was a good very odd film. Witherspoon as a floating bubble telling Brodrick to fuck. That's just creepily funny.

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In Bruges

Surprising. I really enjoyed it and Colin Farrell was actually decent for once. Pretty much agree with what critics have been saying about it for nigh on 12 months now, just wouldn't go as far as some and say it's best film of last year. It is very good though.




Burn After Reading

Utter horseshit.




This Is England

Fantastic. Didn't enjoy it as much as A Room For Romeo Brass but it's clearly not a film to be enjoyed. The performances were flawless, especially Stephen Graham as Combo, and it's a perfect portrayal of how the country was at that time.



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That was a good very odd film. Witherspoon as a floating bubble telling Brodrick to fuck. That's just creepily funny.


I think it's only odd in it's presentation in that I rarely see High School Based films specifically for adults, yet are still relatively light-hearted.


Overall, it's a wonderfully told story. And we question who was in the right, etc . But yeah, I'd definitely recommend it to everyone.

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I wasn't really expecting much from it anyway.


I've Loved You So Long

Overrated but still very good French drama about a woman reuniting with her sister after 15 years in prison. Kristen Scott Thomas has been praised enough already for her performance as Juliette, but I think equal praise should be heaped on Elsa Zylberstein who is fantastic in her role as Lea, Juliette's sister.


Only real problem with it is the music, which seems a little lazy and out of place.



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