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Casino Royale & Quantum of Solace


I didn't enjoy Quantum of Solace that much the first time round because I felt the plot was all over the place. I decided to watch it again, but this time I'd watch Casino Royale just before it.


I didn't realise how much of CR I forgot, plus I noticed a lot more of CR's plot then I ever did before. After this, QoS's plot makes a lot more sense now that I've noticed a lot more about Quantum (the "organisation") and I can't wait to see how it develops in future films.


QoS did an awful job at reminding you on some very important stuff, but if you've just seen CR then it's a brilliant film. The action is still awesome, too.


9/10 & 9/10

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Watched this in the Cinema yesterday,


Madagascar 2


Much better than the first one. :) Story was pretty good and a slightly different twist on what is usually an obvious plot. Though nothing special of course. It was fun and there were parts that worked. Comedy wise it was pretty funny but no Kung Fu Panda (Which I found hilarious. :D) Animation wise I thought it was a joy to watch, It had a bold cartoony style and in the "action" scenes you could really tell.


Sometimes you felt they were trying too hard to make it funny but it wasn't all kids jokes. Oh and the penguins are the greatest thing in it. :grin:


A solid 4 Bears out of 7


and my first chistmas movie of the season this evening on Channel 5


Home Alone


Awesome. : peace: Brilliant Family Christmas film, which has got me in the mood. I watch this probably every year around this time.

4 Bears out of 7.

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First Pixar movie i've seen in a long time, since Monsters Inc as a matter of fact. I actually liked this movie quite a lot, even though i'm not a huge fan of animation movies. 9/10




Stars Liam Neeson. Takes the measure of concerned parents to the extreme. Of which you will be thankful for if you get into trouble. 8.5/10

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The Hot Chick


I don't care how bad this is, I think it's funking brilliant. So many laugh out loud moments. The pillow fight where she first turns into a man, at the bar with the barman that thinks he's/she's wierd and the bit where she goes up to her boyfriend in the mans body and says "That boys mine bitch", the girl goes "No he ain't" and she headbuts her.


Also, I'll say it again:


Anna Faris. Anna Faris. Anna Faris.


Laugh factor: 9

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House Bunny


Anna Faris. Anna Faris. Anna Faris.




I love this movie because of her. I want that calendar they made, lol.


Honestly, I get a massive boner over her.


What straight guy doesn't get a boner over her? :heh:


Mmmmm Anna Faris....


Anyway, back to movies


The Hills have Eyes 2


It's alright but not as good as the first one



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What straight guy doesn't get a boner over her? :heh:


Mmmmm Anna Faris....



A very, very bad one. There's just something about her. She also seems to play the same character in every movie she's in, which I love. That kind of Ditzy, but sweet girl.

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We outta have an official Anna Faris is hot thread...


Yes we should!!!! haha


The stink of flesh


Who made this movie because they should never make one again. My friend said it was a good zombie movie so I borrowed it and it was awful. The acting was so bad it was hilarious, the storyline was crap and the ending never made no sense.




I don't get a boner over her.


Maybe because she's blonde.


Serious? :S

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James Bond: Quantum of Solace

Casino Royale is one my favourite Bond movies so I had high expectation for this one. After reading some earlier comments I guess it isn't a surprise when I say they weren't fullfilled. The story was hard to follow sometimes, and when I did understand what was going on I didn't care. I think they put too much effort into creating this big secret organization. Just throw in some bad guys and be done with it... The Bond girl was cute enough, but she was pointless. She was just tagging along because she was going the same way. Bond could have easily made it without her. Vesper had a purpose at least. They couldn't come up with any funny lines either.



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