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Alien Vs Predator 2.

First half of the movie was predictable crap, only thing that kept going trough the second half of the movie were all the scenes with the Predator.

So in short the only fun in this movie was the Predator.

It´s an Ok action flick if you can ignore 90% of the movie and be overjoyed by every cool scene with the Predator.

Because Predators are cool

I love Predators

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I hate the Predators. They look like humans so they aren't scary. However, the original design used in AVP2 and the fact there was only 1 worked well.


The film wasn't very good. Bad acting on the most part, and I didn't care about the characters.


Some of the worse pacing i've ever witnessed in a film. EVER.


However, the effects were very good. Going back to using most practical effects for the Aliens was a step in the right direction.


It been criticised because;










Of the deaths of children and pregnant women. In a way, it's good they include this so as to make it more horrific, but it feels added in purely for show.













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Like i said the only good thing were the action scenes

And the movie was way too dark, some parts i felt like i was watching it with sunglasses on


On the whole baby/ pregnant woman thing i felt it was too over the top. I hate it in movies involving killing pregnant women when they go "My water just broke" And a minute later they get killed


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Goodbye Lenin


What could so easily degenerate into a simple but warm hearted farce is subtly spiced and turned with intelligent social commentary and strong characters into a charming and affecting human drama. It's best trick is ending how, but not the way, you expect.



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Also I reccomend a film called Y tu mamá también, a great Mexican film with Gael Garcia. 9/10.


Good to hear as I've got that recorded, yet to watch it though.


Shaun Of The Dead

As great as (if not better than) the first time I saw it. Brilliant movie.


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Not as good as the first one and Munez doesn't seem to get any further than being a super sub...good to see Beckham scoring the winner rather than one of the films characters... Also why the hell is Steve Mcmanaman a member of the Real Madrid coaching team?



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King Of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters.


Documentary about the setting of the world record high-score for the Donkey Kong Arcade Game. Starting way back in 1981 and finishing in 2007


Possibly THE greatest documentary I have ever seen!


It is wonderfully edited with classic and current-day elements cleverly juxtaposed offering highly emotional nostalgia-pangs.

Showing not only character development that appears to border on maniacal but drawing out a humane element of championing a fellow being is a facet I thoroughly enjoyed too.

The documentary further heavily hints at the emotion, jealousy, elitism and more-so the undying bonds that competition can bring. (Especially when a record has stood for so long.) An excellent story remains throughout, with constant delight and intrigue painted every second of the journey.


A fabulous documentary and one I would recommend to anyone. Best thing I have seen in absolutely ages.


Plus: Did I mention it's about Donkey Kong!



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King Of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters.


Possibly THE greatest documentary I have ever seen!


It is wonderfully edited with classic and current-day elements cleverly juxtaposed offering highly emotional nostalgia-pangs.

Showing not only character development that appears to border on maniacal but drawing out a humane element of championing a fellow being is a facet I thoroughly enjoyed too.

The documentary further heavily hints at the emotion, jealousy, elitism and more-so the undying bonds that competition can bring. (Especially when a record has stood for so long.) An excellent story remains throughout, with constant delight and intrigue painted every second of the journey.


A fabulous documentary and one I would recommend to anyone. Best thing I have seen in absolutely ages.




I don't know if I reviewed this here, but you're totally right. Incredible documentary with some absolutely ludicrous moments, Billy's spies phoning in reports being one such moment.


Recommendation seconded.

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