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Rate the last film you saw


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P.S I Love You


Boring, dragged on.


The only good parts were when Lisa Kudrow (Pheobe from Friends) was in the scenes.


If she was in the film more it would be much better, love that woman :D





Although I think I need to watch it again...cinema...ya know.


i always thought she was was the worse thing about friends not that it needed another reason to be an over-rated POS of a show.


oh well thank you film thread you are my stress ball.:)

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Phoebe is AWESOME!! The only reason I would not change the channel if by a mistake I flicked past one with friends on it.


The Fountain


Seen this about 8 times now. Stunning. The only film that I really want to see in HD.



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The Lives of Other People 8/10


German film about late East Germany and the investigations of the secret police on a playwright. Bloody good movie, with some exceptional performances from the majority of the cast. I found German films can do emotion in films very well, and this one is full of it. Very un-hollywood, recommended (though you need to be good with subtitles).

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Children Of Men HD-DVD : Finally got round to watching this, was awesome. Really liked the way the big story was told in the background a bit like Half Life 2. 8/10


Black Rain : Utter Dog Turd quite racist as well, shocked Ridley Scott was involved in this. Going on ebay tomorrow 1/10

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Children Of Men HD-DVD : Finally got round to watching this, was awesome. Really liked the way the big story was told in the background a bit like Half Life 2. 8/10


It is a lot like Half Life 2 really. Same sort of dystopian feel.


By background storytelling, you mean like the subtle stuff, like newspaper articles adn radio broadcasts in the background.


The attention to detail is great.

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Had it since it came out on DVD but only just round to watching it. Fairly decent film, some of the people in it seemed a little pathetic and self-centred (Brendan Fraser and Sandra Bullock's characters for example) compared to some of the shit others were involved in but I suppose thats kind of the point. Anyway, well worth a watch.



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Pff OW, you talk about the movie as if it burned down every remain of previous Ghibli movies and then proceeded to rape your entire family. The fact that you were expecting a lot also doesn't help. I don't find the film watchable, I find it good, not the best from Ghibli, not the most original, but it's still very beautiful and entertaining. I also found it very involving and touching. Talk about blowing things out of proportion (just like the rest of the anime community). You read too much and get informed too much about movies, I think that brings down the experience a lot :P


Ahh but that's just it! I saw it and I didn't even care to look up news. I hated and proceeded to investigatin if mine had been and isolated case... turns out, I wasn't the only one.

"I don't find the film watchable, I find it good, not the best from Ghibli, not the most original, but it's still very beautiful and entertaining. I also found it very involving and touching. Talk about blowing things out of proportion."

Nah, that's something like Porco Rosso or The Car Returns... Earthsea is just plain bad... :S At least that's what I thought... And I mean, I was expecting it to be quite good, and it didn't just "fail" to live up to my hopes, it completely crushed them. It's just... and empty shell. I mean, I'm sorry, but no "unhype" could save this one, I'm with Miyazaki on this on... his son can't direct for shit. =S


I though Kiki would forever be my most hated Ghibli film. :D



The Lives of Other People 8/10


German film about late East Germany and the investigations of the secret police on a playwright. Bloody good movie, with some exceptional performances from the majority of the cast. I found German films can do emotion in films very well, and this one is full of it. Very un-hollywood, recommended (though you need to be good with subtitles).


Aw c'mon... at least a 9, damn it! It's only fair!

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Requiem for a Dream

So, liek, first time of seeing it. It was a widescreen stuck in 4:3, mind, but I could still tell it looked sweet.


The film is possibly one of the bleakest, horrible depictions of where drug addiction can lead to I've ever seen, if not for any film at all. I was cringing and forcing myself to see it through -- But I tell you what, I didn't half feel bloody fantastic about how my life was relatively hunky-dory afterwards.


Don't know if I'll be able to watch it again any time soon, but definitely an awesome film.





ROFLAMAIEn! Heh. 2d characters, 2d storyline and a 28.8kb modem YOU WILL WANT TO HAVE BABIES WITH! Sorry for that bit of paraphrasing from teh movie there.


A flash of Angelina Jolies nipples, a ridiculous nightclub with some form of wipeout in it and middle-aged men on skateboards. It's not classy, it's not clever, it's Dawson's creek with swear words, smoking and - woah-- a PENTIUM PROCESSORRR!!


... But it's fun :P Only one really bad actor in it (the youngest kid - pete?), and... well just like eXistenZ, it has a place in my nerdy heart.



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Princess Mononoke


WOW this was stunning. Having seen Spirited away, which was brilliant, and kiki's, which was slightly meh, i was glad to see this remind me more of the former. Bit long, but brilliant throughout.



Kill Bill Volume Two


More plot that the first volume, and Bill was good, but the action wasn't quite as stunning - nothing matched the silouted fight, or that awesome anime-ish sequence of the first. Oh and there was less gore, why was this? Still good though.

8 / 10

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