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Rate the last film you saw


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I really wish I'd read it before I watched it, but I'll read it now; not least because I need the ideas churning in my head to become clearer; from what most say the film didn't capture the depth of the comic. I think it did go from absolutely fantastic to disappointingly mediocre towards the end. The opening fight and credits were excellent, I loved Rorschach; his diary dialogue and narration was sublime and of course I loved the moral mind mess that is Veidt's decision to make an idealistic yet deformed world (to quote Dan). Some scenes were stunning and alot of the dialogue too, which I'm guessing came directly from the comic.


Like someone said though, there was far too much concentration on exploring pointless character details and when the explosions were killing millions; I didn't feel attached to it, which is so wrong. I was going to say that silk spectre II was completely wooden but apparently in the comic she's a bit bland so it was good casting after all. Again Rorschach was brilliant, I thought the emotion he conveyed at the end was perfect, he was also brilliant with the Dr showing him the inkblot cards and in the prison scenes; he was the film's best asset for me. Oh, the music; you only have to play 99 red balloons once to win my heart.


Bitter sweet/10


Not to mention that they played the original German version which beats the living crap out of the dreadful English version she did!


I too thought Rorschach was awesome - he was so well done. Plus I love when he's in the prison and he's just working all those inmates over, I was laughing my head off!

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I've hardly read anything and then watched the movie form (non comic book I think Of Mice and Men is even the only one....and I've just realised the casting in that was fucking amazing which kinda makes my next point a bit retarded, but I've started so I'll finish) Watchmen has some of the best casting evaaaar.


Rorshach was absolutely amazing.


Blah blah blah I refuse to talk about it anymore.


Oh erm "Malin Akerman" is hot.


that bit is fucking awesome.


Word. It is so god damn enthralling. Best thing fucking ever.

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Oh erm "Malin Akerman" is hot.


I believe she exists, the quote marks aren't really needed.


And while at it. Prefer as a blonde myself. She was great in The Comeback. Cute as a button but still really hot. Everyone should check it out. Same kind of funny as The Office, but doesn't have a dick as the lead character and actor.

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I hated her fringe...it made her face look a bit squished. As I said in the hot people thread, she was better in the flashbacks. But then 80's fashion etc. Still a brilliant body.






Really good. I liked how it was ambiguous yet not. Meryl was on top form as usual. Hoffman and Adams were good too, but Viola Davis stole it from the "supporting" characters. Very thought-provoking, context blah blah.






I need help.


It concerns 2 foreign films I've seen but don't know the names of. I watched them in French class 2 years ago along with The Chorus, Cage Au Foles (the original version of The Birdcage) and Pan's Labyrinth. Which basically means they might not necessarily be French films...


I need to track them down to complete my listal movie roster. Help?


Film 1: About a student moving in with other students in...France? Possibly spain? (Again not sure what language) He's from Catalounia or whatever the name is, in Spain. Don't remember much, I think it goes on a bout his relationships, there a bit where they all gte drunk (drugs?) and a funny bit where the sole english student in the flat gets confused when someone on the phone says "le fac", and she's like "Fuck?!"


Bad description, but this one is worse;


Film 2: A bloody action thriller. Most likely french. Lots of car chases. I think a lot is about gangs, and lots of it is set in the slums, and council estate-esque buildings. I'm sure in one bit, the main guy like leap frogs off a goon, and smashes through the tiny glass panel above a door to get into a room or something.


Anyway, pretty sure there's a deaf girl in it? Or is he deaf? She works in a bar...he works in an office, I think.


Sure there's a bit where she works out what's going on in an apartment across the street by lip reading from the opposite roof?


Ends typically in a big car chase I think.




Rubbish descriptions, and I'd ask the teacher, but he left last year!

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Film 1: About a student moving in with other students in...France? Possibly spain? (Again not sure what language) He's from Catalounia or whatever the name is, in Spain. Don't remember much, I think it goes on a bout his relationships, there a bit where they all gte drunk (drugs?) and a funny bit where the sole english student in the flat gets confused when someone on the phone says "le fac", and she's like "Fuck?!"


Bad description, but this one is worse;


I believe this is the film you are looking for Auberge espagnole, L'. :D

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28 days later


early scenes of deserted london asside, there wasn't that much to write home about. not as good as i was led to belive, though not terrible either.




I'm with you on that. I dont know why people say its so great. Though i often find zombie movies pretty pointless because they always have rubbish endings.

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i just didnt feel there was enough of the infected in there, ok they didnt go for the cliche'd huge hordes, but they didnt even feel like they were the always off screen menace stalking the shadows.



i will say one thing though, the scene where they are changing the car's wheel is excelently tense.

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Film 1: About a student moving in with other students in...France? Possibly spain? (Again not sure what language) He's from Catalounia or whatever the name is, in Spain. Don't remember much, I think it goes on a bout his relationships, there a bit where they all gte drunk (drugs?) and a funny bit where the sole english student in the flat gets confused when someone on the phone says "le fac", and she's like "Fuck?!"


How could you forget L'auberge Espagnole?


Technically my favourite film, because it has Cecil De France in it.

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