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Tropic Thunder.


It's worth it to see Robert Downey Jr as a black dude.


However, as usual, Jack Black is neither funny nor entertaining. In fact the "trailer" at the beginning with him in it is less of an spoof of Eddie Murphy but more of an homage to Black's own terrible movies.




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Kind of off topic but kind of related and there is no other topic for this... Does anyone know the title of this film where this group went to some deep southern area of America and they went into a shop where the owner had a shotgun on display and said something like 'That there is for niggers', but then at the end the "niggers" came to the shop to collect their gun. Bwahahahahaha! I need to know the name of this film!

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Max Payne


Apart from a few visual flourishes here and there... dull dull dull.



I think your being too kind there. I attended a screening yesterday with a friend and granted we did miss the first part (we walked in during the start of the subway scene) But the movie was the biggest load of shit and utter crap. The plot made little to no sense at all.


Also Max Paynes dead wife was a total cock tease - "Not yet Max".


1/10 -but only because I enjoyed the comfortable seats and overpriced minstrels.

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lol oh well. Based on a true story, really doesn't mean much...


Pretty much every film based on a true story bend the truth a little for the sake of theatricals or excitement. Most of the time it's just small things they change, but some films take the piss. Sleepers is the best example of that.



But anyway, I watched No Country for Old Men again recently. Still a great film, probably more so now I have a better understanding of it.

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I've been bloody ill the past few days so I've just been watching anything I can access from my laptop.


Animal Crossing

Finally found a copy of it with English subtitles. It's a really nice film, there's some very clumsy dialogue, which even manages to show through the clumsy translation. There are some brilliant moments and some of the characters are fantastic. Could have done with more Tom Nook though and you can never get enough of the Mayor.


The animation is a little on the cheap side, but it was clearly intended that way and it has all the charms of the game about it. Although it's nothing but terrifying when K.K. Slider comes on stage to play, they really made a mistake trying to make him look more human.


Other than that the only problem is that the ending is insane, it just plants a lot of homages to Spielberg and generally goes a bit strange. But it's still enjoyable and with Animal Crossing that's all that matters.




The other night I woke up from a weird fever dream and found myself in the mood for watching a really nice, wholesome and enjoyable film, so I ended up watching Pan's Labyrinth again. A violent, wartime drama about a little girl and her troubles with family life and her fear of death.


I couldn't think of a more wholesome way to spend 120 minutes.


First time I've seen it since I saw it at the theatre and thought it had improved this time round.



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Quantum Of Solace


Extremely underwhelmed and unimpressed.


The story was nigh non-existant; there was the square root of -1 amount of humour (there was some, but it was so shit that it isn't considered real); the violence was over the the top.


It didn't feel like Bond at all. I've been told Daniel Craig is exactly like Bond is in the books, and I appreciate that - but the film had none of the aspects I loved about the other 007 films. No Q. No Moneypenny. No really corny one-liners. No gadgets.


It's probably a travesty to admit this, but I enjoyed Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough and even Die Another Day much much much much more. At least they felt fun. Quantum of Solace was too grave and grey.


The action scenes in QoS held up well - the chase at the start is good. However, there's just too much really pointless killing. I'm not a pacifist or whatever - I'm not against violence - but its not really my cup of tea to watch graphic killing every 5 minutes.


Loved Strawberry Fields.


The French guy played the villain fantastically, despite the character being really dull.


The opening theme sequence looked cheap. The song didn't fit the mood, IMO, the lyrics and the rocky sound felt off.


Not a fan of Daniel Craig either. Not hot IMO.


Not a fan. I just didn't like it.


4.5 / 10

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I feel like I will like Suantum of Quolace, (did I get it confused? I got it mixed up.) as I'm not normally a fan of Bond films (GoldenEye aside, dunno why...) because Bond himself is a bit of a tit in my eyes. And if he's all broody and stuff and not one to be making any saucy quips or being all suave and shit, I might like it that more.


That's gotta be one of the, if not main, reason why a lot of people have been disappointed with Something of Boris (I forgot what it's called...) because Bond ain't Bond. That probably means that old muggins here will like it. :smile:

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I feel like I will like Suantum of Quolace, (did I get it confused? I got it mixed up.) as I'm not normally a fan of Bond films (GoldenEye aside, dunno why...) because Bond himself is a bit of a tit in my eyes. And if he's all broody and stuff and not one to be making any saucy quips or being all suave and shit, I might like it that more.


That's gotta be one of the, if not main, reason why a lot of people have been disappointed with Something of Boris (I forgot what it's called...) because Bond ain't Bond. That probably means that old muggins here will like it. :smile:


Hmm... maybe.


I'm just glad I got in free to see it. I'd have been really disappointed if I had spent money seeing it.

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Zach & Miri Make A Porno

Missed the last 2 or 3 minutes because the 'projector' stopped buffering, but I can guess what happens. To it's credit, it was enjoyable, and holy crap Kevin Smith actually wrote a female character that didn't seem entirely like a plot device! Well done Kevin, you've actually LEARNED something. Otherwise it's pretty much the same as always, except this time it's not set in New Jersey and it's the dead of winter and without Seth Rogen the whole film probably would have collapsed.


But, and this has been said by several critics, it is plagued by sentimentality. It's been the case with all of Kevin Smith's films since his wife popped one out, Jersey Girl was excruciatingly gooey at times, Clerks II clocks in as the film with the highest reading on the bromance metre and this just stinks of of sentiment from the moment Zach's penis enters Miri's vagina.


And there wasn't really anything that funny about the porno either. Just the same old puns on movie titles and copious usage of the words "anal", "lube", "titties" and "cream".


Enjoyable, but average and certainly nowhere near 'the best film of the year'. Seriously ReZ, what were you thinking?



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Qantum of Solace


I'm enjoying the new direction, but this was just too light on plot and sense to be any good.


I'd like Daniel Craig to do bad things to me, but I have to say I feel for the guy doing his best with such awful dialogue.


Bond should feel big and brash, like something serious is happening. The whole threat of the movie was too complicated and small.



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Enjoyable, but average and certainly nowhere near 'the best film of the year'. Seriously ReZ, what were you thinking?



I didn't say it was film of the year, I said it was my favourite/best comedy of the year. (Atually did I...well if I did I was wrong I got caught in the moment) Whats wrong with goo though? I have enough depression in my life, its nice to escape that.


For me a film doesn't have to have an intricate plot or exciting story blah blah.


You're right about the porn stuff, but some of that is my level of humour anyway. Gay porn film title "Shut your mouth, or I'm gonna fuck it" is amazing.


ReZ jizzes over anything made by that lot (Seth Rogen and co.). And other things that should never have been made, like Transformers.


First of all ; fuck off. Second of all, yeah unfortunately its a bit true. I do get extremely over-enthusiastic about things, (really badly actually) and a feel good, Seth Rogen starring fuck fest got my taste buds tickled more than a trained feather wielding clown.

PS Transformers was amazing, go fuck yourself.


(BTW I'm only allowed to speak to Paj like this because he knows I love him/we love each other/share a special bond) xx

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Hellboy (Blu-ray)


First Blu-ray movie watched on the new player, and i can tell you i enjoyed it more than the first time. Probably because last time i watched it, i was pre-occupied half the time with something else. The detail is amazing, everything looks clear. Brilliant movie, good script and a great cast. Already pre-ordered the new one on Blu-ray as well. 9/10

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First of all ; fuck off. Second of all, yeah unfortunately its a bit true. I do get extremely over-enthusiastic about things, (really badly actually) and a feel good, Seth Rogen starring fuck fest got my taste buds tickled more than a trained feather wielding clown.

PS Transformers was amazing, go fuck yourself.


(BTW I'm only allowed to speak to Paj like this because he knows I love him/we love each other/share a special bond) xx


What are you referring to with the clown bit? TDK?


And yes, we love each other More Than Words - Extreme.

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I loved it. A few negatives though. For one, Liam Neesons voice hates him. When he tries to be serious he just sounds like one of the guys that does all those cheesy movie trailer voice overs. Also, I wish there would have been more of Holly Valance, she was rather good when she was in it. Oh, and his daughters friend was hardly ever mentioned, you would have thought they would have said something about her at the end.


Other than that, it was really rather immense.



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