ZeroAX Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 The Dark Knight. Do I really need to rate it? 100 out of 10. Heath we'll miss you mate. One hell of a performance
Babooo Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Casino Royale - 8.5/10 good film Ong Bak - 8/10 fighting is fookin awesome!
jayseven Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Oxigen_Waste said: I think it's possibly the worst remake ever made. Ok, I'm exagerating, but yeah, it takes a pretty big dump on the original. Yeah, you're exaggerating :P It's not supposed to be a remake, it's a different look at the source material. The two movies are, apparantly (not seen the original) focused on different aspects, with the Soderbergh version being less about Solaris and more about the affect it's having on the humans. Something worth thinking about, though; what are the best and worst remakes? Scarface is surely sauntering around in the Good Pile, but it's all I can really think of. Lists are there. I guess the most frequent films remade are the korean/japanese ones like Grudge, the Eye, Ring, Infernal Affairs... 9 versions of Little Women >_<
nightwolf Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Coolness Bears said: KING KONG! (again :p) EPIC!!! It's still one of my favourite movies even the 8th time I've watched it. 6 and a half bears out of 7. *hi-five* I've never watched it before, not fully anyway, so this was great. Sad though obviously haha.
Coolness Bears Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 nightwolf said: *hi-five* I've never watched it before, not fully anyway, so this was great. Sad though obviously haha. Yep, poor King Kong. First time (and 2nd time :p) in the cinema I had tears in my eyes! Glad you enjoyed it. It annoyed me having adverts in the middle of it though. (I was tempted to throw on my DVD) It was funny because my mum was watching it with me and wasn't really enoying it that much (not her kind of film) but wanted to see the end and fell alseep and missed it!
triforce_keeper Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Mamma Mia! Wasn't really bothered about this, but my friends dragged me along, and I LOVED it! It wasn't the sing along version, but they put the subtitles on anyway Was really fun, and I have to say, probably the best subtitles EVER 8/10
Dan_Dare Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 jayseven said: Yeah, you're exaggerating :P It's not supposed to be a remake, it's a different look at the source material. The two movies are, apparantly (not seen the original) focused on different aspects, with the Soderbergh version being less about Solaris and more about the affect it's having on the humans. Something worth thinking about, though; what are the best and worst remakes? Scarface is surely sauntering around in the Good Pile, but it's all I can really think of. Lists are there. I guess the most frequent films remade are the korean/japanese ones like Grudge, the Eye, Ring, Infernal Affairs... 9 versions of Little Women >_< The Wickerman is, reportedly, the worst of the worst. The Departed is, against my initial suspicions, probably the best I've ever seen.
Noodleman Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 despite being unintentionally hilarious I still felt the wickerman raped my soul after watching it. Also saying Scarface is a remake of the 1930's film is stretching it quite a way. They have literally nothing in common other then title.
Chris the great Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Noodleman said: despite being unintentionally hilarious I still felt the wickerman raped my soul after watching it. Also saying Scarface is a remake of the 1930's film is stretching it quite a way. They have literally nothing in common other then title. it was origionaly to be a remake but the focus was shifted early on.
Klimop Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Burn After Reading Amazing story Amazing Amazing acting by Clooney, Malkovich and the two dames. Had no expectations and was really impressed. ps. malkovich for joker
jayseven Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Bizarrely mislabelled Sunshine, I just watched Doomsday. It is b-movie-tacular. Blatantly influenced by escape from new york, Mad Max and maybe a little 28 days later - oh yeah, and there's the whole robin-hood-esque section, which is ridiculous. There are unnecessary tits, exploding heads and ridiculous haircuts all over the place. I was dissapointed with the lack of bad puns, mind you. Also got the doctor from Star Trek: Don'tknowwhichone. Now to watch the real Sunshine...
Monopolyman Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 jayseven said: Something worth thinking about, though; what are the best and worst remakes? Scarface is surely sauntering around in the Good Pile, but it's all I can really think of. Interesting fact about Scarface. It was originally supposed to be a frame-by-frame remake of the original, but due to nudget problems, they couldn't set it in the 30's so they decided to film it in modern day Miami; so they kept changing things around until the final product, which was cmpletely different to Shame of a Nation. But to answer your question, The Thing and The Departed.
Chris the great Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 what i find interesting about scarface is that the name scarface is only used once, and its in cuban.
jayseven Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 Watched Sunshine, which was cool, and The Man From Earth, which was awesome. If you like Waking Life or have read Ishmael or The Alchemist then I strongly suggest you watch this film. Very awesome. Totally going to be the film I tell all my friends to watch.
The Bard Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 Requiem For A Dream - Shit damn, that was the most miserable thing I've ever seen. It was good. Great even. I didn't enjoy it though.
Dan_Dare Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 Have you ever seen The Return? That's the most soul rakingly savage piece of emotional brutality-disguised-as-something-you-pay-to-have-fun-to ever made. Left the cinema wondering what the bloody point was, frankly. In cheerier news: I caught The Host this week and was pleasantly surprised. I knew it was a black comedy going in, but from old reviews I expected a different plot. Excellent stuff, in all. The pitch black mockery of Bureaucracy and media sensationalism reminded me of Brazil a bit, only filtered through typically mental Eastern style. Go rent it, peons.
somme Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 The Bard said: Requiem For A Dream - Shit damn, that was the most miserable thing I've ever seen. It was good. Great even. I didn't enjoy it though. Brilliant movie.
S.C.G Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Blue Velvet - T'was very good, been meaning to watch it one day and it just happened to be on TV so yeah, I saw it and it was good another macabre masterpiece from the mind of David Lynch. I know there isn't exactly a lot to it, it's mostly set in a few places, but it's the scenes that take place in those few places and the character interaction that made the film for me, also I'd heard it was excessively violent but by today's standards it seems rather tame, still... very nicely done. ^^
EEVILMURRAY Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 GoldenEye Not my favourite Bond film, which the title is reserved for The World Is Not Enough and Licence To Kill, but is still a sexy film. Brosnan is introduced well and shows he has the pr0 Bond charm. It's a shame some of his other Bond films weren't that great. Eight Shabba's
Jim Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 The Bard said: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Awesome, it's easy to relate to Carrey's character (which has got to be a first), and it was quite heartwarming/breaking, although there was the occasional cringeworthy moment. Much love. 9/10 such a great movie The Clone Wars Before I start, I went into this movie knowing 100% that it was aimed for children. I really hope people knew it didn't have the same target audience as the other movies!! That being said, it was quite reasonable. I'm not too sure what else to say about it. The voices all seemed to be spoken way too fast, that was my major gripe. It would have been nice for more stuff for the core fans to be thrown in amongst it. The retarded droids was a little over the top, but got some laughs from the kids in the cinema. Good story line though, for the most part. Good lightsaber scenes and action. Not as many horrible cringeworthy A.Skywalker acting moments was a definate plus. :P 7/10
dan-likes-trees Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Memento I love this film. I called the ending though, or half of it anyway, but still, very clever, very good film. 10 / 10 And I watched half of Bourne Ultimatum with a friend today, shall watch the second half on friday. Looking good.
Jimbob Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Rocky II Felt like watching this last night after watchin the original on Sunday (and the final fight yesterday). Good movie, nice soundtrack as per usual. And the fight was as good as the first. 9.5/10
Jav_NE Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Eternal Promises I think that's what it was called anyway. It has that Viggo guy from LOTR in it. Anyway, i quite enjoyed it. It was really interesting how things developed and how this man who you first think is just a driver is actually much much more. It also has some very powerful scenes that could be shocking to watch for some, like where he is forced to have sex with a prostitute infront of his boss, and when he has a brutal, fully nude fight in a sauna. The story is sweet overall though and never bores despite a lack of action. 8/10
triforcemario Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Wall-E Finally got round to watching it. T'was bloody brilliant, and I almost cried in some scenes (fuck, what's happening to me?!). George Lucas and Lucasfilm Animation should take one look at this film, and feel utterly shamed of themselves for creating that travesity "The Clone Wars". 9.7/10
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