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Rate the last film you saw


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We had some of those when we went to see World Trade Center. There were some at least semi drunk gangster retards that just wouldn't shut up. They'd shout out random stuff all the time, and for example if anyone in the movie was to ask a question (like when the one daughter asks "is daddy coming home?") they'd be all NO HES NOT LOL. It was so god damned annoying. They were just shouting and rambling and being shitheads. Thankfully not through the entire movie (only like 8 times), but it really put the movie down, which is annoying. Totally ruined it, I think I had enjoyed it alot more if they hadn't been there.

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Borat 9/10. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 was it wasn't really a film more an extended episode of Borat. However, considering i'd never actually seen the sketch beforehand, I went in without any prior knowledge as to the highly offensive nature I was about to witness. I loved every second of it. Fucking hilarious, he couldn't have offended more people if he tried. Everyone in the audience was cringing because of what he'd do or was about to do. Best bits I think:


Randomly bagging Pamela Anderson at the end LOL i'm still chuckling. The antiques shop scene, hilarious. The rodeo, KAZAHKSTAN IS NUMBER 1!, chasing people around in New York hahaha


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Dirty Pretty Things


That Evil Guy From Serenity Who Goes Around Killing People

And Talking Eloquently stars in a tale of an illegal immigrant working in London and attempting to evade the attentions of his ruthless mobster boss. Mixes styles of 60s free cinema and classic Nior thrillers. Quality stuff.



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Dirty Pretty Things


That Evil Guy From Serenity Who Goes Around Killing People

And Talking Eloquently stars in a tale of an illegal immigrant working in London and attempting to evade the attentions of his ruthless mobster boss. Mixes styles of 60s free cinema and classic Nior thrillers. Quality stuff.




I think its more general thrillers, I didn't get a Noir feel from it. And the bird is good ol' Audrey Tatou.


Decent film, watched it last year in Media.

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The Deer Hunter


A bit disapointing for me. First of all it had no editor, and also the first hour, and the last 10 minutes or so, seemed way to slow and over-drawn, especially considering that so little time of the movie is set in Vietnam, which is the heart of the movie, and sort of made me (along with a couple of other minor critisisms) detatched from the characters and story. I didn't completely dislike it though. The acting was some of the best I seen and the plot itself was a good yarn about the effects of war on men.







Probably some of the best fighting & foot-chase scenes I've ever seen. Wasn't much of a fan of the bits in between, but still made out to be a decent popcorn filck to spend the evening with.



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I think its more general thrillers, I didn't get a Noir feel from it. And the bird is good ol' Audrey Tatou.


Decent film, watched it last year in Media.


there are elements of it- particularly towards the end where his insomnia begins to affect him more and it all gets a bit dark. It's not a huge part of the film but It's a welcome influence, as always :)

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As a big fan of FireFly, I've been meaning to see this film. Luckily, my last trip home coincided with the showing of Serenity on one of the HD Sky Movies channels. So, I managed to watch it in HD on a large Projector screen.


The movie has everything that made the series great, and character developments still continue - we still have a lot to learn about everyone by the end, tho. The plot is well, written, (I don't think there are any plot-holes in it) and fight scenes are well done. GCI is fantastic, as ever.


Only problem is:

Wash's death seemed pointless




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As a big fan of FireFly, I've been meaning to see this film. Luckily, my last trip home coincided with the showing of Serenity on one of the HD Sky Movies channels. So, I managed to watch it in HD on a large Projector screen.


The movie has everything that made the series great, and character developments still continue - we still have a lot to learn about everyone by the end, tho. The plot is well, written, (I don't think there are any plot-holes in it) and fight scenes are well done. GCI is fantastic, as ever.


Only problem is:

Wash's death seemed pointless





I agree. Perhaps it was a contractual thing...


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Mission Impossible 3


I enjoyed this very much at the cinema so rushed out to get this on the day of release. Very good story and nice refrences to Alias from J.J. Great story, but two problems...we don't get to know what the

Rabbit's Foot

is, and there's one cringeworthy shot, when Tom Cruise says "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall" into the camera. :shakehead



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The Prestige (Dir. Christoper Nolan; Rating 12A)


Set in the Victorian era, "The Prestige" is a dark drama about two magicians (played by Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman) who begin competing with each other in love, life and magic. The narrative has a very non-linear structure with up to three seperate time lines running in tandem, but Nolans direction is so skillful that never do you wonder where you are - he makes it incredibly easy to follow.


I won't give away much, but I will say that the most brilliant thing about "The Prestige" is that it is in itself a magic trick on the audience, a master stroke in filmmaking and definately up there with Nolan's previous work.



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The Prestige (Dir. Christoper Nolan; Rating 12A)


Set in the Victorian era, "The Prestige" is a dark drama about two magicians (played by Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman) who begin competing with each other in love, life and magic. The narrative has a very non-linear structure with up to three seperate time lines running in tandem, but Nolans direction is so skillful that never do you wonder where you are - he makes it incredibly easy to follow.


I won't give away much, but I will say that the most brilliant thing about "The Prestige" is that it is in itself a magic trick on the audience, a master stroke in filmmaking and definately up there with Nolan's previous work.




I've just seen this as well and would agree with everything as well as score. I must say only downsides were probably Bales cockney accent and the fact I figured out what was going to happen at the end half way through the film. I think if you have a wild imagination you'd figure this film out as soon as it hints at the main mystery.

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Oh god, i had one of them when i went to see it, too. There was this guy that just kept saying why every funny scene was funny.


for example, when borat arrived at the hotel and thought that the lift was his room, the guy would say "hahaha, he thinks its his room, see!"



I wanted to eat his liver.



Geeus Bloody Cist that would annoy the tits off me. I would sooo tell him to shut the heck up and that he is ruinning the movie.

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