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The internet is a hellhole this was my safe space for so many years!


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Yeah what the title says. It feels like forums might have had it right all along we should never have been mixing with people on mass via twitter etc... 

So does anyone remember me and how's everyone been?

Also what was the name of that nutter here who used to rant about Doctor Who and got banned lol

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I remember you. :smile:

Adam Ducker, right? Welcome back. :peace:

I'm good thanks, how's life?

I see you're still staff, let me know if you want to write anything for the site again, though if you're here for the forum memories, no worries. :)

N-Europe is still here, for anyone who remembers / knows this place exists. :D

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Yup, I remember you, helps that you're on my Switch friends list.

Can't say I remember that person though, probably before me joining.

And yeah, forums provide better conversation opportunities then Social Media ever can, hard to look back through past comments there. Can't really write up lengthy thoughts, either. And I like me some lengthy posts!

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It's going down the swanny all right. If people can't do it for themselves, then they need someone to get them offline and out the door a while. Maybe wouldn't bring so much baggage with them when they log in again.

But yeah, @flameboy! Hang about! It's fairly chilled out... because if we step out of line, SCG knows who we are.

On 21/10/2023 at 12:36 PM, Ashley said:


And welcome back!

@rokhed00 was ahead of his time but when the banhammer had to be swung, it didn't miss its mark.

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If anybody gives you a hard time online, it's best to ignore them, because they probably have thin skin and it probably wasn't your fault they got offended. Most of the people who act like that are just attention-seeking losers with an inferiority complex, who want to be right 24/7 and have no friends offline to brag of. :heh:

I've been dealing with a radge pot from Australia who is a lot like this, so I know the feeling. 

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Oh ‘eck! It’s ‘im again.

Welcome back! Good to see your face again :D 

And yeah, you’re right.  Social media and Reddit/Discord are bloody awful messes that are impossible to follow a conversation on.  Forums 4 lyfe!

1 hour ago, martinist said:

Ah rokhed. I remember he sent me a picture of himself in bondage with a red arse. Fun times.


Edited by Dcubed
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On 10/21/2023 at 1:55 AM, flameboy said:

Yeah what the title says. It feels like forums might have had it right all along we should never have been mixing with people on mass via twitter etc... 

I've been saying that for years. Fuck X/Twitter, Fuck Reddit and certainly Fuck Discord.

Forums and mIRC is all we ever needed.

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Thanks for the welcomes guys! Also reassuring to know I'm not too off it with the internet being hell, in terms of my minimal usage here's where I'm at:

  • Twitter: Just don't use, deleted my posts and then started fresh but even now I just don't open it really.
  • Instagram: I only post to keep family and friends vaguely up to date with whats going on with me
  • Reddit: 100% a lurker unless I need to post somewhere for help.
  • Threads: I made an account and barely post.
  • Facebook: I don't post at all haven't since like 2015 or something.

Finally definitely had flashbacks about the bondage pics that was something which I'd push to the darkest recesses of my mind.

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