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Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury (12 Feb 2021)


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49 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Anyways, @Hero-of-Time it's been 3 hours. You done, yet? :p

Nah. I knocked it off to watch some ST: Voyager as I wasn't really feeling the game. At the moment it feels like one of the worst open world 3D platformers I have played. 

Come at me, Nick. :p 


7 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Once because I wanted to see everything before having a final verdict.

Yup. I do this as well. It allows for you to give a valid opinion when disliking a game. Nobody can say you didn't give it a fair shot. I did the same with BOTW. Hell, I probably did more in my play throughs than those who actually enjoy the game. :D 

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I'm half way through World 3 now and my son keeps burning through the lives meaning that when I make a mistake, the Game Over screen is never far away :laughing:

Unfortunately, those mistakes are happening in large part due to the controls which I'm stil yet to properly adjust to. The "200cc" speed isn't ideal but the imprecision feels like it has drastically ramped up along with the pace!

Edited by nekunando
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Forgot to pick this up earlier but my copy should be delivered today. I found the Wii U version a bit lacking and not all that memorable, but it came out at a point where I wasn’t really playing games so wanted to give it another chance. Intending to only do this in co-op with my wife so hopefully it shines like that and we can enjoy playing through in a more relaxed style.

@drahkon, I can’t quite fathom your thoughts on it. You think it’s so bad that it warrants being one of the worst platformers of all time, yet played it through to 100% completion twice? Now it sounds like you can’t be bothered to pay full price for the new content but will pick it up reduced to play it later? Why do it to yourself? Just ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist. I do think it’s the weakest of the 3D Mario games but to call something of this quality one of the worst ever seems a little over the top. What did you find so lacking in it?

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4 hours ago, Will said:

yet played it through to 100% completion twice?

As I said. First playthrough: I wanted to have a full experience to have a complete verdict.
Second playthrough: With two friends. They enjoyed the game and I very much enjoy playing games with them in general. I've played lots of games with them that I would never touch with a stick myself.

4 hours ago, Will said:

Now it sounds like you can’t be bothered to pay full price for the new content but will pick it up reduced to play it later?

No, I won't pick it up later.
Maybe if Nintendo decides to sell Bowser's Fury as a standalone, but I doubt that will ever happen.

4 hours ago, Will said:

What did you find so lacking in it?

This has nothing to do with you, but I will refrain from talking about it.

4 hours ago, Will said:

Just ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Will do, once H-o-T gives me some impressions of Bowser's Fury, which I can't believe is taking him so bloody long :p

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I'm enjoying my time with this. I've played it quite a bit over the weekend and I believe I'm approaching the end of the normal playthrough. I can see how this is a favourite for some. The game oozes charm, the soundtrack is great, there is a good variety in the levels and the bitesize level format works great and makes it much more "pick up and play" compared to for example Odyssey.

On the other hand it doesn't have the extremely clever ideas you can find in Odyssey or Galaxy (2). The game is pretty easy, especially in the early levels, and it has some of the worst boss fights in a Mario game (the Bowser ones are terrible).

For me I think it will end up being a solid 8.

Saturday I've spend an hour or so playing online with @BowserBasher and @Nicktendo and it was quite a smooth experience. There was hardly any lag and setting up a lobby is quick and easy. Nicktendo and BowserBasher were on voice chat, but I wasn't and what I'm missing here is any form of in-game communication. Some quick emotes (what we really need is the ironic hand-clap from the (S)NES online!) would be nice.

12 hours ago, nekunando said:

I'm half way through World 3 now and my son keeps burning through the lives meaning that when I make a mistake, the Game Over screen is never far away :laughing:

Unfortunately, those mistakes are happening in large part due to the controls which I'm stil yet to properly adjust to. The "200cc" speed isn't ideal but the imprecision feels like it has drastically ramped up along with the pace!

I wonder if the bump in speed is intentional, or an unwanted side effect of porting the game and they just decided to leave it like this as it is not game breaking?

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4 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Nicktendo and BowserBasher were on voice chat, but I wasn't and what I'm missing here is any form of in-game communication. Some quick emotes (what we really need is the ironic hand-clap from the (S)NES online!) would be nice.

This. Next time we all get to play get on voice chat. It makes things easier to decide what to do or just moan at you guys when you throw me off a ledge. 

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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

This has nothing to do with you, but I will refrain from talking about it.

You realize we’re on a public forum in a thread to discuss this exact topic, right? It’s fine if you don’t want to share, just seemed an interesting topic to cover given your strong views on it.

We’ve now played through the first couple of levels and I’m definitely still not feeling it. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is with this one, it just doesn’t seem to have the magic of the other Mario games. My wife and I also don’t seem to be a very good team, I fear this might lead us to a huge argument if not worse at some point.

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1 minute ago, Will said:

You realize we’re on a public forum in a thread to discuss this exact topic, right?

I do and yet I will not talk about it here.

3 minutes ago, Will said:

My wife and I also don’t seem to be a very good team, I fear this might lead us to a huge argument if not worse at some point.

Sooo....you gonna keep playing? :p

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Big fan of the puzzle box levels where you have 10 seconds to complete lots of mini challenges. I seem to remember one in the post-game that was pretty hellish, you had to do 50 in a row or something. Nintendo could put out a £10 eShop game made of just those and I'd be all over it.

Edited by Ronnie
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Very much enjoying my replay of 3D World (haven't touched BF yet). The additional movement speed and movement options (the mid-air dive) make up for the lack of triple jump. That said, I do feel as though those mechanics break the game slightly as the level design wasn't designed around them (a bit like how playing Resident Evil 4 on the Wii breaks the combat). My other half, who isn't an avid gamer, loves the game though and I'm enjoying going for the 100%. I'll probably a Toad only run at one point.



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2 hours ago, drahkon said:

 Will do, once H-o-T gives me some impressions of Bowser's Fury, which I can't believe is taking him so bloody long :p

Cheeky git.

The credits actually rolled at 6am this morning. I was up early before work and cracked on with it but didn't want to give my thoughts until I got 100%, which should be achieved when I get home. Seeing as you are eager to hear about it, here's what I think so far.

It's decent but nothing special. If playing the game just to see the credits roll you will probably achieve this in a couple of hours. Getting 100% will probably take another 2-3 hours to complete. It's looking like a 5-6 hour adventure.

The game feels more like Banjo Kazooie/Donkey Kong 64 in that its mainly only about exploring rather than the platforming. Sure, there are platforming sections to be had but the main meat of the game is exploring every nook and cranny for the cat shines, most of which are pretty easy to find.

Some of the shines mirror the collectibles of Mario Odyssey where they are quite quick to pick up. A task would appear and then less than a minute later I would have the shine in my possession. It does feel that some have been slapped in there in order to up the total amount for the player to collect.

One of the shines on each of the islands is broken up into 5 pieces and you have to find each of them to make it whole again. These ones are probably the most satisfying to nab because they do take a bit of effort to find.

The Bowser battles are fun at first but can become quite annoying, especially if trying to explore the islands. Thankfully he is a pushover and you can get rid of him quite quickly.

The item system used is a weird one. Every power up you collect you can store, with 5 being the max. You can chop and change these as you feel like and while it can make for some interesting strategies ( use the tanooki hover ability to get where you need and then switch to cat to climb a high wall ) it does make an already easy game even easier.

I will say that the game could have easily been sold separately as a download for Nintendo gamers who supported them during the Wii U days. Locking it behind 3D World seems like a big disservice to these fans. Luckily, for those not wanting to pay for the game again just to play this, which is totally understandable, I don't think you're missing out on a spectacular game. If it does happen to pop up on the eShop at some point then it's worth giving it a go but it's certainly not worth the £40+ asking price. 

Overall I think the full game (both 3D World and Fury) is certainly worth picking up if you never experienced it the first time around on the Wii U. However, if you did, then I say this is an easy pass, especially if you have no desire to play 3D World again.

Happy, drahkon. I just wasted my lunch break posting this! 

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6 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Happy, drahkon. I just wasted my lunch break posting this! 

Yes, thank you. :p

9 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Some of the shines mirror the collectibles of Mario Odyssey where they are quite quick to pick up. A task would appear and then less than a minute later I would have the shine in my possession. It does feel that some have been slapped in there in order to up the total amount for the player to collect.

Hm, that's a shame. Guess I'm not missing out then.

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Yeah, there's not that much platforming in Bowser's Fury and if there is any, using the cat suit can get you up without any effort. Generally, cat suit feels like a cheat mode in this game. Other than that, some of the shines are very very easy but I liked how the world is built and that you can enter the stages and do something on them seamlessly. I think this will be explored even further in the next new mainline Mario-game. 

I stopped playing it when I only needed two shines - simply couldn't find the last kittens.

I also think that Nintendo should release Bowser's Fury as a stand-alone DLC package. It's simply not fair to the Wii U owners out there to ask them to buy more of less the same game again.

Edited by MindFreak
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