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Battlefield V — 20th November 2018


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27 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I started watching the reveal event last night and knocked it off after 10 minutes. It had to be one of the most boring reveals of a game i've seen in a long time, with just a few guys around a desk talking about what the game would offer. 

Yup, same here.

The trailer is pretty cool but the "gameplay" looks heavily scripted.

No season pass, no pay-to-win lootboxes (only cosmetic, which I personally don't care about)...what's the catch EA? :p


I am fairly interested to be honest. So far, Battlefield V is ahead of CoD. I think the respective betas will nudge me into the right direction.

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Looks like some people in the gaming community are going ape-shit about how women and black people are in this game. It's not "historically accurate".

Kotaku has a great article - or rather rant - about this and I fully agree with the author.



To truly present something “accurate” to the time period would probably result in a game you wouldn’t really enjoy playing. What we often see in a “historical” FPS action game is just the visual trappings. And that’s okay—it’s a mass-market action game, not a history lesson.

What angry dorks mean when they say “historical accuracy” is not a game that’s accurate to the time being presented, then, but accurate to the aspects of that time (or the popular historical re-telling of it) that are sympathetic to their current political and cultural beliefs.

It doesn’t bother them that a randomly-created soldier with no training can jump behind the controls of a complex fighter aircraft, or expertly handle a cross-section of enemy weapons. They don’t care that the streets of European cities aren’t recreated 1:1, or that uniform details aren’t strictly adhered to, or that Battlefield’s war is fought to time limits and kill counts.

Those things are acceptable compromises. It’s a video game, and those are video game things that the Second World War just needs to accommodate with its representation in order to work. Yet introduce something as relatively harmless (it has zero impact on gameplay!) as women or black soldiers where historically there were none, and suddenly the sky is falling.



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I've read that the gameplay will be a notch slower compared to BF1, and will return more to the roots of the series. So no HP recovery, ammo needs to be picked up, and you will be able to build ditches/fortifications. Unfortunately the trailer gives a totally different image of a fast-paced action FPS and is therefore criticized. And of course because of what @drahkonis saying above as well.

I only played BF1 (and a little bit of BF2 a long time ago), so I can welcome a bit less arcade style BF game!

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I basically know nothing about Battlefield so I assumed it was a series that tried to be as historically accurate as possible so I was definitely surprised to see how different it was in the trailer but the only thing that was jarring to me was the woman's robot claw.

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The gaming community really makes me cringe sometimes. They'll literally just complain and crusade about anything. You can guarantee that if they didn't include women or black people in the game, there'd be just as much if not even more uproar.

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8 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

The gaming community really makes me cringe sometimes. They'll literally just complain and crusade about anything. You can guarantee that if they didn't include women or black people in the game, there'd be just as much if not even more uproar.

Its not just the gaming community but the internet in general. People just want to be outraged and imagine most don't really care about whatever they are kicking off about.

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4 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Its not just the gaming community but the internet in general. People just want to be outraged and imagine most don't really care about whatever they are kicking off about.

Mob mentality is a big thing too, people jumping on a bandwagon because of a few loudmouths. I agree it's the internet in general but gamers seem to actively look for things to complain about in big AAA releases these days. It's just so pathetic. Really sad time to live in, much as I enjoy social media, it has a lot to answer for.

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22 hours ago, Julius Caesar said:



I thought women (pilots) and black soldiers did fight in WW2 though - Britain received support from its colonies.

As for the game, I like the sound of pretty much all the changes, specifically the segmental health regen (hopefully this means death is punished more and there are longer delays between respawns), extra incentives to work as a squad, and interactions like reviving allies and collecting ammo and health now requiring animations. Should make the game more tactical and discourage headless vigilante playstyles. Tweaks to movement are also very welcome.

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The reveal trailer did little for me but then I've always felt that it's the gameplay that does it so looking forward to seeing it in motion.

I'm also interested in the War Stories for this game as they stated in the PS Blog that they're aiming to tell stories that they've not covered, with the German occupation of Norway being an example. That could be very interesting then as there's plenty of scope for different gameplay types especially with that example as there's a story of a Norwegian special forces team that had to infiltrate a German occupied facility by rappeling up and down a ravine and that could be a nice stealth/black ops story to tell. Or even telling the story of The White Death in Finland taking his 500 or so confirmed kills.

Looking forward to hearing more on that and on the multiplayer for the operations, presuming they return this time.

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On 5/24/2018 at 1:49 PM, killthenet said:

...the only thing that was jarring to me was the woman's robot claw.

To be honest, that is a historically accurate arm prothesis from that time :heh:. But if you would be sent back to the front without and arm is a different matter.

The internet rage of this game is beyond ridiculous. Some people need to be reminded that this is a game for fun times. If they want a WW2 sim they can probably find a bland and brown tinted game out there instead of ranting about this one. I actually like the fresh looks of the game. And another positive thing to come out of the hate is that the women who fought in the war get the recognition they deserve :P.

As for my opinion on the reveal, I must say that I really dig the sound of all the features the mentioned, like no loot boxes or passes, war stories, fortifications, Norway (finally in a game!!) and customisable options. But man, that trailer. They messed it up. They tried to be Fortnite and Overwatch, and the pacing and explosions was on a Michael Bay level. I need to see how the actual gameplay is, and I hope the game is more slow-paced in action.

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  • 3 weeks later...

EA just released a new trailer more on par with what people probably was expecting from a Battlefield title. This trailer looks solid, and the Norwegian voice acting is pretty okay. Wouldn't expect anything else, seeing as Dice is from Sweden :p



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That looks bonkers! I'll probably end up getting this for my PC. But the game might require me to do a full revamp of my system (mainly, CPU, RAM and Motherboard...), so it'll be an expensive game in the long run... 

I really love the look of Narvik in the game though. Haven't been that far north myself yet, but it's awesome to have the norwegian fjords as a backdrop for the firefights.

I was a bit sceptical at first, but god damn this game looks solid :D

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I don't know what it is but there's something a little bit Cod-like in the shooting mechanics. I don't know if it's the FOV, character model size, or the more predictable recoil patterns or something.

Not necessarily a bad thing and I'm still interested in seeing more footage. Seems like a strange map for them to focus on first though.

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The game is set in Norway? Nice. Don't really care for these multiplayer shooter games, but maybe I'll check out this one. I'm sure some of my colleagues will get it anyway.

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