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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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Oh man, the return to the flames had me thinking Dark Souls to begin with, but figured there was no way that they'd end Ultimate on something like that. Very limited experience with the series (played some of the first game with my younger brother), but still made me react in the way I'm sure Nintendo wanted out of this. That music is great, and Sakurai's reaction was hilarious :laughing:

People are going to say they aren't familiar with the series, which is one thing (to be honest, I won't be surprised if they use this as a platform to bring the Kingdom Hearts games over [EDIT: well that was fast] ), but it's another to wave it off just because they aren't familiar, or because it's another JRPG anime sword user, etc. I'm sure there will be a lot of people salty about this - regardless of who this final fighter was, that was always going to be the case - but it makes sense, it's a massive character.

Big in Japan and worldwide, a company they have a great working relationship with, the most asked for character in Smash and possibly one of the last things we'll see released with some tie back to Iwata. What they've done with this collaboration - and all of the others, to be honest the game as a whole! - is mind-boggling. 

Now go rest up Sakurai!! 

Edited by Julius
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Just now, Dcubed said:

Wow.  KH1&2 collections being Cloud versions is pretty dang shit.  S-E really just couldn't be arsed could they?

Are they all cloud versions? I thought I saw that only KHIII is a cloud version? Would love to pick up the 1.5 and 2.5 game, but not if it's in the cloud.

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Just now, Vileplume2000 said:

Are they all cloud versions? I thought I saw that only KHIII is a cloud version? Would love to pick up the 1.5 and 2.5 game, but not if it's in the cloud.

Nope.  All 3 are cloud streaming versions.

Absolute garbage.  They're PS2/PSP games FFS!

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1 minute ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Are they all cloud versions? I thought I saw that only KHIII is a cloud version? Would love to pick up the 1.5 and 2.5 game, but not if it's in the cloud.

All cloud versions.


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18 minutes ago, Julius said:

but it's another to wave it off just because they aren't familiar, or because it's another JRPG anime sword user, etc. I'm sure there will be a lot of people salty about this - regardless of who this final fighter was, that was always going to be the case - but it makes sense, it's a massive character.

I've made the anime swordsman joke plenty of times before but in this case Sora is absolutely the best choice to go out with.

You really can't argue with them delivering literally the most requested character. Nice tie-back to Satoru Iwata too.

Edited by Ronnie
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Can't really argue with the final choice.  It actually feels like an appropriate send-off for the series; and somehow, they actually managed to live up to the hype with their pick for The Final Smash Bros Character.

The sheer insanity regarding the wrangling of the licensing also commands mad respect.  That was no doubt incredibly difficult to pull off on Nintendo's part!

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I definitely felt the "send-off" part of the presentation. It was for sure the end of an era. I wish Sakurai a very healthy retirement.

But man, do I just... not care about Kingdom Hearts at all. Furthermore, Sora doesn't have a particularly interesting moveset,,, and there's no Disney representation at all... and none of the music got any new arrangements... But at least the stage is nice. Ultimately, I can't really argue against the choice to have him, either.

Square can go fuck itself with that Cloud Version bull, though. Even I'm pissed at this, and I was never going to play them.

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29 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Half watching but other than the Mickey-shaped thing during the trailer has they're been anything Disney-based during this or are they sticking firmly to the Squenix side of the franchise?

I don't think so? Not in the Final Smash (the Smash logo on the door as opposed to Mickey's kind of says it all), no Disney music, etc. 

Makes sense though. Got to imagine getting Sora and the Keyblade was hard enough, but having Disney in this thing would have made it a future licensing nightmare, I mean I'm just imagining YouTube and Twitch channels getting strikes a decade from now because some Disney song came on. It's enough of a mess these days as it is, even with just the video game music. 

18 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I've made the anime swordsman joke plenty of times before but in this case Sora is absolutely the best choice to go out with.

You really can't argue with them delivering literally the most requested character. Nice tie-back to Satioru Iwata too.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I think it's funny :p and as a fan of JRPG anime swordsmen I'm going to be cool with it. Unfortunately you get the vocal minority who have run that joke into the ground, are going to be genuinely angry or upset about this and forget that this game is purely and simply about having fun ::shrug:

And yeah, I'm really glad the more I think about it that Sakurai mentioned Iwata having knowledge of Sora being the most requested, and the team obviously having worked on it then and since his unfortunate passing, it pretty much shuts down any and all reasonable arguments for other characters being the final fighter in my mind :smile:

19 minutes ago, Ike said:

All cloud versions.


Okay, now that's genuinely embarrassing. It'll be a great advertisement for the other systems at least :laughing:

One step forwards and two steps back all the time with S-E with collections and re-releases these days: Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters only coming to PC (for now), Dragon Quest X Offline - something they were very vocal about wanting to bring to the West if it ever happened - currently being Japan only, and now this. 

Still waiting for the inevitable Final Fantasy VII Remake: Cloud Edition...

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Oh wow... all of the Kingdom Hearts games are cloud versions?

I did wonder how Kingdom Hearts III would have run on the Switch, so I was almost half-expecting something like that, but for all the games? Oh well.

I'm not that invested in Kingdom Hearts as a series, but that was an excellent character reveal, and I'm glad for all the fans who asked for this.

An impressive amount of time and energy has gone into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a whole, and regardless of your stance on the series or the character additions, that's certainly a lot of dedication and passion which has gone into one single game, which has turned into a celebration of videogames.

I don't play that many videogames any more, and while I don't feel as invested in any of it as I once did, seeing Sora and Mario shake hands at the end still got a smile out of me. :smile:

Well played, Nintendo, Square-Enix, Sakurai and all developers (first and third-party) involved in the game and series.

And thank you to Iwata-San, of course. :peace:

Thanks for all the games of Smash which we've played to everyone on N-Europe as well, I only tend to join for new character nights these days, but it has made each and every one of those new characters all the more memorable, especially with the Mii costumes and created stages as well; I'll definitely join again when Sora is added. :D

Right, time to get the relevant roundup article up on the main page.

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Looks like they couldn't afford full licensing to pull of the main aspect of the franchise. And then the KH games are getting cloud only versions.


At least this has provided entertainment from how hilariously bad it all is. It's provided a good chuckle 

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TBH even KH3 could run on Switch if S-E could be arsed.  UE4 runs just fine on Switch; and even the base Xbox One runs a respectable version of KH3.  The Trials of Mana remake runs on that same engine, and it runs perfectly well on Switch.

The KH1&2 collections being cloud versions are an absolute embarrassment on S-E's part.  Completely shameful.

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4 minutes ago, Julius said:

 I mean I'm just imagining YouTube and Twitch channels getting strikes a decade from now because some Disney song came on. It's enough of a mess these days as it is, even with just the video game music. 


Nintendo are one of the worst companies for that, so it wouldn't make much difference.

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25 minutes ago, Julius said:

but it's another to wave it off just because they aren't familiar,

Well, in my case.. I'm not interested in the Kingdom Hearts games since I can't stand any footage (of admittedly cutscenes) I've seen of it. It makes me want to crack open my skull against the wall. I don't think Disney and Square Enix mix at all. So I'm not interested in a character if I absolutely can't stand the source material, just like Minecraft character. I wish I could just delete those from my account.

But yeah, objectively, i can admit it's a fitting choice as a final character, just a massive letdown for me personally.

I missed the beginning, but I've caught up. Doomguy being a mii costume is better than nothing, but it's a massive piece of videogame history which isn't properly represented.. So they need to rectify that in a sequel.

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What's this about Sora being a swordsman? He's only wielding a very sharp key, smh

Just now, Julius said:

Still waiting for the inevitable Final Fantasy VII Remake: Cloud Edition...

...But FF7R already has Cloud in it :geek:

Edited by Jonnas
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57 minutes ago, Cube said:

Generic anime JRPG sword character #594. 

It's a club, dude. What kind of sword has a spherical edge?

Also, it's Disney! DISNEY! In Smash! That's nuts! It's a landmark moment for the series rivaling Banjo, Snake and Steve!

Some of you guys are on shrooms if you think that Sora isn't one of the biggest gets in Smash history!

Anyway, he looks mad effective in keeping opponents off the stage. Which worries me, @Sprout is already good at that already!

Almost everything about the character is really exciting, the extensive costumes (KH1 fits Smash the best, but old-school Disney style is very welcome), his animations, it all goes to show how lovingly crafted everyone in Smash is. But Sora definitely got some special treatment there.

10 minutes ago, Julius said:

I don't think so? Not in the Final Smash, no Disney music, etc. 

Makes sense though. Got to imagine getting Sora and the Keyblade was hard enough, but having Disney in this thing would have made it a future licensing nightmare, I mean I'm just imagining YouTube and Twitch channels getting strikes a decade from now because some Disney song came on. It's enough of a mess these days as it is, even with just the video game music.

I'm actually kinda OK with the almost no Disney stuff. Honestly, I'm amazed they didn't swap out the Mickey Logo with a Smash one.

But the main reason is because you don't want to open the "non-video game" character door. You don't want the Goku nutjobs to actually have a leg to stand on!

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18 minutes ago, Cube said:


If it's a club, why is it called a keyblade and not a keyclub?

If you played Kingdom Hearts, you'd know. It's actually called the "Kingdom Key"

EDIT: If you don't like the "anime" aspect of him... Well, you're covered!


The different facial expressions are such a nice touch! I thought I'd only ever choose the original outfit, but that one is really tempting. Would make a fun tag team with Cuphead Mii costume!

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I must admit I had written off Sora's chances thinking that Sephiroth was going to be the Square-Enix rep and thought Dr. Eggman was going to be it given that Sega haven't had a rep in the pass.


However, I'm kind of glade I was wrong. Legit a character I'd really enjoy playing as and I wasn't even among the people highly requesting Sora for the game. Shame the whole reveal ended up getting leaked but... oh well.

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Mr. Sakurai presents Sora in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Roundup

Now up on the main page.

Full press release and video embed. :D

A fitting end to a celebration of videogames, which will surely continue to be celebrated by the fans who continue to keep it going. :peace:

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