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Another spirit event will be happening this Friday.

Looks like River City is getting some love, with 4 new spirits to pick up. Quite fitting seeing as I just finished River City Ransom for the first time last weekend. :D 



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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate spirits event 'Kunio-kun' is now live

Now up on the front page, I meant to post about it the other day but the event has only just gone live today at least. :smile:

I really like all of the promotional pieces of art which are made for these spirit events and the tournaments. :D

This one brings back some good memories of playing River City Ransom on the various Virtual Console services.

It's also a reminder that I need to get back to playing River City Girls and pick up River City Melee Mach!! at some point.

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So we'll be playing around with Byleth tonight on Smashing Cast, and be practicing counter picks. I want to shout out and see if anyone wanted to join this week. It's a very relaxed podcast, so if you fancy it we'd love to have you. 20:00GMT

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The Sothis fight was way easier for me than it should have been. Used a Damage 50% item. Chose Bowser with the Geno spirit and Gold Mario Support. Forward Air, Forward Smash. Done. Her health recovery and Sudden Final Smash didn't even kick in.

Anyway, there's three enhanceable spirits in this bunch. So don't forget to nab two of those, @markderoos. Gotta keep that OCD LV 99 completion going.

I'm starting to run out of snacks... Might be time to attempt some more 9.0 intensity runs.

More importantly, I've made a highlight video of last night's Bylethic shenanigans. Warning: involves a lot of symmetrical violence.

OK, let's hope I get this right...

Blue Hair Female Byleth is @S.C.G, Green Hair and Green Clothes Female Byleth is @Nicktendo, White hair Female Byleth is @BowserBasher, Green Hair, Grey Clothes Female Byleth is @RedShell

I can't quite remember which Byleth @LazyBoy went for, sorry. He's there though and he did play as Bowser here for a bit.

Over on the Male side, we have me sporting the Black hair, Yellow clothed Male Byleth. Except near the end, @Nintendo Fan hijacked that one, so I then switched to the Blonde hair, blue clothes one. But then he switched to the default Male Byleth costume, so I went back to the Black hair one.

Oh, and @RedShell and I were the Mii Gunners.

I'm so pleased that I got the music to end perfectly.

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50 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Anyway, there's three enhanceable spirits in this bunch. So don't forget to nab two of those, @markderoos. Gotta keep that OCD LV 99 completion going.

I'm starting to run out of snacks... Might be time to attempt some more 9.0 intensity runs.

I’ve missed the Pokemon SwSh and Resident Evil spirits due to a holiday, so my OCD is triggering all over the place since then.

The Byleth spirits are all done and leveled up to 99, including Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude’s enhanced versions.

By the way @Glen-i when you’re low on snacks, why not let your spirits train with Doc Louis untill they’re at level 99?

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35 minutes ago, markderoos said:

By the way @Glen-i when you’re low on snacks, why not let your spirits train with Doc Louis untill they’re at level 99?

Honestly, forgot that was even a thing. Been ages since I dabbled in that.

I was gonna do another World of Light playthrough using only the DLC characters and their spirits, but now there's a second Fighter's Pass so I'm holding off on that.

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Oh right, now that the first Fighter's Pass is all done, what did you guys think of it?

I'm gonna rank each aspect of the pass, Character, stage and music from least favourite to favourite.


5. Joker - Don't get me wrong, Joker is fun. The Rebellion Gauge and Arsene are fun to play with. But I just don't gel with the nimble, weaker characters. I have the same problems with Sheik and Greninja. I like spinning around with the gun in mid-air though and finishing a match with his Final Smash is really satisfying.

4. Byleth - If Joker is like Sheik, then Byleth is closer to Ganondorf. And I suck with Ganondorf. Despite that, Byleth continues the trend of more interesting Fire Emblem Characters that Robin started. They also have the best Smash personality out of them, surprisingly. I laugh whenever they get Star K.O'd and scream "My battle ends heeeeerrrre!" Great in free-for-all's, not so much in one-on-one's.

3. Terry - Now we're getting to characters I'm actually quite good with. Terry makes me smile, his silly Engrish is a constant source of entertainment and like Ryu and Ken, pulling off the button inputs is an interesting mechanic in Smash. Especially his Super Special Moves, because not much feels better than successfully asking someone if they're OK and then punching them in the face. BUSTA WOLF!

2. Hero - You haven't lived until you've had a Hero menu fight. Seriously, they're so stupid and that's why I like him. Ridiculously versatile with what you can do which opens up so many strategies. Plus, Hero makes the hardcore competitive Smash player really mad because of the RNG he sports and that's just great. I'd probably play better with him if I could resist the urge to select Kamikazee whenever it appears...

1. Banjo & Kazooie - OK, sure. I know I'm usually not one to let nostalgia cloud my judgement, but come on! Banjo was the impossible Smash character once Microsoft bought Rare, and yet it happened and they feel completely in place here. Banjo's voice makes me smile, so I'm glad they blatantly reused the N64 sound clips and it's nice to finally have an official HD Banjo model that doesn't look ugly as sin. They're the Brawl character we almost got and it'll take something truly amazing to outdo that reveal.


5. Yggdrasil's Altar - It's a traveling stage, except it's not really. Apart from the occasional Mimics, there's not much going on here. Nothing wrong with a simple stage, of course, but I do like my chaos. Background is gorgeous though, a crazy amount of work went into that. I went into Training Mode just to watch it a bit.

4. Spiral Mountain - The spinning stage is a neat mechanic for Smash which subtly changes the layout of the stage. Pretty neat. And the attention to detail in the background is impressive. Not too crazy, but it still feels somewhat unique. Just don't ask how the bridge manages to vanish.

3. Garreg Mach Monastery - This makes perfect sense for a traveling stage. But what's interesting here is that every stop is a walk-off. That conveniently gels well with Byleth. I like the Marketplace area and the fact that every time you go inside, you break the ceiling. Pity the poor guy who has to fix that. Plus they managed to sneak that Gatekeeper everyone was making memes about in there. I laughed at that.

2. Mementos - I was pleasantly surprised by this stage. The shifting walls and ceiling make you change your strategy on the fly and the train that travels along the bottom provides a lot of entertainment. But the best thing about this stage is the aesthetic. Using the awesome Persona 5 UI as inspiration was... Inspired. It looks great! Especially when it changes colour depending on what song is playing. Very stylish and very fun.

1. King of Fighters Stadium - 3 words... Invisible, breakable walls. It's such a small thing, but it changes so much about the stage. 8 player matches are insane here! A stage that feels truly unique in the massive selection Smash has. Massive kudos here.


5. Fire Emblem: Three Houses Soundtrack - This is a good case of why it's not always a good idea to rely on straight rips. FE: Three Houses has a good soundtrack, but the songs here mostly don't work in Smash. And just to prove my point, the only remix it has is my favourite song here. I suppose you can use other FE songs, but I like to make sure no song is on more than one stage, so all the Three Houses music is on the corresponding stage. A shame... But hey, at least Tetris 99 technically got 3 songs in Smash now.

4. Persona Series - Similar to Three Houses in that there's mostly rips. Persona has a pretty unique soundtrack as far as Smash goes though, and it fits better. I'm not super keen on Persona songs though. All that said, Aria of the Soul is an amazing song and it has an amazing Smash remix!

3. SNK selection - Technically, this batch has the most songs that I don't like that much, but on the other hand... 50 SONGS! You're bound to find something you like here. It's also really nice that it's not limited to Fatal Fury/King of Fighters. There's some other games sneaking some songs there and they're my favourites here. Special shout out goes to the Psycho Soldier remix, which is a joy to hear.

2. Dragon Quest Series - I know, it's all rips, and it's all synthesised. But Dragon Quest's music is pretty iconic. Adventure and Wagon Wheel's March are triumphant tunes that I adore. The only dud I'd say this has is Dragon Quest XI's world map theme, which just doesn't hold up compared to the rest. It's also a shame that it's limited to 4 DQ games.

1. Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie - This could have easily fallen into the trap of using mostly rips, but nope, loads of remixes. And they're all great! And Smash finally gets its first Western composer in Grant Kirkhope. I love almost every song here. The Freezeezy Peak rip is a bit out of place in Smash, but that's all the negatives I can say. Spiral Mountain and Mad Monster Mansion are the highlights here.

Wow, that took ages. I'd say the Fighter's Pass was totally worth it, which is why I bought the second one already.

EDIT: Oh right, and @Ugh first aid showed me this.


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Yeah I also spent my 2019 gold coins on the season pass like I said I would. Haven't touched Smash since Joker though! I'll go play it soon again. Intended to get all the costumes while I was at it.. But damn, those things add up at this point, there are so many now. Anyway, shop wouldn't let me, so I'll get them later. But can't wait for the excitement of having new characters to download! .. which I won't play right away. Haha.

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20 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Oh right, now that the first Fighter's Pass is all done, what did you guys think of it?

Overall I’m happy with the amount of content it offered, but seeing as none of the characters genuinely appealed to me I’ve also been left somewhat disappointed. If I were to rate everything from least favourite to favourite it’d be...


5. Byleth - Too Much Fire Emblem! Seriously though, there was simply no need for another Fire Emblem character, not when the Fighters Pass was such a golden opportunity to further expand the Smash Ultimate roster with still unrepresented video game franchises. Fun to play as, sure. But the same (or similar) moveset could have been used for a more deserving character I reckon.
4. Joker - I have no history with the Persona series (outside of a spinoff that I played briefly on PS+ one time) so yeah, this character also meant nothing to me. But at the very least he is a true newcomer to Smash, so fair enough.
3. Terry - Finally, a character I'm at least familiar with! Would've far preferred the SNK rep to be Mai Shiranui, but what can I say... I'm not a good boy. ;) 
2. Hero - Although Dragon Quest isn't a series I've ever been massively into, I have played a few of the games here and there, and I definitely understood the desire for DQ representation in Smash, it's a huge deal after all. Not overly fussed personally, but at the same time I can't/wouldn't complain about this choice.
1. Banjo & Kazooie - This was a solid choice for the Fighters Pass. Lots of people wanted them and they have history with Nintendo, so yeah, a great addition to the roster. The best reveal trailer too. :D


5. Garreg Mach Monastery - Too Much Fire Emblem.
4. Mementos - Pretty boring stage I think, in both layout and presentation. The occasional cat meows are actually the best thing about it.
3. King of Fighters Stadium - +1 point for the breakable walls. But loses 2 points for not featuring Mai. :laughing:
2. Spiral Mountain - It looks nice and it spins around, not bad.
1. Yggdrasil's Altar -  It looks really, really nice. I love the little treasure chests that appear too, and how they can sometimes be traps. And anyone that's played my custom stages knows just how much I like stage elements that can be unpredictable, or "fight back". :hehe:


5. Fire Emblem: Three Houses Soundtrack - Too Much Fire Emblem.™ :heh:
4. Dragon Quest Series - Fantastic music, but crappy implementation.
3. SNK selection - Quantity over quality really, still some great stuff in there though.
2. Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie - Upbeat and fun, lots of remixes as well which is always appreciated.
1. Persona Series - Wow! Amazing. Absolutely amazing! :bowdown: The first track alone is enough to win it. I just love funky Acid Jazz! :bouncy::yay: There are some major duds in there too, but the good stuff is just way too good. Could only be topped by the miracle of Ulala somehow getting in on the Vol.2 Fighters Pass for some Space Channel 5 goodness.

So there you have it. Overall the Fighters Pass was a bit disappointing for me, but at the same time I've enjoyed so many hours of Smash Ultimate (it's my most played Switch game by miles) that I probably shouldn't complain too much. As for Fighters Pass Vol. 2, well I'm certainly not pre-ordering this time. I would love to, but after the direction they took with the first one I'm just not confident that the selection will be any more to my taste with round 2. Having said that, all it would probably take is for the next character reveal to be one from my prediction list and I'd bite straight away! :D

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Want a cheeky 20% off Fighter's Pass 2?

Shopto are selling it at a discount for some weird reason!




On 1/31/2020 at 9:34 PM, Glen-i said:

Oh right, now that the first Fighter's Pass is all done, what did you guys think of it?

It was amazing overall; I mean, we got BANJO AND FRICKIN' KAZOOIE BACK ON NINTENDO!!


It's just a shame that it ended on a real sour note; not that Byleth is a bad character or anything? But really? You decide to follow up on Joker, Hero, BANJO EFFING KAZOOIE and Terry Bogard with... a cheap promotion for the latest Fire Emblem game? (and let's all be honest, that is exactly what Byleth is).  Did we really need an eighth Fire Emblem character!? They make up almost 10% of the entire roster by themselves now! Only Mario and Pokemon have stronger representation in Smash than Fire Emblem now!


At least Byleth's stage is alright I suppose, but man... what a disappointing note to end such a great streak on.


Still, that doesn't change the fact that this round of characters was amazing; with literal dreams come true! So great in fact that it actually paves the way for collaborations and industry shattering changes previously thought impossible! Rare's games coming back to Nintendo; and Microsoft games on Switch are now absolutely possible!


Can't really be disappointed with a Fighter's Pass like that really!

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50 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

a cheap promotion for the latest Fire Emblem game? (and let's all be honest, that is exactly what Byleth is).

While you're certainly right that it is some cheap promotion for Three Houses, at least it wasn't as egregious as Corrin in Smash 4, when FE: Fates wasn't even out over here yet.

My actual point I was going to make though was, isn't Three Houses the best selling Fire Emblem game now? It clearly has fans that would be happy with Byleth in Smash.

And another thing I think about is that doesn't Hero technically count as the same kind of promotion? In fact, one could argue that it was a worse case than Byleth because DQ XI S wasn't even out yet and the hero from that is front and center in Smash. Or does the fact that it's Dragon Quest, an iconic and new franchise in Smash overrule that?

And here's a conundrum, what if instead of Byleth, we got, I dunno... Toxtricity from Pokémon Sword/Shield. Isn't that just as bad? Would that receive the same amount of complaints that Byleth got? My money would be on no. Because a sneaking suspicion of mine is that a lot of people whine about Byleth, not because of the cheap promotion, not because FE has the third highest amount of Smash Characters now, but because they don't like Fire Emblem as a game series and feel somewhat left out when a character they don't know is introduced to Smash.

Honestly, I think you're just going to have to accept that cheap promotion is one of the reasons why publishers let Sakurai and his team use their characters. (Except Microsoft, don't know what they're planning with that, but I ain't complaining)

I mean, once Three Houses became the big success it is, I knew it was only a matter of time, so I guess my expectations were tempered. And if cheap promotion gets Toxtricity in Smash, then I can live with cheap promotion.

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22 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Byleth has a good Classic route. Some clever use of the Fire Emblem Characters ending in an utterly comedic final boss. It's really funny.

If you haven't, give it a playthrough.

I can't beat the Awakening stage. I'm really bad with slow characters.

6 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Did we really need an eighth Fire Emblem character!? They make up almost 10% of the entire roster by themselves now! Only Mario and Pokemon have stronger representation in Smash than Fire Emblem now!

Why is OK for Mario and Pokemon to have more representation then?

5 hours ago, Glen-i said:

And here's a conundrum, what if instead of Byleth, we got, I dunno... Toxtricity from Pokémon Sword/Shield. Isn't that just as bad? Would that receive the same amount of complaints that Byleth got? My money would be on no. Because a sneaking suspicion of mine is that a lot of people whine about Byleth, not because of the cheap promotion, not because FE has the third highest amount of Smash Characters now, but because they don't like Fire Emblem as a game series and feel somewhat left out when a character they don't know is introduced to Smash.

Honestly, I think you're just going to have to accept that cheap promotion is one of the reasons why publishers let Sakurai and his team use their characters. (Except Microsoft, don't know what they're planning with that, but I ain't complaining)

I feel like the people complaining wouldn't like anyone and are probably the same people who want Waluigi. Another Mario character. Another fist user. Although knowing Sakurai, I bet that's who's going to be the final fighter.

At least Byleth plays different to the other FE characters.

Roy was added in Melee as a promotional tool for Binding Blade, Melee came out before that did. So it's not like this is the first time Smash has been used as a promotional tool. It works with other characters though, didn't we get Kid Icarus Uprising due to Pit's inclusion in Brawl? Joker was added for Persona Scramble as they were all announced around the same time?

I got Hero and Byleth so the next round will need something pretty special to be better than FP1. And I can't really think of anyone they could add that would top it.

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I think Greg on RFN hit the nail on the head when it comes to Byleth.

Every other character in the DLC pass were franchises that were new to the Smash games. You can understand people's disappointment when another Fire Emblem character was introduced because it bucked the trend that the other fighters in this pass had started. It was a weak finish to an otherwise unique set of characters. I don't think they would have been such an outcry if Byleth was the first character in the next batch of DLC. 

Not that Nintendo will be bothered by all of this. They had a lot of people's money already. :laughing:

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@Glen-ido you really think Toxtricity is the safest bet for a Gen 8 representation?

1. We already have two fighters representing Electric Pokemon, I just can’t see it happen because of this.

2. How about Zacian + Zamazenta as a playable duo? Fighting type already has Incinaroar but I think they differ a lot from him. Them being Legendaries isn’t a problem because we already have Mewtwo. They’re the box cover legendaries so everyone recognizes them. And I like them being fast quadrupeds (there we go again). Making them work together could be really unique because they’re a lot faster than the other duo’s (Duckhunt, Ice Climbers, Rosalina). Biggest thing against them is that they’ve already had representation through the spirit...

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Cool idea, rating newcomers like that. Let me try:


5.Joker - Look, I don't care much for Persona. Sure, this was a shocking, bombastic reveal... but that's it. The character itself isn't that hot, either, especially with his stupid projectiles that bypass projectile counters (as if Palutena wasn't bad enough). At least his Final Smash is dope, probably the best, and his win screen changing with the music in his own stage is a nice touch, too.

4.Banjo - I'm not a Banjo guy, never played his games in the N64, but boy did I feel happy for his fans when he got revealed. Wholesome trailer, that was. The character itself is a tad too projectile-focused for my liking, but I do like his cartoony animations, as well as Wonderwing. The win screen where he and Kazooie play the victory theme is wonderful, too.

3.Byleth - Some say we have a too much Fire Emblem representation, I say we have very little GOOD representation from that series (4 characters with similar playstyles and little reference to their original games? Lucina being an echo? No Hector, Lyn or Ephraim? CORRIN?!?), but Byleth managed to satisfy, actually bringing FE's weapon variety to Smash. Quite the achievement, too, considering Byleth him/herself is the least interesting part from that game. I do like slow-but-powerful characters, and Byleth is super fun in that regard.

2.Hero - Hell yeah, Dragon Quest! I'm sure this forum has more knowledgeable DQ fans than I, but I was ecstatic to see this respectable series making it to Smash. While I wanted Erdrick, what we got... was Erdrick, yeah! Plus 3 other guys, which is cool, I like using Eight for casual chill bouts (and seeing DQ1 Erdrick in the Final Smash is good enough for me). And of course, what a character to use, his Down B makes this some of the most fun you can have in Smash! It's practically a whole new mode!

1.Terry Bogard - You knew this was my favourite. I legitimately think Terry is a true gaming icon, and seeing Sakurai do him (and SNK) justice was just wonderful. He got all of his classic moves in (even creating a Back-B just for him), the ability to pull off BUSTAH WORF relatively easily... this character is heaven to play (and totally one of my trio of mains). I think what I liked the most about Terry was how readily the smash community accepted him, and collectively joined the Terry Bogard fanclub. Makes me happy, seeing justice being made for best boy.


5.Spiral Mountain - Like I said, not a Banjo-Kazooie fan. The spinning mechanic is half-neat and half-dizzying, and that's really all it has. No, I don't care for the numerous lost souls that Banjo-Kazooie apparently had all along.

4.Yggdrasill's Altar - As far as a DQ stage could go, this is pretty tame. I personally wanted a battle screen, where DQ monsters would often appear. What we got is not bad, either, what with the chests and changing layouts, just... not as good as the rest.

3.Mementos - Cool layout, cool hazards, cool cat noises, and cool synergy with the music. No complaints here, the aesthetics were easily the best part of the Persona DLC.

2.Garreg Mach Monastery - Remember what I said about Fire Emblem lacking GOOD representation? Look no further than the crappy stages FE has had up to this point: generic battlefield with statues (?!?) and lava; an Arena Ferox that bears no resemblance to the actual place in Awakening (where is all this clockwork machinery coming from?); and a generic Coliseum (technically accurate to the series... but super bland. Also, why the clockwork machinery again?). Finally, we see a stage representing an actual place, with actual set pieces, and actual character cameos. Call me biased all you want, this was the best part of the Three Houses DLC.

1.King of Fighters - Breakable walls, KOF cameos and SNK music, oh my! I get excited every time I see the likes of King, Yuri and Blue Mary cheering in the background. Even guys like Rock or Yamazaki, they're great to see. Plus, let's face it, this is the only DLC stage with a mechanic so good, we want to see it retroactively applied to other walk-off stages.


5.Dragon Quest - I guess this one's here by default. As much as I like Adventure and War Cry, them not being the best versions of themselves hurts the score (haha, puns).

4.Three Houses - A shame there's only one remix, but the Three Houses score is pretty delicious on its own. Also, Fódlan Winds, 'nuff said.

3.Banjo-Kazooie - Jolly tunes, varied genres, lots of good remixes, and zero complaints from me. I wish we could use some of these tracks in other stages.

2.Persona - Persona music is super slick, not gonna lie. Mass Destruction has been part of my videogame playlist for years prior to Ultimate. Plus, this and Donkey Kong seem to be the only series in which Sakurai allows for any jazz.

1.SNK - Psycho Soldier. London March. Pasta. Let's go to Seoul. Oh, and 46 others. Really feels like SNK wanted to play catch-up when it came to representation. The only regret is the lack of jazzy tunes (even Stormy Saxophone got somehow de-jazzified), but with this selection, who can complain?

I'm generally super happy with this Season 1 of newcomers, even moreso when you include Piranha Plant. Even the more disappointing parts were "I wish there was more" as opposed to "They did it wrong".

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11 hours ago, Ike said:

I can't beat the Awakening stage. I'm really bad with slow characters.

Why is OK for Mario and Pokemon to have more representation then?

I feel like the people complaining wouldn't like anyone and are probably the same people who want Waluigi. Another Mario character. Another fist user. Although knowing Sakurai, I bet that's who's going to be the final fighter.

At least Byleth plays different to the other FE characters.

Roy was added in Melee as a promotional tool for Binding Blade, Melee came out before that did. So it's not like this is the first time Smash has been used as a promotional tool. It works with other characters though, didn't we get Kid Icarus Uprising due to Pit's inclusion in Brawl? Joker was added for Persona Scramble as they were all announced around the same time?

I got Hero and Byleth so the next round will need something pretty special to be better than FP1. And I can't really think of anyone they could add that would top it.

I think the problem here is the order the characters were released in.  If Byleth and Banjo’s places were swapped? You’d be hearing nothing but praise for the Fighter’s Pass as a whole.


As it stands though? It’s a pretty limp finish to what was an amazing run.


It’s not hard to see why people were disappointed when Banjo Effing Kazooie and Terry were followed up by our 8th Fire Emblem character.  A full run of 3rd party dream characters followed up by the most predictable choice of first party character possible.

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12 hours ago, markderoos said:

@Glen-ido you really think Toxtricity is the safest bet for a Gen 8 representation?

1. We already have two fighters representing Electric Pokemon, I just can’t see it happen because of this.

2. How about Zacian + Zamazenta as a playable duo? Fighting type already has Incinaroar but I think they differ a lot from him. Them being Legendaries isn’t a problem because we already have Mewtwo. They’re the box cover legendaries so everyone recognizes them. And I like them being fast quadrupeds (there we go again). Making them work together could be really unique because they’re a lot faster than the other duo’s (Duckhunt, Ice Climbers, Rosalina). Biggest thing against them is that they’ve already had representation through the spirit...

No, I don't think it's the most likely. I just want Toxtricity. Coolest Pokémon from Sword/Shield. It might be an Electric type, but it attacks more with sound than actual electricity. And don't forget that it's also Poison type as well, which only Ivysaur shares, and Smash Ivysaur is about as poisonous as a fresh apple.

It also has a Gigantamax form, so you don't need much of an imagination to give it a Final Smash at least.

We're getting a Gen 8 Pokémon, I'm certain of that much. I just hope it's not another starter, and if it has to be, than I'll be fine with Inteleon. It's the closest you'll get to James Bond.

Yeah, the Zacian + Zamazenta spirit isn't just a spirit, it's a Spirit that was added to Smash quite recently, if there were plans for that character, they would have saved that spirit for when you finish Classic Mode with it.

Oh, and finally, Incineroar isn't Fighting type. It's Fire/Dark. If we look at the typings of the playable Pokémon we have...

Pikachu and Pichu are Electric.

Jigglypuff is Normal/Fairy.

Mewtwo is Psychic.

Squirtle is Water, Ivysaur is Grass/Poison and Charizard is Fire/Flying.

Lucario is Steel/Fighting, same as Zamazenta actually, but not Zacian.

And Greninja is Water/Dark.

I don't think Sakurai cares too much about the typing of a Pokemon, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten Incineroar. He already said he went with Incineroar because he always wanted to have a wrestling character in Smash.

Oh, and @Ike I kinda fluked the Awakening section of Byleth's route. His neutral B is surprisingly effective when facing 3 opponents at once. You're bound to hit one. Careful about doing that in round 6 though, not Claude likes to spam that same move there.

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