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Nintendo confirms: No live conference at E3 this year


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And the personality and charm of Nintendo's Robot Chicken animations in 2014 and the puppet show from 2015 could not be done with the same impact in a live stage show. There's pros and cons to both.


I agree with serebii, last year's Sony show was just trailer trailer trailer trailer, sure there was audience reaction but the presentation seemed a bit pointless and dated.


You could argue that Nintendo can't do these screenings live as they need these segments, on account of not having enough games to make up a reasonable length show. I bet they wish they could do trailer trailer trailer. I would have killed for tappa tappa tappa.

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You could argue that Nintendo can't do these screenings live as they need these segments, on account of not having enough games to make up a reasonable length show. I bet they wish they could do trailer trailer trailer. I would have killed for tappa tappa tappa.






For what it's worth, my point was Sony's was too like a Direct to the point it really didn't need to be live :p


Well it had an atmosphere so it was nothing like a Direct :p

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Out of curiosity, who do you think had a bad one last year? Sony has had killer E3 pressers for the past few years now, same goes for the Playstation Experience conferences they have in December. Microsoft, despite not having a strong line up of games, have even taken note and trimmed the fat, with their conference getting rid of the talking and focusing purely on the games.


The roughest of the live stuff has been from Japan, with both the TGS event and Nintendo's Switch reveal being the ones that didn't deliver.


I don't necessarily think anyone had a bad one last year, it definitely comes down to personal taste and I always thought​ even Nintendo's way back when we're cringe worthy and souless.


I just find them vacuums of atmosphere and most reactions unbelievable, constant whooping etc, and, ultimately, create more hype than they are worth.


Just struggle to find them interesting when a nice, concise pre recorded presentation will do.


Don't get me wrong though, Nintendo's last year was naff, but I'd much rather see in depth things like Tree House after rather than one hour long skirt over things and nothing else; great example being Shenmue 3 reveal two years ago, people were crying at that and we are still waiting (still hopeful it could follow Breath of The Wild in terms of long wait from announcement to great game etc).


Again, just my personal taste though :)

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Okay fair enough, but saying the show "was just trailer trailer trailer trailer" and that it "seemed a bit pointless and dated" could certainly be interpreted as complaining about them showing nothing but games. What was your issue with it?


I just thought it was a bit pointless to have this big live stage show, and then do more or less nothing but show trailers on the big screen. Don't get me wrong, it's obviously a great thing that their show was all about games, I just thought the delivery was verging on seeming dated.


But to be clear, I have no real 'issue' with it, I'm just offering another view. Sure seeing a crowd applaud and cheer is fun, but so were Nintendo's Digital Events. So yeah, whichever really ::shrug:

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Well the live show is for the conference audience. It brings them together and gives a conversation point: "were you at Sony's show? What did you think of...?" which plays out over the three days.


Does anyone know if Nintendo at least have a 'showing' of their Direct? Or does everyone just try and grab WiFi somewhere and sit apart?


Of course in either case you can talk about the content, but the experience is missing from a preroll.


I just imagine at the event the live shows garner more attention than what Nintendo do and to us at home that doesn't make a difference but when this is a trade show it makes a difference if not in discussions then perhaps in perception. After all it's the definition of 'phoning it in'

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I wouldn't be surprised if in 5 or so years time Sony and/or Microsoft will also stream pre-recorded shows like Nintendo now does. Just a guess, but I think that's where things are headed. To be aired in a conference room, but pre-recorded.

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I much prefer the directs over the live conferences. I rarely watch any of the conferences live now, and just watch them on youtube later on so I can skip through the filler. Never cared for the audience applauding a bunch of games too.


With a direct i get to see everything without any technical issues, awkward pauses, people introducing people...who then walk on stage just to introduce someone else, unnecessary celebrities appearances and all the other guff those live shows give us. And from Nintendo's perspective a direct gets just as much coverage as a conference does, so its a win win situation.

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I don't really care that much as long as Nintendo unveil some good software at the event.


But it is a bit of a cop-out to not have a live event. Would sports events be exciting without an audience? You definitely lose something.

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'Tune in for a look at Nintendo Switch games for 2017' makes me think it won't be a particularly exciting show as we already know a lot of what's on offer. Hopefully there will be a couple of nice surprises :smile:


Nintendo always do this


They always say their Directs focus on ____ during ____ YEAR. We then get loads of stuff beyond that.

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Nintendo’s E3 activities kick off on Tuesday 13th June at 17:00 BST with its Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017 video presentation. Available to view in local languages live at Nintendo of Europe’s E3 2017 website, this presentation will offer more details about Super Mario Odyssey and other Nintendo Switch games, with a focus on games launching this year.



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I can see Nintendo holding out on say a new Metroid until e3 2018; after the success of the Zelda themed one last year this year is very much Mario, if this goes as well I can see them following the template for a few more years yet!


I agree that they'll likely continue with this template for the foreseeable future (I have no doubts it will go down as a great way to end E3 like it was last year), but I don't see them holding onto a property such as Metroid for next year's conference to be the tentpole game for Nintendo to focus on marketing.


It very well could be, but I don't see it having anywhere near the mass appeal that Mario and Link have (with Samus and Link notably nowhere near as beloved in Japan as Mario or other Nintendo franchises), especially considering previous sales numbers (last I checked, the franchise was sitting at ~17.5 million units sold back in 2012). In fact, given the console and previous sales numbers, I believe that 2018 - and yes, I'm aware that they've never been revealed at an E3 before - would be the perfect time to use the Pokémon franchise to headline the conference.


I think the next Metroid has potential to be great, but I think Nintendo would rather have their larger franchises headline the conference, and new games, such as a potential Metroid, could be featured in the Nintendo Spotlight. In fact, it's been a while since we've heard anything about what Retro's up to, so I wouldn't be too surprised if we saw a reveal for the next Metroid or Donkey Kong game at E3 this year.

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