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Switch eShop Thread


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4 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Oh yeah, took me forever to realise, too: spells and items are assigned certain to button combinations. Everytime I would accidentally press a+x or whatever, I would use something I didn't mean to. I think it's a holdover from the PC versions, and becomes annoying on a controller. Unfortunately, I don't think this can be turned off.

As for the roguelike aspect, yeah, you can't go in expecting the best stuff. It's a lucky break if you get it, but the principle is to work with what you got. That said, there are shrines and spots where you can swap or "re-roll" items. Finding ways to tip the odds in your favour is also an aspect of roguelike skill. I understand if it's not your cup of tea, just offering my thoughts on the matter.

Oh, I'm still enjoying myself it just took a bit longer for me to get into than it has with other games. The only other proper roguelike I've played was Tumbleseed and that was similarly frustrating to begin with but I eventually got the hang of it. I'm relieved the jittery spells & bombs were down to the game and not my joy cons - don't want to be sending them off for repair just yet. 

I completed Zone 4 earlier on this afternoon and just finished Zone 5 a few minutes ago. I loved the music and the visuals, it was funny to find out some of the names of the enemies while the credits were rolling too - lots of cool little references. I only really picked the game up because of Cadence of Hyrule and by all accounts would have had an easier time with the sequel but I'm a bit of a stickler for playing through games in release order, as I like to see how the mechanics progress, and I'm glad I've spent enough time with Necrodancer to familiarise myself with the gameplay but it'll probably be a while before I pick up Cadence. 

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16 hours ago, killthenet said:

I'm up to Zone 4 now so I'm definitely finding my feet and getting used the rhythm of the game. One of the biggest problems right now is that spells and bombs seem to go off at random sometimes - I swear my finger isn't even over the button and they just trigger. Is there some hidden analogue stick combo that sets them off? 

I'm 100% certain there's an option to turn that off. I think it's something like "Key Shortcuts" or something. It stops items from being used by inputting a diagonal direction. (Beware though, there's one character who can move diagonally and turning that off makes it very difficult to do so)

Are you using the Pro Controller? Because if so, I recommend using Joy Cons instead and using the D-Pad Buttons for any character who's not the Bard. If you're still using the Bard, than that's fine.

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There are three new bundles on the eshop where you can buy Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros or Splatoon 2 with a 12 month subscription to Nintendo Switch Online for a little cheaper then if you purchased them separately:

Smash + NSO £68.99 (saving of £8.99)

Mario Kart 8 + NSO £68.99 (saving of £12.49)

Splatoon 2 + NSO £58.88 (saving of £8.99)

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WOOHOO!!! I've always wanted to play this! It's basically the direct predecursor to Metal Slug! :D 


Also VS Balloon Fight! Which is a completely different game from the NES one!!


Here's the list of hype that was announced for Arcade Archives...



- Scramble
- Time Tunnel
- Nintendo’s Golf
- Kaitei Daisensou (In the Hunt)
- VS. Castlevania
- Balloon Fight
- Detana!! TwinBee


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  • 2 weeks later...

The full list is up on the main site:


Some great sales in there. I won't have much time to game in the coming months so I'm basically looking to grab a couple of short games, or games you can jump in quickly. Tips are very welcome!

I think I'll get Iconoclasts and Gato Roboto (this will go on sale the 30th) for sure. But could use 1 or 2 more titles.

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I’ve finally picked up Cuphead. There are definitely a few more titles on sale that I wouldn’t mind getting too. :eek: 

What’s the verdict on the latest version of Rime? I seem to recall it was a pretty bad port at launch, but that it got mostly sorted out via a later patch. :hmm: 

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4 minutes ago, RedShell said:

I’ve finally picked up Cuphead. There are definitely a few more titles on sale that I wouldn’t mind getting too. :eek: 

What’s the verdict on the latest version of Rime? I seem to recall it was a pretty bad port at launch, but that it got mostly sorted out via a later patch. :hmm: 

I played it recently and it still stutters and has performance issues. Nothing game breaking, though. However, I didn't enjoy the game as a whole but that's another matter. :) 

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Picked up Ori and the Blind Forest because why not. It's not like I don't have a load of stuff to play on my Switch already without adding that (and having picked up DQ XI). I already have it on the Xbox One but I love the game and was happy enough to double dip for the game.

Playing it on the Lite, the game looks absolutely stunning. None of the visual fidelity has been lost in bringing it to the Switch, let alone for handheld play. Character models are small on the screen but I've not struggled in the hour I've played so far to keep track of things. Playing on the Lite has also reminded me of just how beautiful the soundtrack is, as I've had my headphones on the whole time and it's fantastic.

I imagine if you've finished the game on Xbox One or PC, there won't be much pull for jumping in again on Switch but for me, I didn't finish it originally so this'll give me a chance to rectify that. And it plays, looks and sounds as great as ever so it's well worth the asking price. A lot will and have compared it to Hollow Knight but I'd argue they're two very different types of Metroidvania games and well worth the asking price and your time in both cases. Just makes me want the sequel all the more. Hurry up February.

I also picked up Bastion as I had enough gold points after all the indie game purchases in the last week so there's that to play through too. Think I'll hold off anything more for now but knowing Transistor is there on sale and that I've yet to pick up either Katana Zero or Stillness of the Wind, I can't guarantee there won't be more purchases.

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, killthenet said:

Didn't see a thread for it but Little Town Hero came out today, it's been getting mixed reviews but it's a lot cheaper than I expected - it's only £22.49 on the eShop. Has anyone picked it up?

That's a lot more expensive than I expected. :D 

I watched a few videos and read a couple of reviews but I doubt i'll be picking it up. It doesn't seem like your typical RPG and it looks quite limited.

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17 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That's a lot more expensive than I expected. :D 

I watched a few videos and read a couple of reviews but I doubt i'll be picking it up. It doesn't seem like your typical RPG and it looks quite limited.

It’s probably best compared to FFCC: My Life as a King.  More of a town-building game with light RPG elements than a full-blown RPG.

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17 hours ago, killthenet said:

Didn't see a thread for it but Little Town Hero came out today, it's been getting mixed reviews but it's a lot cheaper than I expected - it's only £22.49 on the eShop. Has anyone picked it up?

I’m away at the moment, so I can’t buy/play it, but I will likely be picking it up at some point.

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The two seasons of Telltale’s Batman game are on sale for £6.24 each. I noticed the original price for these games has been knocked down considerably from from they used to be, which was £39.99 for each one. It’s now £12.49.

Edited by Helmsly
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19 minutes ago, Helmsly said:

The two seasons of Telltale’s Batman game are on sale for £6.24 each. I noticed the original price for these games has been knocked down considerably from from they used to be, which was £39.99 for each one. It’s now £12.49.

Well worth playing if you're a fan of the character and DC universe. I loved them both.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Resident Evil 5 and 6 are getting gyro aiming added in a patch!


(Immediately proceeds to beg to God for RE4 Wii controls to get patched into RE4 Switch.  COME ON!!!!)

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