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There's no thread for this game, so I thought I'd make one.


My impressions are: quite pretty graphics, seems like fun, but I sort of have the sneaking suspiscion that if you don't want to play it online, it'll have a very limited life span.

Looks like the type of game they were trying to sell the Wii on in 2006.


Basically an extended version of Wii Sports Boxing. ANother game that no one ever played.


With this and 1-2 it makes me glad to see Ninety hasn't ditched it's motion stuff. Heck, it all seems to have gotten better and more intricate. This is essentially Wii Boxing's evolution. Why do I now expect a Wii "Crazy" Golf Evolution where after putting the ball it goes flying through the air, sprouts wings and then you have to motion guide it through some crazy sky obstacle course to the hole...?


This is Nintendo being very, very aware of the current success of eSports in my opinion.


And that's great, because this game looks like it could be great fun!


Looked pretty vibrant and fun to me; very Nintendo-esque. Can't say I saw lots of value in it though - I presume it's not aiming to be a huge title?

Looked pretty vibrant and fun to me; very Nintendo-esque. Can't say I saw lots of value in it though - I presume it's not aiming to be a huge title?


Seems to be their (attempt at an) answer to a lot of multiplayer heavy, strategy-focused games.

I think this game looks great, but I fear too many won't bother simply because it has motion control :(


This is me. I simply can't be bothered with that stuff anymore. I had my fill of it during the Wii era.


One of my mates was also watching the conference live and sent me a text after the showing of 1 2 Switch and this. It said " I thought we were passed all of this mini game rubbish and waggle!". I gotta admit, I thought exactly the same.


To me it look like it could be fun and have hidden depth - but it also looks like it could be fun for 10mins.

I presume it will have a single player mode.


The characters look lazy compared to PunchOut. Quite why this isn't PunchOut Switch I don't know.

Now i'm interested in it. :D

Me too :D


I was hesitant because of motion controls but was going to give it a go, but now I am 100% in.


People are complaining it's barebones, but like Splatoon's reveal this is just a very small microcosm of the game in a demo

Posted (edited)
Me too :D


I was hesitant because of motion controls but was going to give it a go, but now I am 100% in.


People are complaining it's barebones, but like Splatoon's reveal this is just a very small microcosm of the game in a demo


Too right, this game looks genuinely fun at a glance, and to find out it has great depth with strategy too? :D


Can definitely see this taking off in eSports

Edited by Julius Caesar

Quick hot take: more fun than expected. At first it feels like Wii Boxing but once you start being able to be strategic it makes it more interesting. Hopefully this is just a small slice though as there were five characters, three or four areas and one mode. Oh and each character could have three gloves (some shared amongst characters).

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