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Spider-Man (PS4)


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2 hours ago, Ashley said:

Going back a bit I'm not sure why confirming DLC pre-release is an issue specifically with this game as it's pretty much the norm now (the confirmation rather than the creation), but maybe I'm not paying enough attention. 

I'm curious to keep an eye on this game but lord knows I won't get a chance to play it soon. 

Probably because it's out so soon so people assume it was something taken out of the game to be sold later for extra money.

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8 hours ago, Ronnie said:

I think it's more that it's out a month after the game releases, and there's trailers etc already being shown.


6 hours ago, Ike said:

Probably because it's out so soon so people assume it was something taken out of the game to be sold later for extra money.

I'm not saying it's not shitty, but it's also not unique is it not? I seem to recall a number of games doing the same kind of thing, but maybe I'm getting confused or time is doing that Dali thing in my mind. 

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10 hours ago, Ashley said:

Going back a bit I'm not sure why confirming DLC pre-release is an issue specifically with this game as it's pretty much the norm now (the confirmation rather than the creation), but maybe I'm not paying enough attention. 

My main issue is that the DLC is coming so soon after the release of the game and apparently story threads are started in the main game that won't be resolved until you buy the DLC. It pretty much screams that at least the first set of DLC is finished already. 

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41 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

My main issue is that the DLC is coming so soon after the release of the game and apparently story threads are started in the main game that won't be resolved until you buy the DLC. It pretty much screams that at least the first set of DLC is finished already. 

This is why I will finish the main game, trade-it in and read up on the DLC's story if I'm interested. ::shrug:

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2 hours ago, Ashley said:


I'm not saying it's not shitty, but it's also not unique is it not? I seem to recall a number of games doing the same kind of thing, but maybe I'm getting confused or time is doing that Dali thing in my mind. 

Oh, yeah. It's pretty common nowadays. Especially with fighters.

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3 hours ago, Ashley said:

I'm not saying it's not shitty, but it's also not unique is it not? I seem to recall a number of games doing the same kind of thing, but maybe I'm getting confused or time is doing that Dali thing in my mind. 

I think in part the thing is that they were giving such a good honest/transparent impression at first. They made a point that pre-order bonuses are not exclusives, that suits are not locked by microtransactions or loot boxes but are in-game rewards. All this felt quite refreshing. Then at the last minute to make it feel like some content was cut/paywalled is a bit disheartening. We shouldn't stop getting annoyed by bad practices just because they're becoming commonplace after all.

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15 hours ago, Grazza said:


 I played Spider-Man 2 (excellent) and Ultimate Spider-Man (not so good), and wasn't quite sure if any of them after that did the concept as well as Spider-Man 2.  Climbing round the city was an experience I haven't matched again with anything else.


Can we all stop bickering and address the real issue now ^^^^^^^^^^ Say what now? Ultimate Spider-man was amazing

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8 hours ago, Shorty said:

I think in part the thing is that they were giving such a good honest/transparent impression at first. They made a point that pre-order bonuses are not exclusives, that suits are not locked by microtransactions or loot boxes but are in-game rewards. All this felt quite refreshing. Then at the last minute to make it feel like some content was cut/paywalled is a bit disheartening. We shouldn't stop getting annoyed by bad practices just because they're becoming commonplace after all.

Going to respond to this one particularly but address others generally.

Oh yeah by all means be pissed, I was just confused as to why it seemed to be this game particularly irked (which you gave good reasons for cheers). I've dipped in and out of following this game so some things passed me by.

I think there are very few big games that aren't developed with plans for DLC from the off. Whether they develop it alongside or after, I think the industry has realised it's a good way to get more money. For what it's worth, I'd rather know up front before a game is released so I can make an informed decision 

And the DLC content being teased in the main game is a natural evolution of the Marvel post-credit sting. You brought this on yourselves by lapping it up 😋


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I installed this late last night, it took nearly an hour to install the 44GB disc (offline) and there is a day one 4.1GB update just to let you know. :peace:

Oh yeah, and I got the game yesterday in the post but didn't get a chance to play it, glad I at least installed it yesterday. :p

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Just picked up my pre-order (along with some Spiderman postcards which'll probably end up in a drawer or the recycling) and it's fair to say that this is going to sell gangbusters going by the queue I was in in my local Game store. About 15 people ahead of me and more coming in at the back of me and from what they were saying in store, it's been like that since 9. It's nuts really. Can't remember a time when a game has had people more or less queuing out the door like this has.

Anyway, away to start the arduous task of installing and updating, thankfully I've got things I can get in with but that's my afternoon/evening/weekend sorted. I only hope that I end up enjoying it as I'm a bit trepidatious about playing it.

We'll see. Haven't played a Spiderman game since the PlayStation 1 days and even then, I can't remember which it was so I've no real affinity to the character beyond liking the Sam Raimi films, so I'm cautiously looking forward to trying it.

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I put a couple of hours into the game this evening and it's pretty fun. I only moved the story forward enough so it allowed me to start grabbing collectibles. I managed to get all the backpacks and unlocked all the towers. That leaves me in good standing to progress the story tomorrow.

@Shorty did you get a steel case with yours? If not and you're after one you can have mine. I don't like having them on my shelf so if you want it then just PM me your address and I'll get it sent to you.

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I like the game, but it will be a once and done for sure. A few hours in and a lot of the crime things are repeating, along with the base tokens etc


of course there is still loads I need to do but I think it’s a weekender and then it will be finished.


amazing feeing flying through the air though, they got it spot on.

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I managed to get around two hours of this played last night. :)

I'm quite enjoying it so far, that initial mission really helps you to get into the swing of things. :D

I decided to just start the game on the hardest dificulty, even though there don't seem to be any trophies linked to it, I just wanted a challenge.

After you figure out the combat, it's really not that bad, I maybe failed a handful of times during the mission but it was never too frustrating.

Whether or not this will still be the case later on in the game... I don't know but I have no regrets. :peace:

All of the world-building and the feeling of flying through the air really gives the game a satisfying weight.

But it does feel like a single playthrough game, plus the dlc which will definitely help to add longevity, now that I've played the game I'm more at ease with the idea...

...even though it could have been communicated in a better way.

It's more content to what seems at first glance to be a very enjoyable Spider-Man game at least. :smile:

I'm almost certain that it won't make me want to suddenly watch all the Spider-Man films I've missed or any recent super hero films but the game is very polished and enjoyable.

That's all I really wanted from it. :grin:

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19 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:


@Shorty did you get a steel case with yours? If not and you're after one you can have mine. I don't like having them on my shelf so if you want it then just PM me your address and I'll get it sent to you.

Hey, that would be awesome, thanks! Pinging you my address.

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Credits have just rolled. Brilliant stuff. The story and cinematics of the game are fantastic and it could quite easily be seen as another Spider-Man movie. 

The traversal around the city is another highlight of the game. Being able to swing around from point A to B is such a fun experience. Picking up momentum and then releasing the web at the highest point to then dive and then shoot another web is sooooo much fun.

I also enjoyed the size of the map you get to play around in. I really dislike how larger a lot of open world games are and this one is just the right size for me. It's size, as well as other things, reminded of playing the Infamous games, a series that I really love.

The polish that has gone into the game wasn't really that surprising. Sony's AAA exclusives have long been of a high quality, as have Insomniac's games. This game continues that trend.

The only thing that needs improving upon is the busy work the game has you do. Clearing out enemy bases, taking on things and chasing down cars does get a bit samey and tiresome by the end. More variety is needed in this aspect of the game and it's something that will no doubt be addressed in the inevitable sequel.

Time for a quick break and then the platinum hunt begins. I've done a lot of the side stuff as I was playing so there isn't that much left to crack on with.

Spider-Man, God of War and Detroit....Sony have had an amazing year with just these 3 games alone and all 3 have been my favourite gaming experiences of 2018.


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Early UK sales are in.


PS4 exclusive Spider-Man is the fastest-selling game of 2018 so far.

It narrowly beat previous record-holder Far Cry 5 (which was available on more platforms), and sold almost double that of the previous biggest exclusive of the year - God of War on PS4.

Not only that, but it's the fastest-selling Marvel-branded game in history, beating previous title LEGO Marvel Super Heroes by a big margin.

It's also the fastest selling individual format game since the PS4 version of Call of Duty: WWII in November last year. Spider-Man is the latest in a long-line of hit PS4 exclusive single-player games.

Amazing, Sensational and Spectacular result. :D 

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