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Spider-Man (PS4)


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Can't wait! Spider-Man was the first PS1 game I truly loved!


Can't tell what they're going for, though. Is this part of the MCU canon? They eyelets look AWFULLY similar to Tom Holland's Spidey's, but what's with the massive white Spider symbol? Hmm...

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Always been a big Spidey and subsequent Marvel fan, and I was ever so pleasantly surprised when I discovered the spiderman games on I think my Xbox?? Think I had Spiderman 2, and was very suitably impressed with it at the time. Played a few more since, but eventually I got one problem;


I found them repetitive. I know it's a problem you're likely to get with open-world/free roam style things, where there's just not an easy way to balance a large/vast world for exploring with sub-activities that are varied enough, but that'd be my main concern with this too.


Having said that - I definitely took note after seeing it in the Sony conf. The previously titles have, as I said, very much impressed me with their general conduct and movement etc. it's only the repetitiveness that got me so I'd certainly be keeping an eye out for this at the £30ish mark or so, or even sooner depending on user feedback once it's out!

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I don't know man, I played Spiderman 2 to death, and still didn't get bored. I think I near 100%'d it, and still spent hours just swinging around the city solving crimes.


I didn't play any of the subsequent games though, so maybe it was franchise fatigue.


I have really high hopes for this one though.

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Always been a big Spidey and subsequent Marvel fan, and I was ever so pleasantly surprised when I discovered the spiderman games on I think my Xbox??


If you are such a big Spider-Man fan then why do you keep spelling it wrong??? Everytime someone spells it Spiderman I die a little inside :p

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If you are such a big Spider-Man fan then why do you keep spelling it wrong??? Everytime someone spells it Spiderman I die a little inside :p




I don't know man, I played Spiderman 2 to death, and still didn't get bored. I think I near 100%'d it, and still spent hours just swinging around the city solving crimes.


I didn't play any of the subsequent games though, so maybe it was franchise fatigue.


I have really high hopes for this one though.


Iirc it wasn't 2 that did it to me, it was having played another one or two afterwards. I don't even remember what ones, because I probably hit the franchise similar to yourself! I think one was Web of Shadows or something. Venom spawn/symbiotes seemed to be quite a thing in it. Haven't played any since for fear of getting instantly bored, but very tempted to jump back in for this one.


Also I don't know where I saw it but I'm sure something's said that the footage in the show wasn't pre-cut, but rather in-game engine, which is also kind of reassuring(though tbh I assumed that when watching).

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I've run out of thanks but I do appreciate the thought :p


Tbh I'm not sure why - I think it's both that most people do, but also that when I was younger on the internet I never knew if it should really be Spider-Man or Spider-man or Spiderman or whatevs and I used to use Spidey a lot more but then the wrong capitalisation with the hyphen bothered me so much that I knew if I made it all just one word I would be fine without worrying instead(espesh as comics tend to be all caps anyhow). You've made me might curious as to whether there's a solidly accurate official naming convention on it now though...

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It could be good, Spider-Man 2 is very highly regarded as just being a very fun game. It wasn't deep or particularly well made but the web-swinging alone just made it something special. Ultimate Spider-Man came out not long after and had a similar playstyle but was largely ignored. Most games since then have done a Sonic-esque cycle of raising hopes and then hugely under-delivering.


But, this certainly looks good :)

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  • 11 months later...


Coming 2018. Next year is going to be HUGE for Marvel gaming!


As for the gameplay: visually stunning, seems very Arkham-like, but with that Spider-Man charm. On the down side, not at all a fan of the real time reaction stuff we've seen take precedent in the Telltale games, it makes the game very linear, and more often than not damages the flow of a cutscene and the overall mechanics of the gameplay, in my mind.

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