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E3 2016 General Thread

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Edit: Oh and as usual, the Shenmue HD remasters


It's madness if this doesn't happen, especially in the run up to the release of the 3rd game.


I always watch all the conferences. I love to see what everyone is bringing to the table. My week of work has been booked off, as I continue my tradition of taking E3 week off ( honestly can't remember how long i've been doing this now ) and taking it all in.


I will say that i'm a little less hyped about Microsoft this year. Usually i'm buzzing for all 3 console makers but I feel MS are just kinda there at the moment. Just hanging around and only in the industry to make up the numbers. I suppose they have the potential to surprise me the most.


With Sony i'm a bit back and forth. I'm not interested in VR, nor do I care for the rumoured PS4K. I imagine a lot of their conference will be dedicated towards both of these things. However, i'm invested in their machine and I imagine they will have a great line up of games that appeals to me. Horizon, The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy VX, Kingdom Hearts 3, Shenmue 3, Sony Bend ( They had better show up! ) and Santa Monica Studios offerings will no doubt have me giddy as a school girl.


Nintendo is the one i'm looking forward to the most ( please have a live conference!). The reveal of the NX, the software it will have, the lid FINALLY being lifted on Zelda Wii U, Retro Studios game, a new Mario....please don't screw this up, Nintendo.

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I always watch all of them, yes even EA and Ubisoft's (the cringe and cheese alone always makes it worth it ;) )


I reckon this one has the potential to be one of the more interesting E3 years in quite some time :)


EA ones are usually awful. They are so dry and bringing out a random sports star doesn't really help.


Ubisoft are the kings of cheese. I usually enjoy watching their pressers but for reasons other than the games they show. :D


S-E had a very solid conference last year. Hopefully they will have one again this year.

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My week of work has been booked off, as I continue my tradition of taking E3 week off ( honestly can't remember how long i've been doing this now ) and taking it all in.


I was hoping to book that week off as well but unfortunately it looks like there will just be too much going on at work so I think I'm just going to be really tired for a couple of days after staying up to watch the conferences live.

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Ubisoft presser dated.




Come on Beyond Good & Evil 2! And none of this "Nintendo is bank rolling it" nonsense, just give it as multiplatform and I'll be happy. After The Last Guardian, Shenmue and Final Fantasy 7, it was the only thing missing. Got my fingers crossed for it to finally resurface.


Also looking forward to seeing more of South Park: The Fractured But Whole as well, so even that will have me keen to see Ubi's presser.


Not as hyped as I should be for E3 this year. All these rumours of new hardware for Sony and Microsoft as well as the NX reveal don't do anything for me, it's all about the games so I'm hoping to see something new that can just grab my attention and get me excited. Of course, I can't wait to see the next Mass Effect, reason alone for me to tune in to EA's presser, but I'm really hoping for less of a focus on PSVR/Hololens/Hardware and more focus on the games this year. Microsoft failed miserably at this last year (the whole lowering of the car and raising it back up in the Forza announcement was a particular low point) despite the year before being bang on for showcasing game, after game, after game.


I probably won't watch Nintendo's event, haven't played anything Nintendo related for years now and unless they've seriously changed tactics, I doubt even the prospect of a new console can lure me (the Wii U failed so I suspect the NX will too). It's really all about what Sony show at their conference and what the third parties (EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, etc.) bring to the table.

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Also looking forward to seeing more of South Park: The Fractured But Whole as well, so even that will have me keen to see Ubi's presser.


I keep forgetting about this. Have we seen anything since it was revealed?


I still haven't played the original game. I've had it sitting on my shelf for a few months now. I must get around to starting it...

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What Retro have been working on


...I actually forgot Retro existed.


Metroid Prime 3: Corruption was released in 2007. The two DK games were 2010 and 2014. So, we should be seeing something from them pretty soon if we say that there's a 2/3/4 year ish gap between releases.


Seriously hope it's not another DK game.

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Looks like we have a name for Sony Bends game.




According to detective Gaf this name was leaked over on Reddit over a year ago.


E3 looks like it's gonna be the place to finally show the game off. Hopefully this will get Colin Moriarty off Shu's back. :D

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Sounds like another zombie apocalypse game though. Hopefully it adds something interesting to that genre. On Easy Allies this week they were talking about Codemasters acquisition of Evolution Studios and thinking up interesting projects - Huber suggested a 'Road Rash' style racing/battle game, would be great if 'Dead Don't Ride' turns out to be something similar.

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Sounds like another zombie apocalypse game though. Hopefully it adds something interesting to that genre. On Easy Allies this week they were talking about Codemasters acquisition of Evolution Studios and thinking up interesting projects - Huber suggested a 'Road Rash' style racing/battle game, would be great if 'Dead Don't Ride' turns out to be something similar.


Haha. Yeah, I listened to that yesterday. It could be a good fit for him. I wonder if the game will start just like how he described? :D

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Two years after that glorious Zelda trailer, I hope they blow us away.


I'm not a fan of the Ubisoft conferences simply because of Aisha Tyler. Her need to throw in a fuck or shit into every other sentence is just tedious.

Edited by Ronnie
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Two years after that glorious Zelda trailer, I hope they blow us away..


There's a part of me that feels like it won't quite match up to the original promise, from a visual standpoint at least. To have a new console reveal along with much more detail on Zelda for Wii U, Nintendo's E3 could be glorious :hehe:


Unfortunately, I've been extremely optimistic before on numerous occasions only to question how exactly they managed to get it so badly wrong :heh:


I am, however, going to make a prediction by saying that Retro Studios will reveal a new IP.. and it won't appeal to me :eek:

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There's a part of me that feels like it won't quite match up to the original promise, from a visual standpoint at least. To have a new console reveal along with much more detail on Zelda for Wii U, Nintendo's E3 could be glorious :hehe:


Unfortunately, I've been extremely optimistic before on numerous occasions only to question how exactly they managed to get it so badly wrong :heh:


I am, however, going to make a prediction by saying that Retro Studios will reveal a new IP.. and it won't appeal to me :eek:


The return of Raven Blade

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I keep forgetting about this. Have we seen anything since it was revealed?


I still haven't played the original game. I've had it sitting on my shelf for a few months now. I must get around to starting it...


Nothing new since the trailer at last year's E3 sadly. It's been included in Ubisoft's slate of titles to be out by March 2017 so I'm hoping they'll blow the lid off of it come E3 and the months following, with a release more likely to hit early next year as I don't see how it'd hold up in the Christmas window (though the South Park name alone could help shift it there).


The original is a solid game, great humour if you're a fan of the TV show and the gameplay plays out more or less like the Mario & Luigi titles. The ending I felt came a bit too quickly and could have done with some additional content there (it definitely feels as though something was cut) and they never bothered with any DLC really despite the option being there on the main menu. Just hoping that the sequel is a bit more fleshed out on that front, though with Obsidian taking over, whether that happens or not (and whether it's working properly at launch and not a glitch mess) is another question.

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Looking forward to seeing more stuff on Mass Effect 4, Cyberpunk and Zelda. Can't really think of any other games at the moment that really interest me. The potential NX reveal is easily the most exciting thing, but after the Wii and Wii U I'm keeping my expectations low.

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Well, my expectations and hype for Nintendo's E3 has died this morning.




I have no idea what they are going to show besides Zelda. Paper Mario and Metroid FF?


I will be well disappointed if Retros new game shows up on the Wii U. I would rather they hold it back for the NX.

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Nintendo changes its approach to the show every year. This June, Nintendo will focus its attentions on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zelda series. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show, in order to provide attendees a complete immersion. Additional information about Nintendo’s E3 plans will be announced in the future.




Really bizarre. Will there even be an E3 Direct?

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My hype for E3 has just disappeared entirely. There's just going to be a giant NX hole in Nintendo's showing, and Zelda will the ONLY playable game? Rather than strengthening their showing at E3 and taking it more seriously, like we thought they were going to do, they seem to have done the complete opposite and are trying to distance themselves from the event as much as possible. Such a weird decision to just eschew an E3 reveal of the NX and have their own event later in the year.


'Every dream has been crushed'.

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