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Pokémon Sun/Moon


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A friend of mine had an attempted attack by 4 chaps after he attended a midnight launch, luckily he got away unscathed, and with his copy of Pokemon Moon.


Got my copy last night, played a bit this morning on my way to work. Got my 3DS with me for some more playtime this evening.

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A few ideas for Rowlet nicknames:


Owliver Queen

Green Arrow

Robin Hoot






In other news, I've just caught a Pichu. Training it up in the Wild Grass on Route 1 to get him level with my Rowlet before taking on the ritual in Iki Town.

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About to take on the second rival battle in Iki Town. Team so far is:


Kaepora/Rowlet Lv. 8

Mickey/Pichu Lv. 8

Ledyba Lv.2

Grubbin Lv. 4

Donald Trump/Yungoos Lv.3

Impeckable/Pikipek Lv. 3




The first two are only the ones I'm using, the rest are just filler

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My game from Simply Games has not arrived today despite preordering. Pissed off is an understatement.


Thats the risk of using Simply Games. Sometimes they are absolutely amazing. Sometimes they cant even make launch date and we usually lie claiming they sent the games out early enough, despite nobody who ordered with them receiving their copy.

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Thats the risk of using Simply Games. Sometimes they are absolutely amazing. Sometimes they cant even make launch date and we usually lie claiming they sent the games out early enough, despite nobody who ordered with them receiving their copy.


I never knew they done stuff like that. I've been using them for over a year now and they've always delivered early. You've got me worried about FFXV now. :(

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I never knew they done stuff like that. I've been using them for over a year now and they've always delivered early. You've got me worried about FFXV now. :(


They've done it twice to me. Spent all day checking twitter and Neogaf and there was lots of complaining. They claimed they posted Persona Q on the Wednesday and nobody received it until Saturday (possibly even Monday, its been a while).

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They've done it twice to me. Spent all day checking twitter and Neogaf and there was lots of complaining. They claimed they posted Persona Q on the Wednesday and nobody received it until Saturday (possibly even Monday, its been a while).


Bad times. :(


Saying that, they did cancel Rez's order for no reason, so there clearly are issues with them.

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My game from Simply Games has not arrived today despite preordering. Pissed off is an understatement.


I've had problems with them. Most recent ones;


- Sent me an e-mail on the release day of Tomb Raider saying it had been dispatched. Annoyed as it should have been sent early, obviously.

- But....they had sent it. Except they'd sent it to my billing address not delivery address.

- Thus, I was pissed off at work for no reason.



- Pokemon Moon, they cancelled the order about a week ago for no reason. Cracking! 100% not ordering again.

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I actually found a name for the owl in just a third of the time it took me to find the protagonist's name! I'm really proud of myself. :heh:


My adorable Rowlet is named Quillow! (From "Quill", "Arrow" and "Willow"... And also because quillows are a wonderful invention!)


Oh, and I forgot to say earlier, but I named my trainer Natalie.


Next up will be Pikipek's - or rather, Toucannon's - nickname, I guess... But I have plenty of time to think about that one.

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Is that true? All starters have an 87% rate of being Male or somewhere along those lines.


Anyway, I got completed wiped out by Ilima. Smearge's Tackle destroyed my Rowlet and Pichu taking about half health each hit and although I was able to stall out a bit, Full Heals cured the status ailments on that Smeargle.


Might need to consider grinding a bit because clearly I'm underlevelled for taking on Ilima with just two decently levelled Pokemon.




Also this defeat is going to delay Pichu's evolution a bit.

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Man.. the tutorial just goes on, doesn't it? Been putting about 2.5 hours into it and I'm still being told how to do stuff. I wish for Stars to have the option "I actually trained a lot of Pokémon in Kanto, I know my stuff" when you start the game...


I caught a Slowpoke and a Magnemite fairly early on and got my Munchlax (why did I get that?) so they are along with Rowlet my team, all about level 10. Oh, and the Trump-lookalike otter.

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Man.. the tutorial just goes on, doesn't it? Been putting about 2.5 hours into it and I'm still being told how to do stuff. I wish for Stars to have the option "I actually trained a lot of Pokémon in Kanto, I know my stuff" when you start the game...


Yeah, the tutorial stuff really annoyed me. Why developers don't give experienced players the option to skip this kind of stuff is beyond me.

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Anyone got a Crabrawler? Its punching animation is soo satisfying with that one-two jab - I named mine Dudley.


Name mine after Franky from One Piece, they have the same hair.





Kinda want a shiny one.


Chaining some Eevees last night and one of them called in an Espeon!

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Been playing for about an hour now, chose Rowlet as my starter (named her Strix).


I've been playing pokemon since Red/Blue and I still hold down and B after throwing a pokeball. I know it doesn't do anything, I just cant help myself!


Just caught a pichu while typing, named him Machu (as in Machu Picchu...i'll get my coat).

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@Shift looks like we have pretty similar teams so far then.


Finished up playing on Day 1, made it to the start of the first Island Trial. Often liked to do team recaps before taking on Gym Leaders in previous games when posting on another forum, so for this game I'll be doing the same except before each island trial and Kahuna.


So the team so far:


Kaepora/Rowlet Lv.15

Mickey/Pichu Lv.15

Macho/Machop Lv.9

Drifloon Lv.10

Toby Fox/Growlithe Lv.10

Gastly Lv.10




Caught 21 Pokemon so far, including the Ash-Greninja and Munchlax. The Machop was the one you get in a trade in the Pokemon Centre near the trial site if you trade them a Spearow, so I caught two of them and traded one for the Machop. Disappointingly it's one level lower than the Spearow I traded.


(Everything apart from Rowlet and Pichu is still filler, just higher levelled filler, I'm looking for a Rockruff to be my next team member but can't get one yet).

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