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Pokémon Go! (Android/iOS)


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What do you have to be smug about exactly? Pokemon Go is a phenomenon. The popularity of Red and Blue are nothing compared to this.


I said "if". Very key word there.

I'd be totally OK with the popularity if GO! was even half as much a game as the originals, but they're really not. They're a prime example of the things I hate about gaming these days. Shallow experiences that people get mostly because they're free and on mobile. Despite the bugginess, despite the poor quality of the visuals and despite the nickel-and-dime nature of said F2P games (Especially so with this update).


What's to stop TPC from going to Game Freak and saying "Look at how popular GO was, we want you to put microtransactions in your new NX Pokemon game as well, it'd make a lot more money."?

That's what frightens me. The possibility of the actual Pokemon games getting cheapened because of this. Sun/Moon may have dodged that bullet, but what happens after?

Maybe those games get their capture rates halved in order to justify said microtransactions? What? Never gonna happen? Well, it just did here, you prove to me that there isn't some kind of chance.

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Niantic finally responded!





Took a while (and it's super vague), but at least it's something! Only took 'em what? 3 weeks?


At least they're finally hiring a community manager...





Seriously though, it's good that they're finally speaking. Shame it's so vague, but it's better than nothing.

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It's getting silly now...


4 razz berries, 3 Pokèballs and 3 Great balls- to catch a 108 Weedle!!


I mean one thing they've certainly done is made the game exactly like the Pokèmon games once you've beaten the first gym, I now hate even bothering with the low level Pokèmon...


Shame. :(

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I've certainly noticed a lower rate of capture for Pokémon since the last update. I think I've only managed to catch a small handful of 'mon compared to what I'd usually manage on the way to and from work, they seem to either be chewing through Pokeballs or running after using 4 or 5 of them. I had an Electabuzz appear for the first time this morning but despite 10 great balls going for it, it decided to run after all of that and the next couple of pokestops dumped potions and revives on me :shakehead


I get that they want people spending money on it but surely there are enough people out there spending to not have to force a move like this on everyone. It's, as other say, a bit ridiculous to have a low level Weedle or Rattata run after using so many items on it.


There also seems to be a lot more lag with the app than there was pre-latest patch and I'm also getting a lot more errors appearing when tapping Pokémon to catch alongside more issues with the GPS staying connected outdoors. That latter one may be an issue with signal in my area but then in the middle of a city, it shouldn't really be an issue should it.

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So according to Pokéadvisor I just caught a perfect IV Charmander. However, it's only CP 186. What do I do with it in terms of powering up/evolving? Which way round? Is it worth it due to its low level? I have no idea about this side of the mechanics, so if someone clever could tell me what to do that would be brilliant.

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So according to Pokéadvisor I just caught a perfect IV Charmander. However, it's only CP 186. What do I do with it in terms of powering up/evolving? Which way round? Is it worth it due to its low level? I have no idea about this side of the mechanics, so if someone clever could tell me what to do that would be brilliant.


Sorry, I keep seeing this but...can you ELI5 what an IV is and how it works?

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Sorry, I keep seeing this but...can you ELI5 what an IV is and how it works?


I know very little about them, but they're Individual Values, and basically they're hidden stats that determine how good a Pokémon can be.


Someone else can probably give a better explanation, I'm in kind of the same boat as you!

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Sorry, I keep seeing this but...can you ELI5 what an IV is and how it works?


Well, in the mainline games. An IV stands for "Individual Value" and is the main reason the same Pokemon can have different stats.


Each stat (HP, Atk, Def, Sp.Atk, Sp. Def, Spd) is assigned a random number between 0 and 31 when you get a Pokemon, before Gen 7, these values cannot be changed.


The term, "Perfect IV's" refers to a Pokemon that has 31 IV's in all of it's stats.

Once a Pokemon reaches level 100, the IV's boost the stat by however many there are.


As an example, Let's take two Kecleons, A and B.


At level 1, Both Kecleons have an attack stat of 6.

However, Kecleon A has 0 IV's in Attack.

Kecleon B has 31 IV's in Attack.


Both Kecleons are trained to Level 100 in exactly the same way.

Kecleon A ends up with an Attack stat of 250.

Kecleon B ends up with an Attack stat of 281.


You see, because Kec B had 31 IV's in it's Attack stat. It got an extra 31 Attack once it reached Level 100.


Does that clear it up a bit?

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Well, in the mainline games. An IV stands for "Individual Value" and is the main reason the same Pokemon can have different stats.


Each stat (HP, Atk, Def, Sp.Atk, Sp. Def, Spd) is assigned a random number between 0 and 31 when you get a Pokemon, before Gen 7, these values cannot be changed.


The term, "Perfect IV's" refers to a Pokemon that has 31 IV's in all of it's stats.

Once a Pokemon reaches level 100, the IV's boost the stat by however many there are.


As an example, Let's take two Kecleons, A and B.


At level 1, Both Kecleons have an attack stat of 6.

However, Kecleon A has 0 IV's in Attack.

Kecleon B has 31 IV's in Attack.


Both Kecleons are trained to Level 100 in exactly the same way.

Kecleon A ends up with an Attack stat of 250.

Kecleon B ends up with an Attack stat of 281.


You see, because Kec B had 31 IV's in it's Attack stat. It got an extra 31 Attack once it reached Level 100.


Does that clear it up a bit?


Good explanation - thanks. So was Super Training the main means of enhancing the IVs of a pokemon?

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Good explanation - thanks. So was Super Training the main means of enhancing the IVs of a pokemon?


No, until Gen 7, IV's can not be changed. EV's are what normally cause confusion. But I'll give it a shot.


Super Training affects EV's. These are called "Effort Values" These are determined by what opponents your Pokemon fights over time. These can be manipulated.


The first thing to know is that 4 EV's = 1 stat point. So 100 Attack EV's will boost Attack by 25.

Each Pokemon can get a total of 510 EV points. But before you go putting them all into one stat. Be aware that each stat can have a maximum of 252 EV's.


Sounds complicated, but most people tend to just put 252 EV's in two different stats and the rest in something else.

Let's take Greninja, whose best stats are Sp. Attack and Speed.

The most sensible way to distribute EV's for a Greninja is this...


Sp. Atk - 252 EV's

Speed - 252 EV's

Defense - 6 EV's


This makes a total of 510 EV's. Once said Froggy Ninja gets to level 100. It'll have an extra 63 stat points in Sp. Atk and Speed than one that hasn't got any EV's. It's quite the difference.


Before Super Training, this involved fighting the same Pokemon over and over again. But these days, you don't need to worry about that. Super Training will do the job fine.


I can understand if you get confused. So feel free to ask more questions. Super Training has made it much easier to get the EV's you want. It was a lot worse before.

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I was going through my Pokemon and checking their IVs when I came across this beautiful results page...




Fire Fang and Fire Blast which is the best move set as well!


Also really enjoying my new job. There is a lake on site right next to the office and where I sit I get a pretty consistent number of Pokemon spawning throughout the day, including lots of Magikarp which I'll use to evolve another (this time beastly with 90%+ IVs) Gyarados :heh:

Edited by Eddage
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It seems they've made catching easier today... Only had a few break out, and the were caught with the next ball!


P.s. Currently in London, it takes the piss if you live here, Pokèstops every few metres! Went from 30 Pokèballs to Over 120 in the day! With so many different Pokèmon... Seems slightly unfair...

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Just lost a goddamn Dragonite because Niantic made catching hell. Threw down berries, managed a bunch of Great/Nice Ultra Ball throws but after about five escapes he darted. It's almost annoying enough to make me wanna quit playing this frustration generator forever.


But then again I do have eight eggs almost ready to hatch!

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It seems they've made catching easier today... Only had a few break out, and the were caught with the next ball!

Pretty confident they haven't really adjusted this rate... it's just random. They certainly didn't change it again in the last 24 hours. I do find them escaping more frequently though.
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So my android version wants to update, but the store won't let me because my device apparently isn't supported(sure, I get some issues, but it works enough for what I do with it). Does anyone know where's a good/legit place to get a clean .APK and if there's any way for me to verify that I'm not getting a malware one at all?


Also - if I restored or upgraded my phone, would I need to back up anything Go, or is everything I need on the servers and I just can login on another phone and it's as if it was exactly the same?

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