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Pokémon Go! (Android/iOS)


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The new feature looks pretty good, hope it's a success and not too much of a server strain, so it can go worldwide soon. Even though I got the game early, I never utilised the steps properly as I didn't understand how they worked. The only time I actually "tracked" a Pokemon I went out and nabbed a Kedabra from Pokevision and then @Dr\. bob made me feel so bad I smashed my phone to bits with a hammer. Really looking forward to a way to actively go after one :D

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Nobody can make me feel bad for having caught my Blastoise using Pokévision!


...unless baby giraffes were harmed in the process, then I'll feel bad.





...but only then!

Dude, that's how they powered the servers for PokéVision, by killing baby giraffes and converting their screams of agony into kinetic energy to power a generator to give the servers electricity

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Dude, that's how they powered the servers for PokéVision, by killing baby giraffes and converting their screams of agony into kinetic energy to power a generator to give the servers electricity


So... Pokevision is a front for Team Plasma? No wonder Niantic wanted them shut down!

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Nobody can make me feel bad for having caught my Blastoise using Pokévision!


...unless baby giraffes were harmed in the process, then I'll feel bad.





...but only then!


I was pretty lucky and randomly found a Blastoise in my local pub. I was pretty pissed when trying to catch it so wasted about 30 pokeballs but I was triumphant in the end!

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I think I may have finally had all I can take of the game. I might take a break and see if I want to return when they start adding more Pokemon. It's been a fun ride, now time to play some console games :D


Although just stumbled across this video and thought it might be of interest. I cannot believe how much Pokemon Go is dominating on YouTube and social media at the moment. I wonder if it will be the same story in August?


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I think I may have finally had all I can take of the game. I might take a break and see if I want to return when they start adding more Pokemon. It's been a fun ride, now time to play some console games :D



I feel the same now, especially at level 21 things just feel so slow in the current format.


I think trainer battles at Pokespots would be a call feature.

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It's fair to say Pokémon Go had an effect on 3DS Pokémon software sales and the numbers suggest hardware as well.


Although there were informal mutterings around results last week, the NPD US sales details for July are starting to go public; Nintendo, in a break from recent convention, has news so good that it's leapt out with a press release to sum up its successes. Bear in mind the NPD results only account for physical retail sales in the US.


Nintendo is able to claim the best-selling games system in the US for July; for the first time in quite a while the 3DS was the top selling hardware, boosted by Capcom's Monster Hunter Generations and Pokémon titles benefitting from GO mania. In fact, Generations was the best-selling game overall, though Nintendo doesn't clarify whether that's in the overall chart or the single SKU chart. Either way it's an impressive result for the rather fantastic entry in the series, and a boost for all that hope for strong sales to encourage further MH localisations from Capcom.


The following bullet points from Nintendo's press release outline how good July was for the 3DS and a few key releases, including one on Wii U.


The Nintendo 3DS family of systems sold nearly 80 percent more units this July compared to the same time period a year ago, and finished as the overall best-selling video game system in July. On the software side, Capcom's Monster Hunter Generations emerged as the best-selling game for any system.


July sales of the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire games for Nintendo 3DS were over 80 percent higher than July 2015. The games launched in November 2014.


July sales of the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y games for Nintendo 3DS were almost 200 percent higher than a year ago. The games launched in October 2013 and finished No. 16 and No. 22 on July's best-sellers list, respectively.


Also MH really has found a home in the west on Nintendo hardware.. Nintendo have a done great job with ip to get moving in the West.

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Spawn rate has been reduced right? or is it the effect of the 'scan' range? because i'm barely seeing any pokemon any more when on public transport and during walks round my local park its getting less and less often i see something spawn


right now i'm thinking its time to leave the game until the tracker is fixed

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They dropped it significantly a while ago. The radius was made smaller very early on and the check rate reduced about a month ago. Makes it practically unusable on a bus from what I hear.


I can confirm that on public transport or as a passenger in a car, on my commute to work (around 4 miles) i went from a pokemon say every 3-400m to 2-3 pokemon on the entire journey - you are effectively only able to be spinning pokestops


Its more the walking that bothers me now though, the route i took round the park took me past 5-6 pokestops minimum (i could go out the park and add in 3 around tropical world) and i'd see pokemon quite frequently, mainly congregating around pokestops but still on a semi regular basis.


Now its considerably less i see and i'd actually argue they've increased spawns of pigeys and drowsey's over some of the other pokemon that spawend.

there used to be magikarp, dratini (rare as), gastely, psyduck, Caterpie, goldeen, slowpoke, Growlithe (rare), Squirtle (rare), rhydon (semi rare) and Geodude (rare), once i even got a mr mime - all as well as the exceptionally common Pigey, Weedle and Drowsey


Now its vastly different, since the tracking removal update (1.2?) i've not seen a single Growlithe, Squirtle, Dratini, Gastley, Rhydon or Geodude.


I know they've changed spawn locations, as now Mr Mime seems a little less rare (i've caught two more in the past month) and Bellsprouts have appeared rarely, but other than that i see mainly Pigey, Weedle and Drowsey, followed by less common Goldeen, Slowpoke, Magikarp.


Rather irritatingly the tracking devices is so wrong - the other day on my commute home, Jynx, Gastley and Slowpoke were shown on the little bar, no others when expanding........then 3 Drowseys spawned


I just can't play the game like this, theres no fun if its only the same pokemon all the time and no way to actually find others, other than walking aimlessly round in hopes of finding one you actually want.

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Pokemon Go Plus will now arrive 16th September.


Compatible with both iOS and Android, Pokémon GO Plus connects to smartphones via Bluetooth low energy and notifies players about nearby Pokémon and PokéStops. When a Pokémon is near, the device will vibrate and its LED will flash green. Players can press the button on the device once close to throw a Poké Ball. A successful catch will result in the device flashing and vibrating.


The Pokémon GO Plus will also blink and vibrate whenever in range of a PokéStop, allowing players to receive items with a simple tap of the Pokémon GO Plus button. Pokémon GO Plus can also be used while Pokémon GO is running in the background on smartphones.


To use the Pokémon GO Plus device with the Pokémon GO app, by Niantic Inc, an app update is required.

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It's been just announced at the Apple conference that the game is coming to the Apple Watch. Seems like a good fit.


The game is NOT coming to Apple Watch.


The Apple Watch will be getting notifications for the game. It's just a incredibly shitty marketing gimmick (like Pokémon Go Plus) where Niantic not including an essential feature for the game because The Pokémon Company/Apple have paid them not to in order to promote their devices.


There are a few other basic features, but it's lacking the actual game part of it.

Edited by Cube
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Sounds good to me, I'll be playing more again now it's on the Apple Watch, it'll make hatching eggs a lot easier!


TBH, I'd rather they spend the time (which would be much less than working on the Apple Watch app) just fixing the hatching on phones.


It's a pretty simple solution: take last position, take new position, calculate speed (to see if you went too fast). Then you have the distance you walked while the game wasn't tracking.

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