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Best memories of the PS4 so far


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I had my annual school camp-out Friday and yesterday and I remember that I actually received my PS4 when I got home from last year's camp-out.


I've backtracked the dates and my memory isn't failing me at the age of 28! It's been a whole year since I've had my PS4. Feels simultaneously longer and shorter than that, but the dates don't lie. I was reaching a troublesome time with gaming. I was playing less and less on the WiiU and was confused about whether I should be gaming at all. I dug out the DreamCast and went through a phase of playing through that again. I really enjoyed it, but I wanted to move forwards, not to dig deeper into the past and look at systems with libraries of games that I already had some experience of. I wanted new experiences. It was either get a new system (money...), stick with what I have (WiiU, but I wasn't happy) or give up and do something else (spent more time with music).


There were numerous deals for the PS4 and One and I ummed and ahhhhed over what to do. I'd never owned a PlayStation, so I went for that. The game that I wanted to try was The Last of Us, which became the game that swayed me over the PS4 rather than the One. I looked for deals and snapped one up from HotUKDeals for £299...a lot of money to me and it was very much an impulse buy.


The first game that I bought for the system was Resogun. Didn't know anything about it, but loved it instantly. Fun, fast, furious, fucking difficult. A few days later, my copy of Tomb Raider arrived and this is where I properly fell in love with the system for the first time. I couldn't put this game down. I would come home from a long day at work and no matter what mood I was in, this HAD to be played. The hours would fly by and I was rather gutted to reach the end of the game, but thankful that I had experienced this adventure.


WatchDogs and Assassin's Creed: Black Flag were next. I had @Sheikah pestering me to get AC, but I knew WatchDogs was something I just needed to play and I'm again thankful that I did. I'm not ashamed to say that I had playtimes of around 8 hours on this, daily. I couldn't put it down. There's something addictive about the game...I loved the hacking, I loved people randomly jumping into your game, I loved the storyline. Couldn't put the damn thing down.


The Last of Us was the next game to make it's memorable mark. I knew absolutely nothing about the game, but it gripped me instantly. It sucked me in and it had me laughing, crying, frustrated and elated in all of the right places. I clapped at THAT final moment in the game and also gasped that they managed to end it on such a note. A very unique ending for a game and one hell of a soundtrack that is perhaps the best I have ever heard. I loved the characters and storytelling. I could really keep talking about this until the end of time, but for the sake of the length of this post, I won't. :D


The next game I'm going to talk about is perhaps THE reason why I realised I had to move away from the WiiU and had to get a PS4...Alien: Isolation. In its reveal, I was dubious. We had been let down before with this franchise and I didn't fully believe we'd get what they promised. My curiosity started to rise with more previews and videos; it's starting to look quite good. Then, the hype reached critical point for me, so I had to calm myself before I bought the game. It well and truly delivered and is perhaps one of my favourite ever games. I spent 3 hours in one playthrough moving from locker to locker, trying to get away from the Alien (San Cristobal Medical Facility). The game ruined me in places and it taught me to be patient. At the end of it, I was feeling just as fragile as at the start, yet slightly more wiser and more able to survive more and more and die less and less. I was terrified to turn the damn game on at times as I knew what I was in for and that menu music continues to haunt me even now.


FIFA15 has been a great experience, if only for the Pro Club nights which have been a great laugh. I'm terrible at it and I know that I'm very limited compared to a lot of other people on here, but it has been a really, really fun time for me. The league was great fun whilst it lasted and I think it's worth another shot at. I must get back on this, but the truth is that there's just too much other stuff to play and that is making it difficult for me to get back into it. Which leads me onto...


Bloodborne. I was unsure about this game. Very unsure. So unsure that I only spent about £7 on it (we used @Eenuh's Sainsburys points to get the game) and I was still unsure when I purchased it. Part of me thought that I should have gone for Far Cry, or Wolfenstein, or something equally as safe. There was that definite fear of the unknown. I knew absolutely nothing about this game and hadn't played any of the Souls games beforehand.


Instantly, I was put off. The game is disorientating. It's fucking HARD. It's got long loading times. Oh, I died. I died again. Again. Loading. Dodgy frame rate. I spent about an hour trying to get through THAT street in Central Yharnam and kept dying repeatedly. I came onto here and ranted. I went to facebook and expressed my disappoint. I spoke to Ine and told her how I regretted getting this. I hated it. It was my worst purchase of all time.


So, I ran. I did anything I could to get through that fucking street and I ran past everything. It failed miserably the first time. The second time, I got slightly further than before. The third time, I'd made it...I was in this unknown section with a fountain. Where do I go next? I don't know...there's no maps, no objective markers, no waypoints...I have no idea what I'm doing. I slowly started discovering new areas. I become more powerful. I got destroyed by Cleric Beast, but then hung in there and obliterated him the next time I tried him. I unlocked short cuts. I started becoming more powerful. The Forbidden Woods became a favourite area of mine. I would play this game with Spotify on in the background (listened to Machina by the Smashing Pumpkins which has now become my favourite Pumpkins album and is synonymous with my love for this game).


By the end of the game, something had changed. I know loved this game and it has become one of my favourites of all time. It's re-taught me everything I thought I had already known about videogames. I had re-learned how to be patient, how to not take death as a negative, but as a positive learning experience. "Right, you died this time, so what do you do differently next time?" I had learned how to be intelligent about how to approach things. I became less rash, more measured. A fucking WARRIOR.


The Walking Dead: Season One and Two. Never played a point and click. Massive fan of the tv show and this did not disappoint. I'm not ashamed to say that Season One depressed the fuck out of me and left me feeling completely bummed out in certain sections. Season Two was no better! In truth, I loved every single second of it and it was fun to play this alongside @Eenuh. I can't wait for Season Three or even some DLC to tide me over. Episode Two of the first season is one of the most unsettling things that I've ever seen or played and it'll stay with me forever, but it's also a mastercraft of storytelling and script work.


I'm currently playing The Witcher 3. I just...can't believe a game like this has been created. It's huge, it's got a fantastic storyline and I love the world that has been created within it. I've already talked about the quests and how it feels like everything is connected together, but this is a real work of art and it's already in my top 10 for favourite games ever. I'm not going to talk anymore about this because I've covered it all in its own thread already.


Within only one year of owning this machine, I've had numerous games and experiences that have been game-changers for me. I thought I had already had a vague idea of what I wanted in a videogame, but this year has thrown so many curveballs and has begun to ask me new questions. I can't put down The Witcher, I made it through Bloodborne, I survived Alien Isolation, I listen to the Last of Us soundtrack as least weekly...it's been an unforgettable year for me and has been hands-down the best bargain and usage of £300 that I have ever spent. I'm gaming now more than I ever did at any point in my life, including the Mega Drive, N64 and GameCube eras.

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Rowan scoring from the halfway line on Fifa and the whole party erupting.


Us having 2 ( or was it 3 ) people sent off during a Fifa match and then still going on to win.


I remember that second one. Think they were all AI players that got sent off, too? It was three players. Hahahaha, we played really, really well during that game.

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Brilliant post @Fierce_LiNk


For me, Sony have re-invigorated my love of gaming. I've had my PS4 since it was launched back in November 2013, and a PS Vita since January 2014. I recall picking up the PS4, first console launch i've ever attended. When i saw the initial queue, i thought as the store had just opened that i'd come back after doing some other shopping once it had gone down. Come back 30 or so minutes later, it was even longer. Took me an hour to get to the front and collect my console. 2 moments stood out that day, 1 was being told by someone that Super Mario 3D World wouldn't work on the PS4 (i was also buying a copy at the same time as the PS4). 2, seeing that same person argue with GAME staff that he couldn't buy a PS4 as they only had pre-ordered consoles in-store (he hadn't pre-ordered).


It's been a great experience none the less, PS+ is certainly great value for money with it's free game service. It's usually paid for itself by March, so that's good. Without PS+, i'd never have thought about playing Never Alone, Valient Hearts or Unfinished Swan.


Gaming-wise, i've had the pleasure of playing inFamous: Second Son. Thanks to games being relaunched on PS4, i got to play the brilliant The Last of Us, a game i missed out on due to owning a 360 over a PS3. And i also picked up Sleeping Dogs last year, again a game i missed out on. I did buy a copy of Flower, which is cross-buy with the Vita (another reason to own one, it allows me to play on the move). This game is a pleasure on the eyes second to none.


I did finally get my hands on Driveclub and Watch Dogs later in 2014 (both games i pre-ordered for PS4 launch, and both got delayed). Apart from the server issues with Driveclub, it's a great racer overall. And also last year, started playing Destiny, which i am still playing (along with Driveclub) to this day.


In recent weeks, i've begun playing Witcher 3. Which is by far one of the most detailed, expansive games i've ever played. It feels like as you reach the end of one page, another 4 are ready and waiting. As it feels so big, it could be one of them games that (as well as the 2 expansion packs coming) could last into 2016 before seeing the credits. I would go on, but i'm reserving thoughts to the right threads.


Overall, this is a brilliant gaming system. And it made me wonder, why didn't i get a PlayStation console earlier?

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Very telling with how this generation is going that so many of those mentioned titles are third party and not exclusive. I could pretty much rewrite that entire post and have had the same experiences with a smattering of Xbox One exclusives.

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Best experience for me was...


...finally finishing the first raid on Destiny for the first time at like 5am in the morning after 8 hours of play with @kav82 @Eddage @Map @MilaGi @Agent Gibbs.


Great feeling after we had beaten it!


Finishing the Raid was one for me, as well.


I was just walking around town and got invited to a random party. A bunch of Geordies were wanting to do a raid and needed a 6th player. It took a fair few hours but we managed to pull it off. It was a very satisfying feeling and despite not knowing any of the guys playing, the random banter was fantastic. Hooray for party chat!!!!


I've had plenty of good times/memories playing Destiny with Blade and lostmario and Kav. It's a shame I got bored with the content.

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The Raids on Destiny, the 6-man Iron Banner matches, recently the 6-man patrols whilst discovering the HoW content, and the Trails of Osiris. I bought the console just for Destiny and it's lasted me non-stop since I first put the disk in 9 months ago. To be honest, shortly after getting Destiny I hit an absolute low point in my life, and if it wasn't for the [NE] clan, all the party chat and banter I honestly dunno what state I'd be right now </drama>. Appreciated, fellas.


I literally had to just load up my library to even find anything close to as memorable on the PS4, and there hasn't really been anything. Got my first PS4 Platinum on Infamous: Second Son which was just a joy to play and a visual treat, but single player experiences just don't stay in my mind for as long. Bloodborne was outstanding, but I'm not feeling any urge to go back and finish NG+. The Witcher 3 might be the exception to that mindset, but I've so far only scratched the surface.

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I don't have all that many Ps4 games, but the game i bought the console for has given me the most memories; Destiny


Like @kav82 @Eddage @Map @MilaGi! we started at something like 7pm, the banter was instant and we laughed our way through the control points and opened the vault, all was going so well and it just went down hill from there, but the banter and comradery kept us going. by god knows what time (3am?) we were all but defeated, we were still having a laugh, but exhaustion had set in, we had people bubbling too early, in the wrong place, rockets to each others faces and just when we were on our "last run for the night" we did it, we won and it was amazing


I've had so many good moments with Destiny and all in parties, the game is mediocre really, but its team based competitions are just the best thing

I can't wait for the next 6 player raid

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I echo everything everyone has said about Destiny. I only got the game because it was part of a bundle and planned to just sell it (never really got on with FPSs). Decided to give it a go, did the story with an IRL friend but when I started teaming up with you guys that's really when it came into its own!


For me to be still be playing a game 9 months after getting it is incredibly rare these days and this is the perfect example of how an average game can be held together for so long with great online experiences.

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I had my annual school camp-out Friday and yesterday and I remember that I actually received my PS4 when I got home from last year's camp-out.


I've backtracked the dates and my memory isn't failing me at the age of 28! It's been a whole year since I've had my PS4. Feels simultaneously longer and shorter than that, but the dates don't lie. I was reaching a troublesome time with gaming. I was playing less and less on the WiiU and was confused about whether I should be gaming at all. I dug out the DreamCast and went through a phase of playing through that again. I really enjoyed it, but I wanted to move forwards, not to dig deeper into the past and look at systems with libraries of games that I already had some experience of. I wanted new experiences. It was either get a new system (money...), stick with what I have (WiiU, but I wasn't happy) or give up and do something else (spent more time with music).


There were numerous deals for the PS4 and One and I ummed and ahhhhed over what to do. I'd never owned a PlayStation, so I went for that. The game that I wanted to try was The Last of Us, which became the game that swayed me over the PS4 rather than the One. I looked for deals and snapped one up from HotUKDeals for £299...a lot of money to me and it was very much an impulse buy.


The first game that I bought for the system was Resogun. Didn't know anything about it, but loved it instantly. Fun, fast, furious, fucking difficult. A few days later, my copy of Tomb Raider arrived and this is where I properly fell in love with the system for the first time. I couldn't put this game down. I would come home from a long day at work and no matter what mood I was in, this HAD to be played. The hours would fly by and I was rather gutted to reach the end of the game, but thankful that I had experienced this adventure.


WatchDogs and Assassin's Creed: Black Flag were next. I had @Sheikah pestering me to get AC, but I knew WatchDogs was something I just needed to play and I'm again thankful that I did. I'm not ashamed to say that I had playtimes of around 8 hours on this, daily. I couldn't put it down. There's something addictive about the game...I loved the hacking, I loved people randomly jumping into your game, I loved the storyline. Couldn't put the damn thing down.


The Last of Us was the next game to make it's memorable mark. I knew absolutely nothing about the game, but it gripped me instantly. It sucked me in and it had me laughing, crying, frustrated and elated in all of the right places. I clapped at THAT final moment in the game and also gasped that they managed to end it on such a note. A very unique ending for a game and one hell of a soundtrack that is perhaps the best I have ever heard. I loved the characters and storytelling. I could really keep talking about this until the end of time, but for the sake of the length of this post, I won't. :D


The next game I'm going to talk about is perhaps THE reason why I realised I had to move away from the WiiU and had to get a PS4...Alien: Isolation. In its reveal, I was dubious. We had been let down before with this franchise and I didn't fully believe we'd get what they promised. My curiosity started to rise with more previews and videos; it's starting to look quite good. Then, the hype reached critical point for me, so I had to calm myself before I bought the game. It well and truly delivered and is perhaps one of my favourite ever games. I spent 3 hours in one playthrough moving from locker to locker, trying to get away from the Alien (San Cristobal Medical Facility). The game ruined me in places and it taught me to be patient. At the end of it, I was feeling just as fragile as at the start, yet slightly more wiser and more able to survive more and more and die less and less. I was terrified to turn the damn game on at times as I knew what I was in for and that menu music continues to haunt me even now.


FIFA15 has been a great experience, if only for the Pro Club nights which have been a great laugh. I'm terrible at it and I know that I'm very limited compared to a lot of other people on here, but it has been a really, really fun time for me. The league was great fun whilst it lasted and I think it's worth another shot at. I must get back on this, but the truth is that there's just too much other stuff to play and that is making it difficult for me to get back into it. Which leads me onto...


Bloodborne. I was unsure about this game. Very unsure. So unsure that I only spent about £7 on it (we used @Eenuh's Sainsburys points to get the game) and I was still unsure when I purchased it. Part of me thought that I should have gone for Far Cry, or Wolfenstein, or something equally as safe. There was that definite fear of the unknown. I knew absolutely nothing about this game and hadn't played any of the Souls games beforehand.


Instantly, I was put off. The game is disorientating. It's fucking HARD. It's got long loading times. Oh, I died. I died again. Again. Loading. Dodgy frame rate. I spent about an hour trying to get through THAT street in Central Yharnam and kept dying repeatedly. I came onto here and ranted. I went to facebook and expressed my disappoint. I spoke to Ine and told her how I regretted getting this. I hated it. It was my worst purchase of all time.


So, I ran. I did anything I could to get through that fucking street and I ran past everything. It failed miserably the first time. The second time, I got slightly further than before. The third time, I'd made it...I was in this unknown section with a fountain. Where do I go next? I don't know...there's no maps, no objective markers, no waypoints...I have no idea what I'm doing. I slowly started discovering new areas. I become more powerful. I got destroyed by Cleric Beast, but then hung in there and obliterated him the next time I tried him. I unlocked short cuts. I started becoming more powerful. The Forbidden Woods became a favourite area of mine. I would play this game with Spotify on in the background (listened to Machina by the Smashing Pumpkins which has now become my favourite Pumpkins album and is synonymous with my love for this game).


By the end of the game, something had changed. I know loved this game and it has become one of my favourites of all time. It's re-taught me everything I thought I had already known about videogames. I had re-learned how to be patient, how to not take death as a negative, but as a positive learning experience. "Right, you died this time, so what do you do differently next time?" I had learned how to be intelligent about how to approach things. I became less rash, more measured. A fucking WARRIOR.


The Walking Dead: Season One and Two. Never played a point and click. Massive fan of the tv show and this did not disappoint. I'm not ashamed to say that Season One depressed the fuck out of me and left me feeling completely bummed out in certain sections. Season Two was no better! In truth, I loved every single second of it and it was fun to play this alongside @Eenuh. I can't wait for Season Three or even some DLC to tide me over. Episode Two of the first season is one of the most unsettling things that I've ever seen or played and it'll stay with me forever, but it's also a mastercraft of storytelling and script work.


I'm currently playing The Witcher 3. I just...can't believe a game like this has been created. It's huge, it's got a fantastic storyline and I love the world that has been created within it. I've already talked about the quests and how it feels like everything is connected together, but this is a real work of art and it's already in my top 10 for favourite games ever. I'm not going to talk anymore about this because I've covered it all in its own thread already.


Within only one year of owning this machine, I've had numerous games and experiences that have been game-changers for me. I thought I had already had a vague idea of what I wanted in a videogame, but this year has thrown so many curveballs and has begun to ask me new questions. I can't put down The Witcher, I made it through Bloodborne, I survived Alien Isolation, I listen to the Last of Us soundtrack as least weekly...it's been an unforgettable year for me and has been hands-down the best bargain and usage of £300 that I have ever spent. I'm gaming now more than I ever did at any point in my life, including the Mega Drive, N64 and GameCube eras.


Awesome post. Would read again.


For me the PS4 has been utterly amazing. It has brought 3 games in particular that have been utterly groundbreaking in terms of game design and social activity. And AC Black Flag isn't even one of them!


The first and foremost is Destiny. This game is truly something else. Without Destiny, I would have never got to know several members on this forum. @Shorty, @Zell, @Eddage, @MilaGi, @Deathjam, @Map and @Daft and more; I didn't know these guys at all before we started playing. No game is quite like Destiny in not only bringing people together to share sweat and tears but most importantly keeping them together (9 months in and we all still play nearly every day...). The gameplay is the most fantastically polished thing I have ever played. You can tell how much work went into it because no other FPS gives you the feeling that every major weapon has been crafted with purpose (it's essentially an extreme opposite of Borderlands). And the content, man. The raids have been a totally new experience; this is what I game for, exciting things that I've never done or seen before. It's funny how some people give this game a bad rap based on content or story, because anyone who has devoted a reasonable amount of time to the co-operative/multiplayer aspects would tell you how good this game is (and the complainers usually complain based on things they've read).


Bloodborne is another of the 3 I hold in such high regard; a masterclass in world design (which is why I found it balls to the wall hilarious when someone said the complete opposite the other day). The world is entirely crafted to connect up perfectly with shortcuts and everything is placed with purpose. In terms of world design, its direct opposite would be something like a 2D side scroller where you simply go from left to right. And the direction; starting in a town, with gradually the surroundings becoming more and more screwed up (in tandem with your insight). It's perfect. That's before I even get started on the gameplay; without doubt the best improvement over Souls. Fast, fluid and intelligent. It's one of the best games ever made.


The last is The Witcher 3. I'm only about 10 hours in maybe, but I can already tell this it's amazing. Every quest and location has a purpose; dungeons are not randomly generated and every NPC has a story that feels both important and interesting. I haven't got much to say about this so far other than it smashes every box for an RPG and goes above and beyond anything we've ever had before in the genre. It's massive but also personal. It's a masterpiece.

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Yeah I have enjoyed the share button, probably more than I thought I would. Like posting that Witcher 3 glitch the other day would usually have just been something I laughed at when it happened then promptly forgotten.


I would like something similar to Steam's Activity feed though where it pops up as an easy list of what your friends have been doing and shows their screenshots.

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I think Battlefield 4 was the first game I got my with my PS4 (and killzone but that was poop) it was just incredible the multiplayer, my first time playing with 63 other people in conquest, so much variation, so much random crazy shit going on, there was always a stand out moment here and there every time you played it, it helped I was pretty good at it as well.


FIFA 15 club nights, always a laugh, sometimes got a bit tetchy but maybe that was our desire to want to win, didn't help when the AI was crap.

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There are lots of memories of the PS4 I have, two stand out:


Playing Watchdogs via Remoteplay on my Vita during the World Cup last year (yes, it's not solely a PS4-memory, but who cares :p). I was majorly impressed.

Shame there aren't more games optimized for Remoteplay :(


Getting The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth with PS+. Easily my most played game in years. Getting the Platinum was a great journey. I've done everything in the game and still play it daily. The expansion can't come soon enough (daily challenges are confirmed so that's me playing the game forever, then :D).

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FIFA NE pro club nights - one of the reasons I got my PS4 early, was so hyped for this, the club nights didn't disappoint. When we pull off a perfect team goal - can't beat it or an amazing individual goal (@Hero\-of\-Time, @kav82 and the N-E crew for the raids.


Hero would be doing some farming on one of the maps, I lost count how many times I got lost trying to get to him. I definitely lived up to my name on this game.


Shame the DLC has been a disappointment.


Playstation Plus - £30-£35 for all the free games and the online service - BARGAIN


Finally being able to play The Last of Us, loved it and one of my all time favourite games.

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Very telling with how this generation is going that so many of those mentioned titles are third party and not exclusive. I could pretty much rewrite that entire post and have had the same experiences with a smattering of Xbox One exclusives.


In fairness, I didn't mention inFAMOUS, The Order and DriveClub plus ANY PSN stuff apart from Resogun (as it was the first game I owned) mainly because I was worried the long post would have become even longer. It's big enough as it is. :D

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Very telling with how this generation is going that so many of those mentioned titles are third party and not exclusive. I could pretty much rewrite that entire post and have had the same experiences with a smattering of Xbox One exclusives.


Awww come on Flamey, don't be bitter you can start an Xbox One memories thread instead.

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Awww come on Flamey, don't be bitter you can start an Xbox One memories thread instead.


No it wasn't meant like that at all. There are so few genuine exclusives out there right now and that's a fact. PSN can point to the indie support but I play any I'm interested in on PC as a lot (if not most) are available on steam or desura or gog. With Microsoft pushing cross buy between Xbox One and Windows 10 that's also eroding down those barriers even further.


Out of the list that @Fierce_LiNk originally talked about only Bloodbourne is truly PS4 exclusive with Resogun and The Last of Us both on PS3.


It's the same with Xbox One like I said, I could also say the Xbox One exclusives I've had a cracking time with Sunset Overdrive

fantastic game unrated by many, Dead Rising 3 later came to PC for me was a gem of the launch lineups, Forza 5, Ryse again later came to PC for what it was trying to be graphically intensive third person action game does a great job, Ori and the Blind Forest, SMITE, Halo MCC have loved single player by the time I got round to any multiplayer stuff it was fixed. Some of which have subsequently come to PC or started life on there that;s it hard to say oh that was a great exclusive you should own the console for this as chances are it's available on another platform.

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