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Not really. Reviews are a product of their time. Yooka Laylee is not being judged by the same reviewer preferences and standards as in 1998.


This game was specifically designed to recapture the gameplay and charm of the original BK and BT and by all accounts, it has done exactly that. However, reviewers today are not looking for a game like that and are slamming it for being just like those games released back on the N64. So seeing YL getting review scores similar to the XBLA re-releases of BK and BT is not terribly surprising.


Jim Sterling calls it a game out of time and that's why it's being reviewed poorly. For fans of those original N64 games though, it's exactly what they wanted.

Edited by Dcubed
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Not really. Reviews are a product of their time. Yooka Laylee is not being judged by the same reviewer preferences and standards as in 1998.


This game was specifically designed to recapture the gameplay and charm of the original BK and BT and by all accounts, it has done exactly that. However, reviewers today are not looking for a game like that and are slamming it for being just like those games released back on the N64. So seeing YL getting review scores similar to the XBLA re-releases of BK and BT is not terribly surprising.


Jim Sterling calls it a game out of time and that's why it's being reviewed poorly. For fans of those original N64 games though, it's exactly what they wanted.

It seems more like it's being criticised for poor controls, bugs and bringing little to the table/lack of imagination to be honest, not really anything to do with being judged differently to how it was back then.


I'm also wondering whether it really does recapture the magic of the original game. Even Tooie couldn't do that and that probably had near enough the same staff making it.

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Disappointed to see some of the reviews, however i will still be picking this up on the Switch no question!


Some people love the 'new' 16 bit style games while, apart from Mutant Mudds i think, I've never really got into it...


64 bit style games are what I've been hankering for, so I'm looking forward to making my own opinion on this :)

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I'm sure this is standard but to me it seems BS that reviewers get the game before backers. I mean, the game wouldn't exist without us, we can't back out of our purchase anyway, if the game is ready, give it out to the people who paid for it.

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Everything seems to be as expected and exactly as I wanted: Old school gameplay and I'm very much looking forward to play it :)


The performance issues, though...I really hope they get patched. I guess it's a good opportunity for Playtonic Games to learn from this.

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Today, the Playtonic team continues to work on updates that will further improve the performance of the game, and early birds should expect to see the first game update from today. Once release is out of the way, we’ll start planning a DLC add-on created exclusively free for our Kickstarter backers. We’re also working closely with Nintendo to bring the Switch version of Yooka-Laylee to Nintendo fans as soon as possible.

Part of the email sent to backers.

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Yeah, based on reviews it seems like it's exactly what they promised, but with performance issues.


I'm happy with that.


Some reviews have brought to light one of the issues I have with gaming now. There's too much focus on narrative and scope, less on gameplay and people are starting to expect things to be like that. Ah well. I'm waiting for the Switch version now and will decide from there

Edited by Serebii
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Also from the Kickstarter email update:


Due to time constraints, the orchestral soundtrack, 64-bit shader and dev commentary will be added to Yooka-Laylee post release.


Glad Kirkhope is still getting the chance to record with live players! It's clear he's written this in a more nuanced style similar to the masterful Viva Pinata. The synth/sampled strings and brass in Glitterglaze Glacier don't do his writing any justice.

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Yeah, based on reviews it seems like it's exactly what they promised, but with performance issues.


I'm happy with that.


Some reviews have brought to light one of the issues I have with gaming now. There's too much focus on narrative and scope, less on gameplay and people are starting to expect things to be like that. Ah well. I'm waiting for the Switch version now and will decide from there


Too much focus on narrative I agree with, especially the complaints about BOTW, but a lot of issues about this game are to do with the gameplay.

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I haven't read / watched the reviews, but I actually loved Banjo Tooie, and I've wanted a Banjo Threeie since finishing that game. This is the closest thing I'll get. Performance issues are hopefully fixable, gameplay-wise I'm confident I'm getting exactly what I want.

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Too much focus on narrative I agree with, especially the complaints about BOTW, but a lot of issues about this game are to do with the gameplay.


Mostly that it's "outdated", which is what you'd expect from this, and what was promised :P

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John from DF has commented about the performance of the game.




That's certainly reassuring.


No word of a lie, I didn't realise that the release of the game was so close! Tempted to slam my preorder down with Simply Games in the hope that they ship it for a Saturday delivery.

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Was watching YouTube vids of this earlier and absolutely love the look of some of these worlds.


I said I was going to wait for the Switch version, but with no concrete release date I don't know if I can hold off. I've got Lego City Undercover arriving today so I definitely won't be done with that by Tuesday when this comes out, but im still so tempted.

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Also from the Kickstarter email update:




Glad Kirkhope is still getting the chance to record with live players! It's clear he's written this in a more nuanced style similar to the masterful Viva Pinata. The synth/sampled strings and brass in Glitterglaze Glacier don't do his writing any justice.


Oooo... What exactly does this 64-bit shader entail?

I'm intrigued.

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Yeah, based on reviews it seems like it's exactly what they promised, but with performance issues.


I'm happy with that.


Some reviews have brought to light one of the issues I have with gaming now. There's too much focus on narrative and scope, less on gameplay and people are starting to expect things to be like that. Ah well. I'm waiting for the Switch version now and will decide from there


They're expecting narrative or they're expecting a focus on gameplay?

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