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Uncharted Remastered Trilogy (Unconfirmed)


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A remaster? Now there's a shock!! Any original exclusives going to be coming? But then why should they when everyone seems delighted with HD remasters of a few year old games... And here we all where thinking we were going to be playing Uncharted 4 this christmas...

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Really though, what does it hurt? Of course we would all prefer new games but has been stated multiple times, these remastered games are rarely being worked on by the actual developers but by other teams so aren't slowing down work on new titles. It's just nice for people who missed out or would like to play them again.

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A remaster? Now there's a shock!! Any original exclusives going to be coming? But then why should they when everyone seems delighted with HD remasters of a few year old games... And here we all where thinking we were going to be playing Uncharted 4 this christmas...


I'm grateful for it. Never owned any Playstation up until now and I was feeling a bit reluctant to dive in to Uncharted 4 knowing nothing about the series or the stories before it. So...for me, this is fantastic news.


I bought Tomb Raider, The Last of Us and Metro Redux as they all appeared on systems I didn't own already. There's an audience out there who never got the chance to experience these games, so it makes sense to cater to them. As we've seen, doing a definitive edition of Tomb Raider doesn't mean that there won't be another one. Same with Uncharted.

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I'd be willing to bite. Somehow TLoU made me appreciate Uncharted a little more than I had. Which is weird because I vastly prefer TLoU. Never really played the 1st game, but I enjoyed the 2 and 3 well enough I suppose.

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So you'd rather they rush Uncharted 4 out the door?


If you don't like it, don't but it. Again I have no idea why you thought you getting a PS4 for yourself was a good idea.


Because I thought it'd have quite a few great exclusive games by this point. I didn't realise it's major releases 2 years in would be remasters of games I've already played a few years ago. I expected far far more.


Hopefully Batman will be worth the wait!


I just can't believe how much of easy pass Sony is getting with this. I know this isn't going to make Uncharted 4 faster or slower, or stop work on other games or anything, but it feels a bit of a pisstake every time they release these remasters. They know they can get away with it!

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Because I thought it'd have quite a few great exclusive games by this point. I didn't realise it's major releases 2 years in would be remasters of games I've already played a few years ago. I expected far far more.


I just can't believe how much of easy pass Sony is getting with this. I know this isn't going to make Uncharted 4 faster or slower, or stop work on other games or anything, but it feels a bit of a pisstake every time they release these remasters. They know they can get away with it!


Unfortunately it's not just Sony, all 3 kinda have this issue I think. Though they do seem to have more HD things down the pipeline than others if this is true. What's sad is the Halo Collection is the only thing that's made me consider a Xbox One (and lesser extent Forza)

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Because I thought it'd have quite a few great exclusive games by this point. I didn't realise it's major releases 2 years in would be remasters of games I've already played a few years ago. I expected far far more.


Hopefully Batman will be worth the wait!


I just can't believe how much of easy pass Sony is getting with this. I know this isn't going to make Uncharted 4 faster or slower, or stop work on other games or anything, but it feels a bit of a pisstake every time they release these remasters. They know they can get away with it!


They can get away with it because the have great third party support and they have a sold stream of non-AAA games.


Looking through your posts for the past month, your only posts on the Other Consoles board not to do with FIFA,


Complaining about the Uncharted remaster.

Wondering why anyone would care about Spotify on the PS4.

Complaining about the God of War remaster.

One comment about the good value of Plus. Although how good can it be since you never post about the games on Plus?

A moan about The Order being another huge disappointment - "Another exclusive being a huge disappointment. It's so depressing."



You don't talk about Bloodborne, nothing about any of the Plus games you downloaded, no input about Axiom Verge, you don't join in with Hell Divers, you don't play Drive Club. Anything about Dying Light? I dunno, I can't be bothered to do more than a superficial search. You looking forward to Mortal Kombat X? (On an aside, I have no idea why you're expecting Batman to deliver, because City was a piece of crap.)


I get the impression you want to be disappointed. Maybe if you tried taking part you might get a little more joy out of the machine.

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They can get away with it because the have great third party support and they have a sold stream of non-AAA games.


Looking through your posts for the past month, your only posts on the Other Consoles board not to do with FIFA,


Complaining about the Uncharted remaster.

Wondering why anyone would care about Spotify on the PS4.

Complaining about the God of War remaster.

One comment about the good value of Plus. Although how good can it be since you never post about the games on Plus?

A moan about The Order being another huge disappointment - "Another exclusive being a huge disappointment. It's so depressing."



You don't talk about Bloodborne, nothing about any of the Plus games you downloaded, no input about Axiom Verge, you don't join in with Hell Divers, you don't play Drive Club. Anything about Dying Light? I dunno, I can't be bothered to do more than a superficial search. You looking forward to Mortal Kombat X? (On an aside, I have no idea why you're expecting Batman to deliver, because City was a piece of crap.)


I get the impression you want to be disappointed. Maybe if you tried taking part you might get a little more joy out of the machine.



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I don't get how anyone can complain about this; they are giving you some Uncharted to play this Xmas to make the wait for 4 easier. It's a pretty good deal and makes the wait a bit better. I wish Nintendo did the same for Zelda :(

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They can get away with it because the have great third party support and they have a sold stream of non-AAA games.


Looking through your posts for the past month, your only posts on the Other Consoles board not to do with FIFA,


Complaining about the Uncharted remaster.

Wondering why anyone would care about Spotify on the PS4.

Complaining about the God of War remaster.

One comment about the good value of Plus. Although how good can it be since you never post about the games on Plus?

A moan about The Order being another huge disappointment - "Another exclusive being a huge disappointment. It's so depressing."



You don't talk about Bloodborne, nothing about any of the Plus games you downloaded, no input about Axiom Verge, you don't join in with Hell Divers, you don't play Drive Club. Anything about Dying Light? I dunno, I can't be bothered to do more than a superficial search. You looking forward to Mortal Kombat X? (On an aside, I have no idea why you're expecting Batman to deliver, because City was a piece of crap.)


I get the impression you want to be disappointed. Maybe if you tried taking part you might get a little more joy out of the machine.


Plus is amazing, but I just haven't played on the PS4 for a few months, but now it looks like I'm banning of Xenoblade I'm about to dive into Alien. The plus games are there for when I have some time, but I get in rhythms on consoles.


But WANT to be disappointed? Interesting. Personally I'd have loved all the games to be amazing, I'd love Batman to be as incredible as City (I cannot believe you don't like this!), Uncharted to be out this year etc The reason I'm not posting about those games is because I haven't played anything, but Im interested in the news as I want to know what I can get excited about.


Bloodborne I have absolutely no interest in, but Axiom Verge looks utterly incredible, but again, just waiting for a gap with that, and in the mean time hope there's a sale.


Actually, that's one thing about Plus, it's so good, I sometimes think it's worth waiting on games I really want because eventually it'll be on plus anyway!

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While these remasters can be a great way to catch up, I do think we are seeing way too many of them lately. Surely it'd be more preferable for these developers creating them to be working on new games instead? Whether that be aiding with the development of Uncharted 4, for example, or on their own seperate projects?

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Look, I'm the biggest Batman fan but city is proof that bigger is not better. Asylum was brilliant. Intense, cramped and claustrophobic. City was a massive fetch quest in a bunch of random locations that kind of for together.


Fair play if you liked it but it was less Batman and more a generic vigilantly game to me.

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Look, I'm the biggest Batman fan but city is proof that bigger is not better. Asylum was brilliant. Intense, cramped and claustrophobic. City was a massive fetch quest in a bunch of random locations that kind of for together.


We are in the minority but I absolutely 100% agree with this.

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Yeah but it was on WiiU, and you could play it with the WiiU controllorang, so it was good. I can comfortably say it was good on PS3 and 360 because we have it on the Nintendos anyway, so it dilutes my respekts to those systems.


I have no interest in Bloodborne because I am a poo.

Edited by dwarf
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