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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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I don't have a problem with Nintendo starting off with a basic online service and adding to it incrementally over the next few months, but the online service at launch has to at least match what is available on Wii U. As much as we would like them to Nintendo have very little experience in providing a solid online service so it's understandable that it's going to be a process, it's silly to expect them to go from their current online set up to Xbox Live overnight, I think it's something that they need to get feedback from fans on and listen to the needs of the core Nintendo users, as well as implementing their own approach.

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I don't have a problem with Nintendo starting off with a basic online service and adding to it incrementally over the next few months, but the online service at launch has to at least match what is available on Wii U. As much as we would like them to Nintendo have very little experience in providing a solid online service so it's understandable that it's going to be a process, it's silly to expect them to go from their current online set up to Xbox Live overnight, I think it's something that they need to get feedback from fans on and listen to the needs of the core Nintendo users, as well as implementing their own approach.


Wii U had no VC at launch. I will find it disgraceful if the switch also has no VC at launch.

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I don't have a problem with Nintendo starting off with a basic online service and adding to it incrementally over the next few months, but the online service at launch has to at least match what is available on Wii U. As much as we would like them to Nintendo have very little experience in providing a solid online service so it's understandable that it's going to be a process, it's silly to expect them to go from their current online set up to Xbox Live overnight, I think it's something that they need to get feedback from fans on and listen to the needs of the core Nintendo users, as well as implementing their own approach.


Overnight??? How about looking at it another way. Nintendo have had shoddy online setup since the Wii. Thats like 10 years ago, they have had 10 years to look at what the competition offers. Fans have been telling what Nintendo need to improve on for 10 years now. They have refused to get with the times.


You are repeating the exact same words people said before the Wii U was launched in regards to Nintendo online offerings.


It's silly to forget that Nintendo have been weak in the online environment for god knows how long.

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Wii U had no VC at launch. I will find it disgraceful if the switch also has no VC at launch.


I don't disagree, they have to offer all the services the Wii U has now at launch, especially the eShop and VC. I don't expect them to offer all VC titles straight away but it'll be criminal if they don't have any.

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Overnight??? How about looking at it another way. Nintendo have had shoddy online setup since the Wii. Thats like 10 years ago, they have had 10 years to look at what the competition offers. Fans have been telling what Nintendo need to improve on for 10 years now. They have refused to get with the times.


You are repeating the exact same words people said before the Wii U was launched in regards to Nintendo online offerings.


It's silly to forget that Nintendo have been weak in the online environment for god knows how long.


I'm not trying to excuse it, their online offerings have been poor and would have been old hat a decade ago but we have to be realistic about it. Change takes time, Xbox Live and PSN weren't the services that they are now when they first launched, they have improved and expanded over time, Nintendo's service is so bad that they don't really have anything to build on, they need to start from scratch.


I'm willing to allow Nintendo some leeway and some time to build a good online service, but if the service isn't solid by the time that it becomes a paid offering then I'll be happy to complain about it.


I'm happy to allow them a couple of months to set things up and sort out issues but anything beyond that would be pushing it.

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I mean due to how the Switch is nowhere near as powerful as the PS4 or XBO. Resolution and framerate have nothing to do with it.


Oh right, agreed. I was just saying, really, that a story-heavy game would probably translate better than most online-heavy games due to the nature of the console.


Besides that I don't think there's much, if anything, EA would consider moving to the Switch besides sports titles (at this point).

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Nintendo's service is so bad that they don't really have anything to build on, they need to start from scratch.


I'm willing to allow Nintendo some leeway and some time to build a good online service, but if the service isn't solid by the time that it becomes a paid offering then I'll be happy to complain about it.


I'm happy to allow them a couple of months to set things up and sort out issues but anything beyond that would be pushing it.


I think the point is that they should've been spending the last few years preparing this, alongside the development of the console. They shouldn't be starting from scratch at the launch of the console - it should be pretty full-featured for launch. It just looks so shoddy launching with a half-arsed online service.


As it is, it seems an afterthought. They don't really deserve the time to get it up and running, they've had that time. they really need to be strong right out of the gates. Otherwise, it gives a very bad first impression, and first impressions can count very strongly, even if they turn their service around.

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I wouldn't put my faith in that list until you actually have the games in front of you.


A lot of those games are exactly the sort of titles that will be coming to Switch; if I saw COD and GTAV I might be inclined to agree with you, but that list looks fairly accurate to me.


My plans of just getting zelda on launch are evaporating, so many good eshop/indie titles coming out of the wood work now too, great to see! :)

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More indies for switch




You can add a few more games to the list of announced Nintendo Switch titles. Tomorrow Corporation is bringing three of its older games over to Nintendo's latest console.


World of Goo, Little Inferno, and Human Resource Machine will be available when the console launches on March 3. For the uninitiated, here's a quick refresher: World of Goo is a physics-based game that lets players build bridges and other structures to make their way across gaps. Little Inferno is a strange puzzle game for would-be pyromaniacs. Finally, Human Resource Machine teaches players some of the underlying principles of software coding.


The Switch versions of the game are also getting exclusive soundtrack modes, in which players can listen to each game's music.

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I think what Nintendo was saying with "details after launch" is "details of the payment scheme after launch", perhaps also voice chat? I imagine there's some online service, but the real teller will be if what level of service you get March-whenever is the same as you get afterwards and if so, leaving it until after launch to announce details (and pricing) certainly seems ill-mannered.

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Fantastic news! All three games are absolutely brilliant and can't come recommended enough!


Also great to see World of Goo on a modern console. Hasn't been re-released at all yet (outside of the iPad version); though it was of course playable on Wii U via the Wii's Shopping Channel. I wonder if it'll support HD rumble this time around?


Good to see Tomorrow Corp continuing their longstanding Nintendo support : peace:

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Of the current known 2017 line-up, I'm getting:


Zelda: breath of the wild

It's pre-ordered.


Shovel knight: treasure trove

Absolutely love the look of this, but always wanted to play this on a Nintendo console, so didn't bother buying it on Steam.


Super Mario Odyssee

I personally actually feel it's a step back from Galaxy for some reason, still it looks fun nonetheless.



The Banjo-Kazooie 3 I never had or will get.. This will do nicely.




I am Setsuna

Need to do some more research, reviews haven't been fantastic I believe.


Sonic mania

Depends on how much I want an oldskool Sonic.


One or both of the Wipe-out / Extreme G / F-Zero type racers

Need to see some more of them.


Disgaea 5

To fill the gap until Fire Emblem arrives?


Wonderboy and/or Monsterboy

Look like fun, but not sure how many of those oldskool type games / remakes I want to get.



Edit: forgot Rime. Trailer for the PS looked great, but need to see more gameplay.



Some other games may upgrade to maybes after I see more of them, but that's it for now. like I mentioned in my previous post, I'm not getting that many games anyway, so the lack of interesting games isn't a problem for me personally, I need to get some PC games as well.


I want to hear comments on Disgaea from people who have played it and who like Fire Emblem. I'm liking the character designs, but the maps look terrible. Watch some gameplay, battles look like they will provide my strategy RPG fix, but there seems to be a lot of unnecessary stuff between battles. But I just had a quick look. Should I get Disgaea if I like Fire Emblem?


Edit: also, I hope you can use Japanese voices and/or turn them off completely. English voices are shit.

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Disgaea isn't much of a strategy game TBH. It's much more heavily skewed towards the RPG side than the strategy.


It's also a massive grindfest, the likes of which you have never seen before...


It's funny though, some pretty funny writing in those games. But yeah, I hope you like grinding! Because that's what you're gonna be doing 99% of the time!

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I think having just a couple of GameCube games on the VC would really help their launch line up.


There seems to be an expectation that GC games are a given on the Switch VC but until there's confirmation I'll try not to get my hopes up too much :red:


If we do get portable GC games, that could be pretty special and I hope there's a decent solution for the lack of analog shoulder buttons in the games which require that functionality. Wave Race: Blue Storm, for example, could work really well if leaning your rider is handled by tilting the controller :hehe:

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I don't understand the uproar about that comment on the Nintendo site? Where does it say the online service won't be ready for launch?


It doesn't explicitly say that, but that is one possible interpretation. It once again comes down to vague and minimal information being given, both in that statement and generally about online on Switch.


The longer you leave something vague the more anything will be picked apart and critiqued. They may as well have said online means online.

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@Sméagol: I was greatly disappointed by Disgaea 1 on the DS. I feel like the best comparison point is the Final Fantasy Tactics series. FFT usually features battles on open areas and a bigger focus on character building and customization, whereas Fire Emblem is more focused on direct tactics (as an example, FFT allows you to play a lot more with skill combinations, but lacks things like chokepoints or effective battle formations). It comes down less to your in-battle decisions and more on how you prepared your characters, which I still find fun, and there's enough variety to keep me entertained.


Disgaea follows FFT's philosophy (that is, the encounters on open areas), but lacks the variety in customization. Skills and attributes fall short to levels and raw stats. Could you defeat a strong enemy by learning a Poison spell and defensive skills? Nope, your only option is to grind up your characters, equipment and items (everything in that game can be leveled up). Some maps can be made fun by manipulating stage hazards, but even that gets repetitive.


It's entirely possible that Disgaea 5 has a more fleshed-out system by now, though I believe its main selling point has always been the writing (which is actually pretty funny).

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I don't understand the uproar about that comment on the Nintendo site? Where does it say the online service won't be ready for launch?


Of course it will be online at launch. Same old problem on here, far too many people take a rumour turn, turn it into a fact paint the worst possible picture and then post it on here.

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online means online.


:heart:! Will it be a blue, grey, and red online??


Of course it will be online at launch. Same old problem on here, far too many people take a rumour turn, turn it into a fact paint the worst possible picture and then post it on here.


I think you've both moved the argument here a bit. My own concern isn't that there won't be online at launch(in fact I believe some semblance will exist from the reveal conference) - more what concerns me is that they won't release details of the online service until after the console is launched.


That's madness to me - and certainly not the sort of thing that sells me on buying the console; it's essentially a complete unknown until who knows when! Will their 'after launch' be the day after? week after? month after?? 5 years after???


It's just vague.


(EDIT: Btw if people actually clicked Josh64's link they'll have seen there's definitely online gaming from launch; just we don't know the full extent of it and the voice chat/app etc seems to not be ready for then)

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