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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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Haven't really had much time to play games over the last 2 weeks (and probably won't have a huge amount going forward) but nonetheless, last night I managed to finish off The Unfinished Swan. Not much of an achievement seeing as I apparently saved right at the end of the 3rd chapter (Nighttime) so 10 minutes later I'd finished it.


Despite the last chapter being a bit of a let down in how quickly it all finished (would've liked a little more on this part), I really enjoyed playing the game. Liked going back to the starting area in the King's dream and seeing the mess I'd made at the start of the game, thought that was a nice little touch.


It was just a nice little calming, enjoyable and memorable experience and what more can I ask for from a game. Glad I finally got the chance to play it.


Also progressed to Chapter 2 on Valiant Hearts but seemingly plenty to go and got bored of waiting for Journey to get it's PS4 re-release so decided to pick it up on the PS3 so have that waiting to be played. More than enough at the moment to see me through the small amount of game time I have.

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Girlfriend was away this evening, so I had a few hours playing Smash. Liking it a lot. There is so much to do though, it's a bit overwhelming. Did classic on 5.5 with Pikachu, so gradually improving that. Unlocked two more characters. Did some events. Was good.

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I had a bit of a gaming mix last night. I started of playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii U. I didn't want to buy any games yet ( I have been good though and cleared a bunch of games, so maybe I deserved a treat ) and snapped it up on the Wii U. It had to be bought yesterday though as it was the last day for it's sale price.


I played around on it for a bit, getting a few stars before knocking it off.


I jumped on to Far Cry 4 next. Again, i didn't do much, just got a few more towers unlocked and killed a few more animals for some upgrades.


I then decided what game I would tackle next for my 3DS backlog battle ( just 3 titles to go! ) and after having a bit of a think I went with Fire Emblem: Awakening.


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I've had this since launch and seeing as the new one was announced recently I figured now would be a good time to start it.


I think I done about 4 missions before going to bed but it has got it's hooks into me already. I'm just trying to decide which characters I will use in the future and give them the most opportunity to land some attacks and experience. I love Vaike and Sully, so have been leveling them 2 up nicely, along with Chrom, Liisa and Adam ( me ). :D


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I finanally finished playing inFamous: Second Son just after New Year, and also Grand Theft Auto V once again. I did venture into GTA Online, but got fed up with it quite quickly.





inFamous: Second Son


Currently Playing


Kirby Triple Deluxe

Drive Club

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Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow is DONE.. and you know what? I really enjoyed it :yay:


My only real criticism is that the shooting in it was extremely unreliable :hmm: You could have the cursor perfectly aligned with someone's head and fire 4 or 5 times and still not make contact :eek: Apart from that, it was all good!


I reckon I might try to get into Prince of Persia: Warrior Within later but I suspect it will be much less successful. If I don't feel it has any merit in being in my collection afterwards, it's gone :heh:

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Continued my Fire Emblem: Awakening play through last night. I think i'm on mission 7 now.


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I've been doing all the extra missions that show up, as well as the other little battles that appear from time to time. I think most of my mains are level 10+ at the moment.


The 8-4 guys done a beautiful job on the translation of this game. The writing and humour are both fantastic.

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I've been doing all the extra missions that show up, as well as the other little battles that appear from time to time. I think most of my mains are level 10+ at the moment.


The 8-4 guys done a beautiful job on the translation of this game. The writing and humour are both fantastic.


A strong contender for best game on the 3DS, in my opinion. I found Sacred Stones to be too frustrating, but the "Newcomer" mode in Awakening makes all the difference for me.


Also, I don't think we had Miiverse on 3DS when the game was originally released, so it adds an extra element to it!

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I reckon Prince of Persia: Warrior Within has had it! I gave it 10 minutes last night and, to be honest, thought it was pretty awful. The Sands of Time ranked as one of my favourite GC games back at the time so it's a shame, but not unexpected, that the sequel couldn't hold a candle to it :hmm: I definitely must play through The Sands of Time again, though, to see if I still cherish it as before :heh:


Afterwards, I resumed an old SSX 3 save file which I believe hasn't been updated since my first year at University in 2005 :eek: I jumped straight in where I left off.. a 19-minute Time Trial down Peak 2. I was pretty awful and didn't make it down in time so actually plucked up the courage to repeat it and thankfully made it at the second attempt. I dread to think how long it will take to race down Peak 3, which is now unlocked, but by the time I get to that particular event I should be well adjusted to the way the game plays, again :hehe:


I think I'll probably play it again tonight :smile:


Regarding my GC collection, though, I counted it last night to note that I currently own 58 Gamecube games (59 if you include Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution.. or even 60 if you take Pac Man VS into account, a game bundled with R: Racing :indeed:)


Whatever the case, it's a vast drop when you consider that I once had in excess of 90 in my possession several years ago and most certainly would have owned over 100 different titles at one stage or another. I've trimmed away a considerable amount of unnecessary fat from that particular pile over the years and I honestly don't miss ANY of it. I expect to have it down to around 50 by the time I've decided that I have refined it enough :heh:

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I didn't get to play much Fire Emblem Awakening yesterday due to going to the cinema after work. I did get a couple of missions done, one of which allowed me to meet and recruit this guy.


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I couldn't sleep this morning so got up at 5:30 and cracked on with the game. Just finished chapter 9 now. Gutted with the scenes that played out in that chapter. Revenge will be mine!

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End of January is approaching and worried about my ten gsme limit. Stopped playing football manager (this years version is the worst in a long long time) so that'll help, but damn work and girlfriends getting in the way :)


Still slowly going through ocarina and shovel knight. Dabbling with art of balance, siesta fiesta and room 2.... Ocarina is boring me a little as it always does, shovel knight is getting better and better though, I'll definitely finish that soon.

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I've now gone back to a couple of games that I started last year but never finished, the worst offender of which is Dark Souls II. :shakehead (65 hours into that bloody game, but have hit yet another a brick wall in the form of this gigantic bastard Dragon :heh:).

Also recently joined PS+, so that's given me even more games to get through! :hehe:



Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS)

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)






Dark Souls II (PS3)

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS)

Driveclub (PS4)

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

The Swapper (PS4+)

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Fire Emblem Awakening is complete.


This had me in stitches and i'm surprised it didn't get deleted on Miiverse.


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I know what the 8-4 guys are like ( listen to their podcast all the time ) so I think this is very much intentional. :D


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Overall I though the game was brilliant. I played the game with the no death option on. This made for a much better experience IMO. Having played previous FE games I always found it a hassle having to reset the battle if a character died. With this option on I found the game to be more relaxing and fun. I think this also was partly the reason why the title done so well in the west.


The characters I chose worked out really well. My main army consisted of...




Sully ( Got Chrom to marry her. I liked how feisty she was. )

Vaike ( fav character by far )




Lon Qu

Tharja ( dark character but still no Soren )







The final 3 were added late in the game and took over Lucina, who just didn't level up faster enough to be any use. Olivia got booted as she couldn't take a hit, despite her special dance move being useful. Gaius got kicked from the team once Anna became available. I liked his character but I just found Anna move useful in battle.


There was only 1 negative thing about the game and that was a certain song that played at various times. It just didn't fit with the mood and it sounded like some kind of French tune or something that would have fitted nicely into a Layton game. It was really weird.


That is all my 3DS retail titles finished. Just 2 eShop ones to go but I may jump on another console for my next adventure.

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How long did it take you?

I started playing it a few weeks back, but then turned my attention to Kirby. Should try to get it finished before MH4 really, but don't see that happening somehow. :blank:


Think it was about 15-20 hours. That was doing all the sidequests that popped up and extra battles. I also play FE games without the battle animations on, so that probably sped things up a bit.

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Completed games

Sunset Overdrive (finished properly in 2015 despite starting in 2014)

Murdered: Soul Suspect - So damn good, if short

Contrast - XBOX One arcade game, again short but interest. Interesting game mechanic

Thomas Was Alone Lovely game. Not too challenging, enough to be enjoyable all the way through



Few more to be added to completed:



Max and The Curse of Brotherhood

This was a great game. Puzzle based platformer for the One. Really loved the look of the game, very polished.


A crap game :laughing: - like a cheap Pacman. But it was free so I just plyed through the torture and nabbed some achievements and that was that.



Currently Playing

Resident Evil: Re-Mastered

Started on normal. Too bloody hard so started again on an easier difficulty. Now enjoying it much more. My favourite RE game behind Revelations and RE5 - both of which I just absolutely loved.

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So yeah, Not finished Demon's Crest completely, but I saw "The End", so I'm putting it on the list.

Anyway! I also finished another game for the first time over the weekend.

Psst! It's The World Ends With You...

Quite a few people would say that The World Ends With You is the best RPG on the DS.
And I know I'm gonna get some flak for this, but I disagree.
Don't get me wrong, it's great! But I can't put it as the best DS RPG. (Radiant Historia, in case you're wondering)

But let's talk about what I like first.

This game looks slick. I can't think of a better way to describe the visuals. I've always liked graffiti art, so it was safe to say that the style would appeal to me.
Enough about graphics, least important part of a game to me.

I'm gonna talk about the music.

I bet you 5,000 yen he's listening to "Calling"

Probably one of the most varied soundtracks I've heard in a game. Rap? Hip-Hop? Pop? Other genres I can't think of? There's a good chance you'll find it here. And all of it is very good listening.
(Theatrhythm has 2 songs from it as DLC, just recently released, while I was playing through this... Creepy)

I won't talk too much about the story, because it's very gripping, probably the best bit about the game. I have to say though, I didn't see the ending coming.

So what's keeping this from knocking Radiant Historia off my favourite DS RPG throne?
Well, it's a problem with the gameplay, specifically, the battle system.


QUICK! Scribble on the bird!

Your health is low! TAP THE BLOODY CAN!
Look at the top screen! She's about to get hit! Time that jump right!

I'm not gonna go into detail about it, because I still don't fully understand it.
It's ambitious and a cool, unique concept that can only be done on the DS. But too much happens at once!
Even after seeing the credits, I still feel like I was nowhere mastering it, and I know I never will.
Luckily, the game is very forgiving and there's an easy mode you can fall back on (I never needed it).
Everything else about the gameplay is top notch though, I especially like how lowering your level can help you get more item drops.

Also, this game did Streetpass before the 3DS was even a thing. Gotta give it props for that.

So yes, it's fantastic. But not my favourite DS RPG.

And with that, it's time to update my list.

Lufia: The Legend Returns - GBC

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - WiiU (Not 100%)
Demon's Crest - SNES (Not 100%)
The World Ends With You - DS

Next on my to do list is Final Fantasy 8. Never finished it, but after finishing FF7 last year for the first time (Good game, but overrated), I'm now in the mood to give this a go.
And I'm gonna have to play through the Metroid Prime games when it comes out on Thursday.

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Suppose now's as good a time as ever to update on my doings so far this year...








Well I have finally beaten Layton VS Ace Attorney at long last! :D


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(be sure to read the Miiverse comments for detailed thoughts of mine)


In short though, it's a good Layton game but not a really good Ace Attorney game; despite some nice ideas and an interesting setting. It's just too simple and basic really for the AA fans and I don't think it's a really satisfying story for them (Layton fans however will really dig it though!). It really feels like an introduction of the AA series to fans of the Layton series more than anything else.


Still enjoyed it overall, but it could've been better...


As for the rest so far... I've just been replaying some past games recently (beat DKCR from start to finish, including the KONG levels and the secret last one in a couple of days over last weekend. Those improved loading times from the digital Wii version are really great! :D ) and I recently beat the story mode of Mario Golf Advance Tour again!


Before that though I was finishing up me replay of Golden Sun from late last year a couple of weeks ago or so.


Now I've just started Layton & The Azran Legacy for the first time and I'm still playing through Fire Emblem GBA (I've been playing this one for a fair few months. I always play through FE games very very slowly) as well as Pokemon ORAS (I'm not really feeling it - It's better than RSE, but it's still a remake of Gen 3; which was my least favourite Pokemon mainline game for a reason...)

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Overall I though the game was brilliant. I played the game with the no death option on. This made for a much better experience IMO. Having played previous FE games I always found it a hassle having to reset the battle if a character died. With this option on I found the game to be more relaxing and fun. I think this also was partly the reason why the title done so well in the west.


You dirty casual, go back and play this properly. :p


Seriously though, I hope 8-4 are already working on the FEIF localisation.


In short though, it's a good Layton game but not a really good Ace Attorney game; despite some nice ideas and an interesting setting.


I actually felt the opposite to this, it was a better AA game than a Layton. Glad they keeping the group cross examination in the new game.

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I actually felt the opposite to this, it was a better AA game than a Layton. Glad they keeping the group cross examination in the new game.


Yeah, I do like the group cross examination mechanic. I just hope that it's handled with much more subtlty than it was in Layton VS AA; it's way too obvious when you can press someone for information (I liked how some of them lead to dead ends, but it's just too basic and simple in it's current form - I want to see it work like in Apollo Justice, with each witness having different "tells" when someone else says something!)


Actually, overall the difficulty is pretty low for the Layton puzzles as well. There aren't really many tough puzzles in the game in comparison to the main series...


But it definitely feels like a Layton game first and an AA game second (which makes sense, since it was made primarily by Level 5...)


Oh and I'm sure that they're already working on FE If's localisation right now ;) (Treehouse are probably gonna be too busy working on Zelda Wii U and Xenoblade X to work on Fire Emblem If anyway).

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