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Pokemon TCG GBC Coming To 3DS eShop!


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I've still got all my old collection in my Mum's loft since I was like 9/10 years old.


Used to sell shiny Charizard for twenty quid at school like a gangster.


My youngest brother used to go door-to-door in our street selling cards. He was the richest person I knew. Always had money. Didn't give one shit about playing the game and never ever touched a GameBoy in his life.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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That reminds me, I gotta flog my M Charizard EX on the Ebay:



Number 107 out of 106.


So, would some of us be up for playing TCG in tandem, to a loose schedule? That way we can be sure to be at roughly the same place (we could segment the game by gyms?) so as to be able to help each other out with tactics, etc. And blogging our trading card journey together would fun and warm and cosy. :)


Please weigh in with your thoughts Hero-of-Time @Glen\-i @EEVILMURRAY @Jonnas @Aneres11 @King_V @Dcubed @f00had @Ike @ReZourceman @somme

I'm down with that, my girlfriend can gimme the transport I need, it didn't take me long to get her hooked into the game shortly after we started going out. We're both Pokémon Professors (http://www.pokemon.com/uk/play-pokemon/organize/become-a-professor/)


If any of you peeps feel like joining us, we go to a league at our local game shop Tuesday afternoons/evenings and the occasional Sunday afternoon for a mini tournament. Although they're not having one this week because of a fucking Magic pre-release.



OOOOH! Get the basics down and come down for the new set pre-release on August 2-3. Whoever gets a Lucario EX is gonna dominate.

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That reminds me, I gotta flog my M Charizard EX on the Ebay:



Number 107 out of 106.



I'm down with that, my girlfriend can gimme the transport I need, it didn't take me long to get her hooked into the game shortly after we started going out. We're both Pokémon Professors (http://www.pokemon.com/uk/play-pokemon/organize/become-a-professor/)


If any of you peeps feel like joining us, we go to a league at our local game shop Tuesday afternoons/evenings and the occasional Sunday afternoon for a mini tournament. Although they're not having one this week because of a fucking Magic pre-release.



OOOOH! Get the basics down and come down for the new set pre-release on August 2-3. Whoever gets a Lucario EX is gonna dominate.

I think @darksnowman was referring to the Virtual Console game :p

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So, would some of us be up for playing TCG in tandem, to a loose schedule? That way we can be sure to be at roughly the same place (we could segment the game by gyms?) so as to be able to help each other out with tactics, etc. And blogging our trading card journey together would fun and warm and cosy. :)


Please weigh in with your thoughts Hero-of-Time @Glen\-i @EEVILMURRAY @Jonnas @Aneres11 @King_V @Dcubed @f00had @Ike @ReZourceman @somme


I'd be up for that, assuming I can scrounge together the 5 quid.

My cash flow is less then stellar.




OK, now that card just looks silly...

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Hmm I shall also have to check the cash flow situation. Plus there's the games I'm currently playing to get through. I know it's like a fiver but having just got a puppy and toys and chipping and insurance an all that shit I is broke. Damn dog!!

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So, would some of us be up for playing TCG in tandem, to a loose schedule? That way we can be sure to be at roughly the same place (we could segment the game by gyms?) so as to be able to help each other out with tactics, etc. And blogging our trading card journey together would fun and warm and cosy. :)


I suppose I could give it a try, I'll have to think about it though. I could either buy this or Yu Gi Oh on PS3 which has online multiplayer :p

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OK, now that card just looks silly...

Too clumsy to play with, sure, you could power it up in about 2-3 turns minimum and it would be unstoppable. But you wouldn't get it to last long enough to fire off enough attacks to make it worth the effort.



The dragon type one is even more stupid:




It's weird that the English Mega EX cards have Japanese text where it's English on the Japanese one.



Whereas the attack in English isn't Gangan Punch, but Wham Bam Punch. Far less awesome.


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I wonder if Nintendo will be kind enough to send us a download code for this one, like they seem to do once in a blue moon when it's a significant release. :heh:


Not that I'm fussed either way. : peace:

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I think @darksnowman was referring to the Virtual Console game :p


Yes indeedy. What you think @EEVILMURRAY? Got £4.50 to spare to show us how your card expertise translates to the video game? :)


I'd be up for that, assuming I can scrounge together the 5 quid.

My cash flow is less then stellar.


Come on man. You love Pokémon!


I'm cool with a TCG playthrough. I'm in the mood to dedicate my life to travelling the world for cheap pieces of paper once more! :D


:awesome: Exactly! Welcome aboard.


Hmm I shall also have to check the cash flow situation. Plus there's the games I'm currently playing to get through. I know it's like a fiver but having just got a puppy and toys and chipping and insurance an all that shit I is broke. Damn dog!!


Excuses excuses. For the sake of a ~£5, deputy dog will survive.


I suppose I could give it a try, I'll have to think about it though. I could either buy this or Yu Gi Oh on PS3 which has online multiplayer :p


Well yes, you could... BUT will we be playing Yu-Gi-Oh along with you, listening to your travails, offering tips, keeping your morale up? No because we will be playing Pokémon TCG. Its a no-brainer, man!


We'll do Yu-Gi-Oh when it comes out on the VC. I read up on the GBA game (Nightmare Troubadour was it?) ALOT but never took the plunge and bought it. Deal?


I've played TCG way too many times. Plus, I don't have the necessary console (Unless my old cart still works) :heh: I do know the game like the back of my hand, though.


You're the Cranky Kong of Pokémon TCG. You're needed. Any ideas how we could structure a group play? Would it be feasible to say, aim for a gym a week or is that too much/ too little?


I wonder if Nintendo will be kind enough to send us a download code for this one, like they seem to do once in a blue moon when it's a significant release. :heh:


Not that I'm fussed either way. : peace:


SCG! You'll be playing this so will be able to post along too.


Speaking of download codes, whats the chances of an N-E contest to give a code (or multiple?!) away? It would either get some front page readers in, or help the brothers out above who have cash flow problems.



@Blade and @Fierce_LiNk your input please. : peace:

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So, would some of us be up for playing TCG in tandem, to a loose schedule? That way we can be sure to be at roughly the same place (we could segment the game by gyms?) so as to be able to help each other out with tactics, etc. And blogging our trading card journey together would fun and warm and cosy. :)


Would have loved to join, but I sadly know nothing of the card game - never played it, oddly enough - plus Im without 3DS. Sorry :/

Edited by King_V
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So, would some of us be up for playing TCG in tandem, to a loose schedule? That way we can be sure to be at roughly the same place (we could segment the game by gyms?) so as to be able to help each other out with tactics, etc. And blogging our trading card journey together would fun and warm and cosy. :)


I like the idea, and thanks for including me (would definitely be up for this with other games) but I think I'll skip this particular one if you don't mind. To be honest, my gaming time and spending on games are both spoken for at the moment.

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SCG! You'll be playing this so will be able to post along too.


Speaking of download codes, what are the chances of an N-E contest to give a code (or multiple?!) away? It would either get some front page readers in, or help the brothers out above who have cash flow problems.



Hell yeah I'll be posting, I'll be reviewing the game for VC Weekly #300 so I'll be talking about it plenty. : peace:


Regarding getting download codes though... we'd be lucky to get one let alone loads. :heh:


As I previously mentioned Nintendo seem to be rather sporadic in giving out codes as often it can be some for a few weeks running and then nothing for months. :blank:


Either way I'll be downloading this the moment it becomes available no matter if it's a free review code or if I have to pay £4.49 for it. ::shrug:

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I remember being outfoxed by the computer when I tried to save and reload on a coin toss moment. It was auto-programmed to fail in the event of you trying to do that. :(


I always used to soft reset every time even though I knew it wouldn't make a difference.


So, would some of us be up for playing TCG in tandem, to a loose schedule? That way we can be sure to be at roughly the same place (we could segment the game by gyms?) so as to be able to help each other out with tactics, etc. And blogging our trading card journey together would fun and warm and cosy. :)


I'd be up for that. :peace:


I think setting a goal for the week will be OK? Maybe every 3/4 days? Maybe have deck themes/restrictions every so often?

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You're the Cranky Kong of Pokémon TCG. You're needed. Any ideas how we could structure a group play? Would it be feasible to say, aim for a gym a week or is that too much/ too little?


TCG is rather open, you can tackle most Clubs (yes, Clubs) in any order you wish (though certain restrictions are easier than others), so I take it that each player will gravitate towards different orders.


It's also fast, really fast. No overworld, just rooms and card games. One Club in a day or two is a more reasonable goal.

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Yes indeedy. What you think @EEVILMURRAY? Got £4.50 to spare to show us how your card expertise translates to the video game? :)




Come on man. You love Pokémon!




:awesome: Exactly! Welcome aboard.




Excuses excuses. For the sake of a ~£5, deputy dog will survive.




Well yes, you could... BUT will we be playing Yu-Gi-Oh along with you, listening to your travails, offering tips, keeping your morale up? No because we will be playing Pokémon TCG. Its a no-brainer, man!


We'll do Yu-Gi-Oh when it comes out on the VC. I read up on the GBA game (Nightmare Troubadour was it?) ALOT but never took the plunge and bought it. Deal?




You're the Cranky Kong of Pokémon TCG. You're needed. Any ideas how we could structure a group play? Would it be feasible to say, aim for a gym a week or is that too much/ too little?




SCG! You'll be playing this so will be able to post along too.


Speaking of download codes, whats the chances of an N-E contest to give a code (or multiple?!) away? It would either get some front page readers in, or help the brothers out above who have cash flow problems.



@Blade and @Fierce_LiNk your input please. : peace:


What's the question, brah? Would I be interested in this game? I'm not one for handhelds and I've outgrown Pokemon.

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I like the idea, and thanks for including me (would definitely be up for this with other games) but I think I'll skip this particular one if you don't mind. To be honest, my gaming time and spending on games are both spoken for at the moment.


:( Its only a ten hour game and we are gonna try and spread that out so sure you could fit in. :)


I'd be up for that. :peace:


I think setting a goal for the week will be OK? Maybe every 3/4 days? Maybe have deck themes/restrictions every so often?


Yep, just wondering what a feasible goal would be. Not sure about card/deck restrictions seeing as there's one or two of us haven't finished the game before. :eek: You psycho.


I love Pokemon. My wallet hates it. Especially after Pokemon Art Academy.




TCG is rather open, you can tackle most Clubs (yes, Clubs) in any order you wish (though certain restrictions are easier than others), so I take it that each player will gravitate towards different orders.


It's also fast, really fast. No overworld, just rooms and card games. One Club in a day or two is a more reasonable goal.


Ok, good. I really couldn't remember what's between clubs (not gyms then) so if its nothing, that works well. : peace:


What's the question, brah? Would I be interested in this game? I'm not one for handhelds and I've outgrown Pokemon.


I want you to download Pokémon TCG this weekend and join in a little play of it with your fellow forumites. To chat about the game, enjoy its quirks and tactics and spread good will to one and all. Just like during N64 week. :bowdown:


I'm probably gonna dive in on this at the weekend, so I might try and keep up with a group playthrough!


Gizmo! Good man! :yay:


Incidentally, if you need setlists, I just finished updating my TCG GB section...it was shocking before, now it's good :)




Good stuff, that's good timing indeed. Now if Jonnas could give it the once over before we all dash off and start giving you our clicks. :heh:

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