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Quality of Life Platform (QOL)

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Lately, my mind has been playing around with ideas about what exactly this third pillar of Nintendo will be like, and I noticed there seems to be no set topic for discussion in regards to it. So, as it's inevitably going to get more and more attention, I figured I'd make a thread.


Quality of Life Platform (QOL)


What is QOL?

Announced in January during the Nintendo Corporate Management Policy Briefing, QOL is a planned third, independent platform aiming to improve the quality of life of consumers via entertainment as a medium.


How does Nintendo define 'quality of life'?

In the briefing, Nintendo expressed that the main goal of QOL is the improvement of health. Still adhering to the Blue Ocean marketing strategy, Nintendo is making a slight adjustment by expanding their user base beyond gaming. A Nintendo for gaming, a Nintendo for fitness.


When is the QOL platform due to be unveiled/released?

Nintendo are aiming to release it during the fiscal year of 2016, which means we will most likely get our first look of it next year, potentially at an event that is not E3 or a Direct presentation.




Its only recently that I've realised that Nintendo's idea of quality of life has actually been present in the products I've purchased from them and that I've actually thoroughly enjoyed them. I think one thing most of us on this board use that could potentially be seen as a QOL function is the pedometer inside the 3DS. Obviously it can be argued that this is not really doing much for our fitness as we only really carry it around on journeys we were all ready intending to make, but I get a feeling that play coins were an initial test of possibly encouraging us to walk a little further to have something redeemable in games. Unfortunately, the amount you could collect each day required a pitiful amount of walking and I think we're now at the point were we all have 300 that just aren't being used.


But then we have Pokemon X and Y's powers system. If you got 4000 steps, you're rewarded with a high recovery rate of your power points that you could use to make your eggs hatch faster, get more money, get more exp etc. Heck, Pokemon has utilised the pedometer as a means of improving quality of life in exchange for enjoyment quite a lot. The original Pocket Pikachu had a new and improved version that would link via IR and send goods to your copy of Gold and Silver depending on how many watts you stored. This was even paid homage to in the remakes, when they were bundled with the PokeWalker which has by far been my favourite inclusion in the Pokemon series.


But let's look beyond Pokemon at software/hardware that Nintendo has released that could be interpreted as QOL applications. Brain Training is coming back into the minds of Nintendo gamers thanks to Nintendo distributing it for free to Wii U owners. Designed at improving cognitive function for the user via daily training, it was a perfect example of an entertaining piece of software that did that little bit more for us.


I'm not sure if many people remember this software, but there was also Sight Training which I actually had a fuck load of fun playing. I can't attest to how effective this software was overall, but I felt like something had improved in my ability to keep visual track of things in my field of vision.


Wii Fit. Never played it, but I actually have friends who do not have a keen interest in gaming who still have their Wii consoles set up ready to boot up Wii Fit each day.


The Art Academy series. Still going strong, all ready available on the Wii U platform to take advantage of the tablet controller, keen to educate users on how to draw (I should probably pick it up..)


Now, I never considered this QOL, but I've just seen Wii Music being used as an example by Nintendo. How exactly pretending to play an instrument can be construed as educational is beyond me.


Based on all these examples that I've personally had experience using, can't help but feel that Nintendo may potentially have me as a customer all ready. I'm very lacking in the fitness department, if it can be made enjoyable, I'm all ears.


But as for the form factor of the platform, the only thing I can possibly imagine it being is a watch, a dedicated 'smart watch' that acts independently as a device. The reason I believe this is because the market is still young and it's attracting a lot of attention, that and there's no way Nintendo aren't going to incorporate their research into the vitality sensor into the thing. It's the only form factor that makes sense to me.


One thing I'd really like to see is the ability to pair with applications on the 3DS or Wii U. An example of what I mean by this is the ability to use your device as an ultra portable Streetpass device. If you were out running, you're not going to take your 3DS with you, but it'd still be nice to accumulate play coins/street pass 3DS' or QOL users you may pass.


Another example is having it similar to the Dreamcast VMU. Have a little space free on there so, let's just say, you could download an app from a Pokemon game that allows you to walk with a Pokemon with features similar to the Poke Walker. Or a Chao garden. Or Miiverse notifications. Or emergency mission announcements for the Phantasy Star Online 2 port that'll never happen. Or an auction house for the Dragon Quest X localisation that'll never happen.


So, I've included a poll so we can get an idea of who here has an interest in the QOL platform, despite the lack of information right now as a potential catalyst for conversation. Keep it friendly, talks of feasibility are welcome but try to keep the performance of other Nintendo products out of the discussion as this is a completely new and unrelated platform and tends to derail the thread.

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Interested... but I feel like we don't know enough about it yet.


I'd be more interested in games before this but if it is successful and brings in more money for Nintendo which could then be funnelled into new game development then I'm definitely all for it. ;)


Oh and health, positivity etc... that's all good too. :p

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I feel like these QoL products are only a simulacrum of exercise and generally improving your health, they're kind of insidious. As part of a game, like the Pocket Pikachu and even things that get you moving like Just Dance, that's great. But if you want to get fit, get a hobby, play a sport. Something like Wii Fit is so solitary. There's so much more to being healthy than these stupid 'programs'. What about team games, being active with friends, the social aspect? What about discovering what you want to do, growing as you learn, and not following instructions (I use to do parkour and in time that lead me to bouldering)? What about the deeper philosophical sides of sports like running, cycling, etc,.


No, I hate these things. But then I barely understand why anyone would do something like Insanity and P90. And in that case I don't see how they'll be able to improve on Xbox Fitness.


I'm sure it won't be bad, it'll be as cute as Nintendo always make them, but I don't think it will be a big seller.

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I'm interested.


I have loads of fun with Brain Training, even more so now that I'm above the age of 20. (Calculations X20 in 18 seconds, bring it!)


Wii Fit was also quite fun, even if I never owned it...


And it's safe to say that Art Academy has made me a pretty decent artist. Those lessons work amazingly well! (Pokemon Art Academy can not come out soon enough, I NEED those markers!)


So yeah, I'll be happy to see what else Ninty can do with this.

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Unless Nintendo has invented something that'll let me have flying dreams every night, that's different, but I'm sure it'll be something boring instead. Every single piece of 'wearable' tech I've seen has seemed completely pointless to me (apart from the good ol' wristwatch, of course) so I hope I'm wrong, but I expect Nintendo's 'non-wearable' tech to be the same.


More Metroid please!

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I feel like these QoL products are only a simulacrum of exercise and generally improving your health, they're kind of insidious. As part of a game, like the Pocket Pikachu and even things that get you moving like Just Dance, that's great. But if you want to get fit, get a hobby, play a sport. Something like Wii Fit is so solitary. There's so much more to being healthy than these stupid 'programs'. What about team games, being active with friends, the social aspect? What about discovering what you want to do, growing as you learn, and not following instructions (I use to do parkour and in time that lead me to bouldering)? What about the deeper philosophical sides of sports like running, cycling, etc,.


No, I hate these things. But then I barely understand why anyone would do something like Insanity and P90. And in that case I don't see how they'll be able to improve on Xbox Fitness.


I'm sure it won't be bad, it'll be as cute as Nintendo always make them, but I don't think it will be a big seller.


Some pretty interesting points.


Right now, my imagination for what the device is possibly going to do is limited to the idea that it'll just capitalise on what you're all ready doing, maybe with in game/entertainment incentives to try to coerce the user into being more active. Although it is indeed true that you're best off being fit and training in the 'analog' way as the benefits reaped from it cross many dimensions, I do know a few people who are very much into the solitary way of doing things and, despite being good for your overall self-esteem, avoid the social aspects like the plague.


But thanks for the point about Xbox Fitness, actually completely forgot about that, kinda broadens my mind beyond the idea of it being a watch based device.




Unless Nintendo has invented something that'll let me have flying dreams every night, that's different, but I'm sure it'll be something boring instead. Every single piece of 'wearable' tech I've seen has seemed completely pointless to me (apart from the good ol' wristwatch, of course) so I hope I'm wrong, but I expect Nintendo's 'non-wearable' tech to be the same.


More Metroid please!


I have absolutely felt the same about wearable tech until the recent Android event. So far it just seems to have been a product for the sake of it with very little idea of how to utilise it, but Google Wear has gotten me kind of interested.


As for the Metroid comment.. not until we have VR as an industry standard ;)

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I feel like these QoL products are only a simulacrum of exercise and generally improving your health, they're kind of insidious. As part of a game, like the Pocket Pikachu and even things that get you moving like Just Dance, that's great. But if you want to get fit, get a hobby, play a sport. Something like Wii Fit is so solitary. There's so much more to being healthy than these stupid 'programs'. What about team games, being active with friends, the social aspect? What about discovering what you want to do, growing as you learn, and not following instructions (I use to do parkour and in time that lead me to bouldering)? What about the deeper philosophical sides of sports like running, cycling, etc,.


No, I hate these things. But then I barely understand why anyone would do something like Insanity and P90. And in that case I don't see how they'll be able to improve on Xbox Fitness.


I'm sure it won't be bad, it'll be as cute as Nintendo always make them, but I don't think it will be a big seller.


But why not have an option for solitary exercise? I used to play a lot of tennis and football and badminton, friends disappear, time becomes an issue, I've recently moved to Paris and know no one. Wii fit is a great way to do some exercise, how anything like this can be a bad thing I have no idea. And also, I NEED instructions, if I'm not chasing a ball or a shuttlecock I have no interest in exercise, having routines and specific plans is what I need. I've just started running, I just went running, and walked most of the way, because I detest it, it bores me, but then I started using a running apps which have me superficial things to do and kept me uptodate and I push myself more.


You don't like it, fine, but to dismiss it and be so aggressive about it I find bizarre.

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But why not have an option for solitary exercise? I used to play a lot of tennis and football and badminton, friends disappear, time becomes an issue, I've recently moved to Paris and know no one. Wii fit is a great way to do some exercise, how anything like this can be a bad thing I have no idea. And also, I NEED instructions, if I'm not chasing a ball or a shuttlecock I have no interest in exercise, having routines and specific plans is what I need. I've just started running, I just went running, and walked most of the way, because I detest it, it bores me, but then I started using a running apps which have me superficial things to do and kept me uptodate and I push myself more.


You don't like it, fine, but to dismiss it and be so aggressive about it I find bizarre.


Good points. I didn't dismiss it though, I just said I don't think it will be a big seller.

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I feel like these QoL products are only a simulacrum of exercise and generally improving your health, they're kind of insidious. As part of a game, like the Pocket Pikachu and even things that get you moving like Just Dance, that's great. But if you want to get fit, get a hobby, play a sport. Something like Wii Fit is so solitary. There's so much more to being healthy than these stupid 'programs'. What about team games, being active with friends, the social aspect? What about discovering what you want to do, growing as you learn, and not following instructions (I use to do parkour and in time that lead me to bouldering)? What about the deeper philosophical sides of sports like running, cycling, etc,.


No, I hate these things. But then I barely understand why anyone would do something like Insanity and P90. And in that case I don't see how they'll be able to improve on Xbox Fitness.


I'm sure it won't be bad, it'll be as cute as Nintendo always make them, but I don't think it will be a big seller.


I sort of agree. However, I think that there is a place for solitary exercise, too. There's no reason why you can't have a healthy balance of both. For example, play the team games and then use something such as WiiFit or Insanity when you're at home. It could continue to promote a healthy lifestyle, in my opinion.


My worry with these sorts of things is that they can seem kind of limited compared to other forms of exercise/lifestyle improvements. With a team sport, you continue to develop and you'll never be "complete" so to speak, as you'll get better at the sport and your team-mates will get better as will the competitors. With lifting weights, you can continue to progress with the amount of sets you do or reps or the amount of weight that you lift. I just don't see how something like WiiFit can be viable as your only form of fitness for a prolonged period of time. It can be good as a supplement, though, as an additional thing to something you're already doing.


As for this QoL, I don't care at the moment.

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Not for me, but I appreciate others may like the 'gimmick'. Im all for technology that helps people to live healthier lives.


I think the dismay comes from the thinking that Nintendo are shifting time and effort away from the standard core games we all would like more of. But I think these things are pretty standard procedure and easy to make in a small team and in short time to steal time from the classic gaming experiences.

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I have absolutely felt the same about wearable tech until the recent Android event. So far it just seems to have been a product for the sake of it with very little idea of how to utilise it, but Google Wear has gotten me kind of interested.


Having a quick look at the Android devices, these seem to be about lifestyle rather than health, ie. ordering dinner. Whereas previous wearable tech I've seen measure pulse, alertness, that sort of thing. I must admit, I am interested to see which angle Nintendo goes for.


To elaborate a bit more, I've never been too interested in wearable tech because, in addition to generally finding the idea complicated and unnecessary, I'm not 100% sure what it is.


Or, to put it another way, I'm sure science will come up with some interesting health-related breakthroughs over the years, but of course Nintendo is not a science lab, so is limited to using what is already out there. Considering this, I can only imagine them taking existing tech (that measures pulse, alertness etc) and making some sort of software solution to it. I wasn't being flippant when I talked about dreams, by the way. I would genuinely be interested in something radical like that, but I just can't believe it will be. At the moment the best I can think of is some sort of relaxation device.


So the truth is I'm not exactly uninterested - quite the opposite - but being realistic I can't see it being a product I'd buy.

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Good points. I didn't dismiss it though, I just said I don't think it will be a big seller.


I can't either actually, obviously depends on what it is, they may be sitting on something amazing, but I seriously doubt it. As long as it doesn't take away from their gaming output and/or damage their already awful image more than I'm interested to see what they'll do!

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  • 4 months later...
Nintendo’s first Quality of Life product monitors your sleep




Nintendo finally unveiled specific Quality of Life plans during its latest financial results investor briefing. View the overview below for a quick summary of information.


– QOL device is non-wearable, non-contact, non-operating (no controls), non-waiting, and non-installation efforts

– First QoL device monitors your sleep

– QoL device seems to send data monitored while you sleep to the cloud to be analyzed

– Teaming up with American company “resmed”

– Basically you put it next to your bed and sleep

– The device collects data and then presents a score along with ways to improve sleep and tiredness

– Things like dietary advice, exercise, etc.

– Separate services to be provided in order to improve QOL and be measured by the sleep sensor in a feedback loop

– QOL servers to connect with gaming devices, QOL servers, and smart devices to expand the definition of a platform

– “QOL Improvement” device(s?) will be compatible with Nintendo consoles and smart “devices”

– This begins starting in 2016




A few more Nintendo QOL details


Kotaku and Polygon published reports about Nintendo’s Quality of Life plans, revealing a few extra details in the process. Find a summary below.


– Once again, developed with US-based ResMed

– Uses sensors and the cloud to monitor people’s lifestyles

– Ex: non-wearable QOL sensor can be placed next to a user’s bed

– Monitor the user’s sleep and help people develop better sleeping habits

– The sensor might be available through a subscription

– ResMed already developed the world’s first contactless sleep sensor

– This is called the S+

– It’s expected that Nintendo will use its software and gaming know-how to bring this tech to a larger audience



“We only start something new if we think we will be able to create a big market, but as I’m not able to discuss pricing plans and other details today I don’t think there’s much point in giving a figure for our projected scale. By using our know-how in gaming… to analyze sleep and fatigue, we can create something fun.” – Satoru Iwata


– The platform comes from Nintendo’s new health care division

– Slated for release by the end of March 2016

– Non-wearable, non-contact (meaning it doesn’t need to touch your body), non-operating, non-operating and non-installation

– The device is designed to operate on its own, without much set-up

– Uses radio waves to read a user’s movement, heart rate, respiration and fatigue

– Data is then sent to servers to be analyzed

– The QOL system will connect with smart devices and “dedicated video game devices” via the cloud

– Services designed to improve health and quality of life, through diet and exercise will be part of the QOL system




That's just a summation, you can read about it in full here from Nintendo's Corporate Management Policy Briefing /

Semi-Annual Financial Results Briefing:



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Maybe it's because I woke up to read that rather sleep deprived this morning, but it comes across as Sleep Training: Train Your Sleep In Minutes A Day :laughing:


I can see where they're going with this... The tech is completely foreign to me (I don't know if it's completely new or not), but the application of Nintendo's expertise here is pretty much exactly what I was expecting.


It's a Touch Generations game, turned into its own piece of hardware. I expect either a built in piece of software (with the device having a touch screen you interact with), or it will come with a tie-in smartphone application - either way, it'll be VERY similar to Brain Training or Wii Fit in terms of design; heavy focus on stat tracking, lots of cute little touches and the awesome music that Nintendo games are known for. I also expect the server infrastructure to be built on top of the same Nintendo Network as their game consoles and there's a good chance that it'll also allow you to share your stats on Miiverse if you so choose.


Sounds like it has some real potential, but I really can't say whether or not it it'll be successful. It's far too early to say and I don't have the expertise in this field to judge.


That being said though, I could really do with it right now since I just had one of the crappiest nights of sleep I've had in a long time... :zzz:

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Don't know anything about this tech, but


1) if you want to improve your sleeping habits there's one easy step: always sleep the same amount of time (8-9hours)

2) if you have trouble sleeping visit a doctor, go to a sleep-lab and get professional help.


This first QoL device...don't see any appeal right now.


Let's wait and see what future devices will monitor.

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Let's hope this isn't taking any resources away from their gaming devisions. Doesn't appeal to me, and I don't understand how this can monitor your sleep... but I didn't watch the video. I don't particularly care for any of this and can't see how this will be a big business... though I guess if they can tie it in to smart phones and apples health kit and such, provide the best solutions in many areas while having the data in one place and adding some game stuff then it could be quite interesting.

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