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Joystiq go a little more in depth with it.



It looks pretty good anti-camping sort of stuff. If you suspect someone's hiding in the corner you can probably surprise them with a strafe-boost or descend on them with a high jump.


Battlefield is still the boy though.

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I think this looks really fucking excellent. Just not sure if I need another shooter after Destiny, I know they're completely different beasts but yeah.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've had it for a few days now, the multiplayer is excellent. The jump mechanics and dash give it a Titanfall feel. Completed the campaign on Normal difficulty and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Overall a much better game than Ghosts.

Posted (edited)

It's on my list of games to buy at some point in the future when I have a PS4 and I can get it for about £20.


Honestly I never expected to be this interested in a CoD game for a long time.

Edited by gaggle64

Got this free with the Xbox1 I bought a few days ago. Haven't played a Cod game in a while due to getting harassed by racist/homophobic 8 year olds and people that take the game way too seriously.


Finally decided to get this pre-ordered for £31.49 with Tesco - coupon plus staff discount :awesome: - went with Xbox One because COD has always seemed like an Xbox franchise to me plus I'd rather save space on my PS4 hard drive for better games quite frankly :indeed: but so long as I get a bit of fun out of COD then I'm happy, unless the reviews come in and it somehow turns out to be gash in which case I might cut my losses and sell it but hopefully it won't come to that, multiplayer at least looks decent so long as I actually end up playing it for more than a week. :heh:


very tempted to pre-order the US day zero digital version and get this pre-loaded now. Will be unlocked fully when I wake up!


would like to see a review first though.


Played the first mission. On Hardened. Got my ass handed to me a couple of times, especially as I had to get used to the movement controls.

But it was fucking amazing.


And I did one round of Team Deathmatch. SO MUCH FUN. Didn't do very well (11 kills, 12 deaths, 1 assist) and our team lost, but my god...the movement...it's almost like Unreal Tournament. I love it.


Can see myself playing this for months. : peace:


Its ok, not great. Done a couple of missions, the jumps etc have been done with Titanfall already and the "Sci-fi" aspect was done with destiny. Love that gun with enhanced targetting though.


Wasn't really intending to pick this up but ended up getting it yesterday as it was only £40 in Tescos (and it was the Day Zero edition no less) and seeing as I refuse to pay whatever GAME and HMV were pricing the game at (think the former was charging £55! :shakehead) I thought why not as I can most likely get pretty much all of the money back should I not really like it.


Have only just finished the Traffic mission in Lagos, and dipped my toes into the online multiplayer, but campaign wise, it's typical CoD fare so far with a few new toys. Still trying to get used to some of them, particularly changing grenades, but that's just come with more play. I guess the exosuit powers are kind of cool but again, maybe I'm not far enough into the game to see whether or not they change things significantly.


Likewise for the multiplayer, although really all I encountered was slightly more verticality as people were on top of roofs and a couple using cloaking but that was it.


Perhaps it's just me, though, but I'm finding movement in the game to be a bit off. The aiming sensitivity isn't particularly well set for any of the settings and while I've put it on Medium 3, it still doesn't feel right as anything above that is too erratic/fast and anything immediately below that is too slow. Thought it would be a happy middle ground but even then it just feels a bit too fiddly and not as accurate as I'd like it. And then actually moving your character around feels a bit weird. Like sprinting but not covering much ground and it being a bit jumpy, to me at least. Maybe it's still because I'm used to how it was set in Destiny and maybe it'll click after a little bit but yeah, not quite a smooth in its movement as I think it needs to be.


So yeah, for me the jury is still out on the game. From my initial experiences, it's ok but I'd have been pissed if I had been one of the schmucks queuing in GAME yesterday morning when I was in town to get the game at the price they're selling it for. As it is, a little more time and hopefully it'll improve. If not, least I know I should be able to get my money back easy enough and put it towards something else (well, Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4 and Dragon Age are all coming out in the next couple of weeks so who knows).


Dammit nostalgia.... I couldn't care less about this game until I heard it had been released. "Hah, now it's november alright.." I said to my self. Opened up a video, just to see what the fuzz was about. Thinking, "oh well, this looks pretty much like Titanfall. I played that a lot, so I guess I won't be missing out". Then, the ball started to roll. I watched IGN's review. I watched Conan's (idiotic, but awesome) review. I started just watching vids of the game in general, and now I'm just constantly thinking back at all the awesome times I've been playing this series with my pals, either completly owning the sh*t out of a game, or just having a blast running around with a shotgun causing all the 13 year olds to rage and rant!


.......and now I'm all over the web looking for the best offers for this, and I'll probably end up downloading it tonight :<.



(and I haven't even had time to open Bayonetta, after playing Hyrule Warriors the past weeks.....)

  Alak said:
Dammit nostalgia.... I couldn't care less about this game until I heard it had been released. "Hah, now it's november alright.." I said to my self. Opened up a video, just to see what the fuzz was about. Thinking, "oh well, this looks pretty much like Titanfall. I played that a lot, so I guess I won't be missing out". Then, the ball started to roll. I watched IGN's review. I watched Conan's (idiotic, but awesome) review. I started just watching vids of the game in general, and now I'm just constantly thinking back at all the awesome times I've been playing this series with my pals, either completly owning the sh*t out of a game, or just having a blast running around with a shotgun causing all the 13 year olds to rage and rant!


.......and now I'm all over the web looking for the best offers for this, and I'll probably end up downloading it tonight :<.



(and I haven't even had time to open Bayonetta, after playing Hyrule Warriors the past weeks.....)


This is far better than Titanfall (which I thought was poor).


The double jump adds a bit to the game although does jump and dash is a bit of a pain.


Really enjoying it, it feels like a COD game. There are a lot of game types and Momentum is a great addition.


Hmmm the whole jumping around lark totally puts me off this. That CoD was a game where nobody was jumping around was what I liked about the series.

  kav82 said:
Hmmm the whole jumping around lark totally puts me off this. That CoD was a game where nobody was jumping around was what I liked about the series.


Doesn't this have a traditional multiplayer mode, too?

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