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New Year's Resolutions 2014


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My aim is to write my phd thesis and pass my viva. After that i'll need to get a job.


These aren't really NYR though, rather things i have to do next year or face running out of money and end up living on the streets.


Well i did all of the above, so that's good. Also managed to get engaged, which is nice.


Don't really have any resolutions for next year though. But I want something to quote next year so...


... I resolve to learn Kung Fu, build my own house, and make friends with at least a C-list celebrity.

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Even though I've been coming to the site since the N64-Europe days, I always stuck to the gaming boards with the odd foray into the anime/manga and football threads. This year I started to have a gander in the general chit chat board and got a little more involved (to the dismay of some people it seems, haha).


Well my resolution for next year is to get much more involved in the general chit chat board so the community and I can get to know each other better, because even though opinions differ and sometimes arguments break out, I love it here!

Edited by Kav
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Well, giving it more thought this year over the previous years. I say the same, and i don't seem to achieve a lot. But i am committed to trying to achieve things in 2014. And they are as follows. And yes, the first 2 are the same as previous years.


  • Lose Weight
  • Become more Social
  • Leave my job
  • Get another job
  • Stop being a dick/idiot
  • Read more books*


*I say this, i've got a book on my bedside table that has been there over a year and i'm barely 1/2 way through it. I have a travel book in my bag for the journey to and from hell (sorry, work). But i also tend to have my 3DS with me, so it gets forgotten. I've also got at least 8 books on a shelf needing to be read.


So yeah, that's the aim this year. Regarding the leaving employment, i know my contract ends in March. But i have this feeling they'll extend all contracts by 6 months or more. So from the 6th onwards i shall be applying for work like my life depended on it.

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Finish my first draft by end of April.

Find an artist.

Carry on freelance copywriting.

Learn how to cross stitch.

Get 600 followers on Instagram by year's end (arbritrary and random).

Bench 150kg. Don't know how realistic this is. I can bench 110kg at the moment.

Do more powerlifting in general. Maybe try aim to do a one max rep Squat of 200kg.

Go bouldering more.

Finish reading East of Eden.

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2013 has been an amazing year for me so far; I've gone from being the Finance Officer of a Students' Union and the chairman of a company with a turnover of over £2 million to a master's student in Chemistry. I've made some great contacts and it's certainly helped me plan my future.


For next year, my goals are:

-Graduate with a 2.1

-To get my body fat % down to 15% (currently 20%) and to be able to bench at least 80Kg (currently I'm at 55kg).

-To either get myself onto a graduate scheme OR to start a PGCE in Chemistry

-To start up a Formula 1 website and to become a Formula 1 writer. Hopefully I can make some contacts in the sport which might come in handy one day ;)

-And finally, I want to complete a final fantasy game (likely VII or VIII), because I'm 23 and running out of excuses now :heh:

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So a slightly fuller list:


- Speak to my father less

- Travel more

- Make more friends

- Some gym/body resolutions but I'm not sure what yet. May wait until I join the new gym (again) next month as I may get a PT. I could set goals, but it would be guess work

- January resolution to gain a stone (6.35kg) to get me up to 11 (69.85)

- Make considerable improvements in learning scripting

- Finish a (film) script

- Try boxing

- Do more adventurous stuff (want to go scuba diving with sharks for my birthday, want to climb the O2)

- Go on more dates


I think that's enough for now.

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I am horrible with resolutions, which is why I never really do them.


My ones for last year were:

- Find a different job, one I like.

Didn't find a different job, but am getting a new position in two weeks. Though I don't know yet if that will be any better. =P


- Join the gym for squash and get fit!

I did join the gym for squash but sadly did not get fit. Probably got worse, whoops.


- Save monies.

This didn't really happen. Money went on new car, new tv, Glastonbury, going to Belgium for my sister's wedding, seeing my family in London (all good things though!).



Resolutions for this year are similar:


- Get fit and lose weight (at least 10kg, preferably 15kg)

- Start saving for a holiday and a house

- Look for a different job

- Start illustrating more and try to do something with it (contact publishers?)

- Maybe learn webdesign

- Do more fun things, go out more (already planning to go to a festival so that's a good start!)


We will see how it all goes. =P

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May I ask why?



I did some cross-stitch when I was younger. It's pretty easy but really boring.


I like making things in real life. I do/did so much work on computers it's a nice change. I like learning new things, too (also fancy learning something that is a bit of a distraction that allows me to think - back in university I taught myself to juggle and that was a great distraction). Think it would be quitter fun to do some pixel art cross-stitching too.


Any advise on a good way to start?

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I like making things in real life. I do/did so much work on computers it's a nice change. I like learning new things, too (also fancy learning something that is a bit of a distraction that allows me to think - back in university I taught myself to juggle and that was a great distraction). Think it would be quitter fun to do some pixel art cross-stitching too.


Any advise on a good way to start?


Well I only never got onto making my own designs, but I'd recommend starting with a few simple patterns. Easier patterns are ones that use fewer colours, not just having simpler shapes.


Also get a small frame to begin with. When you're just learning you don't want to be making bigger patterns. It'll be more expensive and each one will take a lot more time. You don't want to be doing the same boring pattern for ages when you're just learning/practising. Better to do many small patterns than few big ones.

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I am horrible with resolutions, which is why I never really do them.


My ones for last year were:

- Find a different job, one I like.

Didn't find a different job, but am getting a new position in two weeks. Though I don't know yet if that will be any better. =P


- Join the gym for squash and get fit!

I did join the gym for squash but sadly did not get fit. Probably got worse, whoops.


- Save monies.

This didn't really happen. Money went on new car, new tv, Glastonbury, going to Belgium for my sister's wedding, seeing my family in London (all good things though!).



Resolutions for this year are similar:


- Get fit and lose weight (at least 10kg, preferably 15kg)

- Start saving for a holiday and a house

- Look for a different job

- Start illustrating more and try to do something with it (contact publishers?)

- Maybe learn webdesign

- Do more fun things, go out more (already planning to go to a festival so that's a good start!)


We will see how it all goes. =P


I've read a lot of children's books in recent years and what I've seen of your work is often better than what's in published books. Do it!

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