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Well, but you have to take into consideration the genes and the body type as well. Some people are born with a heavy and some with a light frame. Some can eat whatever the hell they like and not gain any weight, whereas others get fat really easily. So I think it's pretty hasty calling fat people lazy automatically, as it's not always about that...

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Whilst some of what Zechs is saying is a bit hard to hear due to the tone, he does have some merit in his argument. It's not an all-out attack on Animal or Raining, and I think that's just his way of motivating...whether we agree with it or not.


Nevertheless, I feel that he is preaching to the choir a little bit here. Raining and Animal are regular posters in the fitness thread/s and are trying hard to get themselves in shape. Which is something that Zechs has already acknowledged with his thanks and reply.


Let's leave the harsh words for Cubed3 and shit like that. We're better than that. :heh:


But c'mon, it's the most risible attempt at counselling I've ever seen. Considering how touchy people get over their own body image I actually find it hilarious someone would go about delivering advice in that tone. Genuine despair-LOL from me.

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But c'mon, it's the most risible attempt at counselling I've ever seen. Considering how touchy people get over their own body image I actually find it hilarious someone would go about delivering advice in that tone. Genuine despair-LOL from me.


I would agree with that, perhaps it's not the best tone to use when trying to talk about something so sensitive. Different people react in different ways and I think it's to Animal's credit that he didn't reply with a verbal tirade or a rant back.


But then, I can also agree somewhat with Zech's outlook on it. Not enough people are doing things about their weight. But, in this case, I believe he's directing it at the wrong two people, who actually are working hard to do something about it.


It's not that I don't agree with some of his advice; rather some of the comments he made weren't helpful (actually, insulting). It just seemed really socially unintelligent to say some of those things, but I guess some people are like that.


Yeah, it can appear that way. It depends on the person on the receiving end and "how" they take those words. Some will get insulted and reply with a simple "fuck off" but, like I said, it's to Animal's credit that he replied with an informed post, which Zechs then replied back and thanked. So, I think Animal understands the angle that Zechs was going for.

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Counselling puts it lightly, I was thinking Cunt of the Year award.


Absolutely. Fancy quoting someone who was saying they weren't happy with their body, then remarking that they must have got in a right state and that he should blame his parents!


But c'mon, it's the most risible attempt at counselling I've ever seen. Considering how touchy people get over their own body image I actually find it hilarious someone would go about delivering advice in that tone. Genuine despair-LOL from me.


I find it hilarious that all of the above are such wimps! The advice I give is honest, genuine and to the point - which is what people need.


All I see on this forum is people complaining and the advice is always something pathetic - such as 'It'll be alright', 'things will get better' or today's example: 'most of the women who are awesome and worth being with will see you for you'.


There are two reasons why these pathetic, limp wristed responses are useless:


1) The do not offer solutions, they are meaningless self serving platitudes! The lack of solution means no hope is being offered.


2) The underlying thought process behind them is damaging. To suggest when someone has a problem that things are actually 'OK' or 'will sort themselves out' is harmful. This attitude robs the individual of their role in the situation and removes the power from them. It almost suggests they have no free will, that things will get better because they just damn will do - after all, life's a fairy tale and every fairy tale has a happy ending! This attitude actually suggests that sitting back doing nothing is fine, but it isn't. This will actually get the person who has the problem deeper into the mess they are in.


My way of dealing with a problem is first to face up to it and acknowledge the gravity of the problem. Then find the root of the issue. Then suggest a simple and effective solution.


By doing so, I don't claim there's a fairy tale ending, I don't claim 'things will magically be OK' and I don't utter platitudes. I give the person a simple way to improve themselves.


This is good, for two reasons:


1) It offers a genuine solution, showing people that there is a way out. This offers hope!


2) It empowers the individual. I am clearly stating that the person in the situation has the power to change themselves and the situations around them to make their world a better place. I put the onus on them. This is simple and effective, because they then realise that they are the ones with power to defeat their own demons.


However, if certain people had their way on this forum people would just sit in a circle crying their eyes out hugging each other and no one would ever dare offer a solution, let alone force anyone to face up to reality!


Now, I don't guarantee my solution will work. But I do guarantee one thing, if you follow my solution and face up to your shortcomings, if you then spend your life improving yourself and trying to be the best you can - if then you fail at least you can hold your head up high and say you did your best, then you will have no regrets. If you spend your life sat on the sofa, stuffing junk food into your mouth and never leaving your home, you will definitely fail. But you will not have the luxury of holding your head up high, you will look back with regret to why you didn't at least try when you had the chance.


I bet your a 20 stone heffer @kav82 and @Blade can both attest to my physical condition.
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I didnt really see Zechs having a personal attack on anyone.


Quite frankly calling him a cunt because he just gave advice is really pathetic. I mean come on if you dont like what hes preaching just ignore it. I thought this place was a lot better than that. I have to say this forum have gone down hill.


I didnt see Animal or Raining saying they got offended and they like me go on the fitness thread and post their progress!


About fat kids. Yeah I blame the parents. Who else is there to blame? The parents feeds the kid.


And no @Zechs Merquise is not fat. Not at all. Im a fat bastard but im trying to do something about it like a lot of people on this forum. See fitness thread for further details.

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I'm ok with my body, I'm not in bad shape but not as healthy as I could be. Compared to when I did martial arts I'm not fit at all though.

I'm a right hairy fucker but love the fact I am, my chest, belly, shoulders and even a little bit on my lower back is hairy... but it's my Persian Rug and I love it!

I have a series of Keloid scars on my chest that is very visible and some would consider it unsightly. Other than the fact they hurt, especially when hair grows through them, they don't bother me at all and I'm comfortable enough with myself that I don't mind taking off my top as oppose to keeping them covered and being embarrassed about it. I love winding people up and coming up with daft ways about how I got them. Haha


All in all, I happy with how I am.

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I wrote a whole page on how I disagree with the past few posts. Mainly @Zechs Merquise and @Jon. As I don't agree that calling someone a 'heffer' due to having a different view is nice.


But I deleted it, because I thought the thread was called 'tell us about your body' not 'discuss at length how someoneone should be talked to about changing/improving themselves'.


Perhaps I wandered into the wrong bloody thread again.

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@Blade - What's the point in saying it? Animal has gone through childhood, why tell him you blame his parents? That's not advice, it's saying things you are thinking that are best left unsaid.


This is getting made into something bigger than it should be. Let's drop it now, aye?

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@Blade - What's the point in saying it? Animal has gone through childhood, why tell him you blame his parents? That's not advice, it's saying things you are thinking that are best left unsaid.


This is getting made into something bigger than it should be. Let's drop it now, aye?


I didnt mention Animal in that. I meant it as general.


Im not starting anything. Not me who is calling other forum members a cunt. Neither is it you but you get my point.


Where are the mods?


Anyway....no im not happy with my body. Yeah im fat. In going gym and doing cardio. Ive got a good frame though so if I worked hard then I could pack on some muscle.

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Let's end this here, otherwise we'll just end up in circles.


From the gist of it, what people seem to be saying is that the points that Zechs has been making are mostly fine, but the issue seems to be with the tone. Yes, people need help, but there's also room for politeness and humanity.


That will be the end of it. Let's move on because it'll just get boring as fuck. I can't see anything else that needs to be added. Zechs has outlined the reasons why he worded his post in that way, Sheikah has replied with how there's also room for politeness. Time to move on.

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I wasn't being serious. I thought that much was apparent.


Zechs had some valid points but went about addressing them in the wrong way.






My body is machine, I liken it to efficiency pioneered by the Germans. I find it hard when looking into mirror not to utter "Vosprung Durch Technik".


It wasn't always that way, there was a time I was more like a Rover. Hours in the gym and running round the mean streets eventually changed that.

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I do get what everybody's saying. It was a bit sharp of Zechs to say that about my parents but I get what he is saying and he wasn't to know anything of my childhood, not a lot of people do. I don't take offence to what he has said because, even though I'm already practicing most of his advice anyway, it is the truth and I agree with honesty but I also agree with politeness inside that truth.


With me, I don't need any shock tactics or anything like that because I know what I am and what I need to do. I don't like it when people tell me I'm not fat because it's like "...I actually am, though...". I guess people are different when they give advice. I'm blunt but polite about it. I'm more "You need to lose weight, here's how!" rather than "You're fat because of this and this is what you need to do" (not saying Zechs is impolite but his approach is more memorable because it's cutting and sometimes that isn't a bad way to be but, admittedly, when it comes to the body, it's something that should have a bit more care. I'm fine with it but other people may not be) but I find anything helpful and I'm thankful for it. It'd be different if he just said "YOU'RE FAT SO THIS MEANS YOU'RE LAZY!" and he didn't give any advice from it but he did so it's all cool.


Also, I treat myself to £1 for every pound I lose. For every stone I lose, I treat myself to a new outfit in a size that'll fit me. I'm now XL rather than XXL so that has made me very happy.

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I am 20 stone. I'm stronger than most of the men in the gym, let alone the women. My blood pressure is that of an athletes. My lungs and heart are strong. Any medical problems I have are not relevant to my weight. So yeah, I do take care of myself actually.


Just because someone thinks that being a normal weight is attractive, it doesn't mean everyone follows that rule. I'd rather go out with a bigger guy with the right kind of personality (like @Animal) than an arrogant male Adonis. And heck, some people actually LIKE larger (wo)men. I've had my fair share of attention.. I appreciate that Zechs probably wouldn't look at me once, let alone twice, and I don't judge that... but in the same line, I don't appreciate it being suggested that I'm fat thus I'm lazy.

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I am 20 stone. I'm stronger than most of the men in the gym, let alone the women. My blood pressure is that of an athletes. My lungs and heart are strong. Any medical problems I have are not relevant to my weight. So yeah, I do take care of myself actually.


Just because someone thinks that being a normal weight is attractive, it doesn't mean everyone follows that rule. I'd rather go out with a bigger guy with the right kind of personality (like @Animal) than an arrogant male Adonis. And heck, some people actually LIKE larger (wo)men. I've had my fair share of attention.. I appreciate that Zechs probably wouldn't look at me once, let alone twice, and I don't judge that... but in the same line, I don't appreciate it being suggested that I'm fat thus I'm lazy.


I like larger women...this isn't a joke or me making a point, I always have liked larger women. I'm also in the same viewpoint as Raining. I'd rather date a girl who's big with a good personality rather than a girl with a 'perfect' body who is a total skankwhore bitch. I've had attention from women as well but, as most of you know by my posts, I'm a little old-school, haha.

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I would say my body is a mixed bag.


Let's start with the positives. I'm quite tall, 6'2", which always comes in handy in a lot of situations. I've always been reasonably athletic and energetic even though I go months on end without proper exercise. I was a fussy eater as a kid which made me quite skinny up until my university years, I'm currently around 11 and a half stone which is the heaviest I've ever been. I think I've got a pretty good metabolism considering I eat a fair amount of junk food and still remain fairly lean. No allergies or conditions, no broken bones or long-lasting injuries, all organs working in fairly good shape. Pretty decent tolerance to alcohol and good lung capacity thanks to swimming a lot when I was young.


Now on to things I don't like. I have pretty oily skin and naturally get a lot of acne. Not so much on my face, but on my back and a bit on my chest. Anyone who's ever had severe acne can know how much it can affect your self-esteem. It pretty much cost me sex one time at university simply because I was afraid of taking off my shirt. I always thought that after puberty it would slowly go away, but if anything it got worse once I went to university and by my second year I had had enough and started investing in some proper treatment for it. Nowadays it's all fairly under control, but still comes back from time to time if I forget to apply my regimen as strictly as I should. Still it means my quest for achieving a better body is now focused on other areas, like going to the gym and staying in shape.


The other thing I don't like is my teeth. Thanks to genetics I had rather large front teeth with a bit of an overbite. When I was 11, I fell over and smashed my face, chipping on my of front teeth. I've had caps on them ever since so they don't look very pretty. Combine this with having a retainer to fix my overbite and me not being very disciplined with my brushing means my teeth are yellow. I'm pretty good at keeping my teeth healthy nowadays though. One day when I can be arsed I'll go and get them properly whitened.


Other little things: my eyesight used to be awesome, but it got worse around the time I left school and started noticing in my second year at university when I could no longer read the black boards from the back of the lecture theatre. I don't need glasses yet, but it's still a bit of a bummer. I also get a decent amount of torso hair, but because of my weird genetics it grows unevenly. It looks silly, but then again shaving is a pain.


Anyway, I would say my body is a work in progress. I've conquered my main adversary, my next quest is to get into shape and gain some muscle, because I'm a weak fuck. Biggest barrier really is trying to fit exercise into my hectic working life. It was a lot easier to find time to do these things before I got a full time job. But I'm going on holiday in December so I have a goal to get into shape by then.

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If you are so obese that your 'belly' hangs down you must have got yourself in a right state! I have read your posts about you being a fat child, and to be honest I blame your parents for the your predicament. I simply wouldn't allow a child in my care to be fat.


As for what you should do now about your weight is work hard and learn some self control! Motivate yourself and spend a lot of time doing cardio exercise. There's always time in the day to exercise, and you can do small things to improve the amount of exercise you do. Substitute using the lift for using the stairs, get off the bus a stop early and walk a little further to get home, instead of watching TV in the evening go for a 30 minute jog etc.


Do the same with your food. Steer away from junk food and substitute fruit for your snacks. Eat lean meat with vegetables and fill up on things that aren't full of sugar and carbs. Again, it's pretty easy if you stick to it.


Just don't cheat - because the only person you're cheating is yourself.


As for the hair, go and get yourself waxed!




This is nonsense and borderline delusional.


Keeping yourself in shape is a sign of self respect, self control and shows people that you care about the way you present yourself. This outward show of pride and control over your life is attractive.


Most 'awesome' women do not want a guy who is lazy, has no self control and doesn't even respect his own body. It is unattractive.


Even if you confine yourself to the world of online dating, most girls won't even read your messages if they don't like the look of you! Being healthy, looking good and showing that you are in control of your body is something that will attract other people.


Being fat isn't just physically unattractive - it sends a message to people about you as a person.


If @Animal or anyone else wants to increase their chances in the life they would do best by first focusing on themselves. If you become the best you can - physically (mentally and emotionally also, physical fitness also increases your emotional stability and gives you confidence) you will have a batter chance of being successful than if you are at your worst.


This is also nonsensical and borderline delusional.


Keeping yourself from being a cunt is a sign of self respect, self control and that you care about how you present yourself. The outward show of pride and control over your behaviour is attractive.


Most "awesome" women do not want a guy who is a cunt, has no thought filtering and doesn't respect the feelings of those around him. It is unattractive.


Even if you confine yourself to online dating, most women won't even look at your profile if your first message makes you seem like a cunt. Being polite, sensitive and courteous is something that will attract other people.


Being a cunt isn't just unattractive, it sends messages about you as a person.

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I think that there's one thing people should take from the thread; everyone has shit they don't like about their own body. Use that fact to alter your own perspective. If you feel negative about your own body but are doing something about it, then good, Feeling shit and doing fuck all is bad. If you feel happy, content or satisfied with where you are and who you are then good.


But I wouldn't say that it's the rest of the world that is wrong, if you're feeling alone or sad or ugly. Sometimes it is something that you can do about yourself rather than just say that it's the rest of the world that is shallow. Which it is. But that shallowness, when it drives you to solve your problems then it's good, right?

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I am 20 stone.


Just because someone thinks that being a normal weight is attractive, it doesn't mean everyone follows that rule. I'd rather go out with a bigger guy with the right kind of personality (like @Animal)


I like larger women...this isn't a joke or me making a point, I always have liked larger women. I'm also in the same viewpoint as Raining.


Thought I'd leave that there to simmer.

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