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The game I, a die-hard Nintendo fan, bought a Vita for, 100% justified. It was just an amazing experience that was over way too soon. Really really hoping they make a sequel, though I'm not sure where the story could go from here. Fantastic.

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The game I, a die-hard Nintendo fan, bought a Vita for, 100% justified. It was just an amazing experience that was over way too soon. Really really hoping they make a sequel, though I'm not sure where the story could go from here. Fantastic.

I need a Vita for Tearaway.
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Space Channel 5 Part 2 (PS3)

Such a classic. :love:

I've played it so many times (on DC and PS2), but when I spotted it on the PS Store the other day I just had to get it. :D

Really nice playing it in "HD" and widescreen, altough the cut-scenes haven't been upgraded (4:3 and highly compressed) so they're showing their age now. :heh:

But yeah, along with the original SC5, one of my favourite games of all time. It's short but oh so sweet.


Best moments for me are still the Dueling Guitar Battle against Pudding/Padding :grin::


And the first section of Report 5:


Love it. :bouncy:


It's a shame we'll likely never see a SC5 Part 3. :cry:



After Burner Climax (PS3)

Got this after @Dcubed recommended it and I checked out a vid of the gameplay. Initial playthrough of this game produced this reaction:



Insanely fast! :o

Cool game, but I think it might be a bit overpriced for what it is. Although I'm not exactly sure how much overall content there is yet, I got it last night and finished it several times plus obtained every trophy (bar one) in a under an hour! :eek:

Very much just the arcade game plonked on PSN by the looks of it.

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Xcom: Enemy Within


It's just an expansion I hear you cry. Well that might be the case but I feel it's one that adds so much. Admittedly I think the meta-narrative that happens in my head with this game is what gives me the most joy. The simple touch that you can name your soldiers remains. Which allows you to get somewhat attached to your soldiers before they either rise to glory or get one shoted by a septoid.


I thought going into this Mechs and Gene mods would make the game easier. I was pleasantly surprised to see it add another level of tactical depth into the game. I've failed more Enemy Within runs (Classic Ironman) than Enemy Unknown runs. Plus naming my soldiers after work colleagues and friends and seeing them turn into giant robots of destruction. What's not to love?

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not finished yet left in the mid the play of the James Bond series NightFire .. enjoyed it much but dunno why i lost the interest in it later


Ah, i hear the BOT's are something to contend with.


Been ploughing through my backlog of games, so continueing on with New Super Mario Bros U on the WiiU and Donkey Kong Country Returns on the 3DS, Assassin's Creed: Liberations on the PS Vita. And recently, Tomb Raider on the PS4.


I think i ought to focus on just 1 game at a time, i do play 3DS on my train journey to and from work.

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Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare (I can't be the only person who wants to spell it Knightmare everytime I write that word cos of the kids TV show?!)


Really enjoyed this just about the right length. Only slight issue coming off the back of playing Dead Rising 3. The combat feels very very slow.

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Broken Age: Act 1


Fantastic game, I'd suggest if you're a fan of adventure games to pick it up. Stunning visuals, amazing voice acting, clever script etc, really enjoyable. The ending and the realisation of what's going on is pretty cool. Switching between the two characters whenever you want was a great idea, makes you feel like you're watching/directing a film.

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Saints Row 4


One of the craziest and best games I've EVER played.


So many epic moments where I couldn't stop smiling while playing.


The build up for the last level and the music, oh my god the music was awesome!!!


Best moments in the game, don't read if you plan on playing the game.



The Metal Gear Solid level


Roddy Piper cameo!!!


Saints of Rage!!!



You got the Touch!



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More people need to play/experience this game!!


Journey meets Lord of the Rings meets Uncharted...


And it's utterly beautiful in it's world design. Just sitting on a bench and taking in the view is joyful.


I really enjoyed all the little 'hidden' trophies/achievements tucked away throughout too :) Just had a look at the trophy list and there's a few left to get, so looking forward to giving it a second play through sometime soon.

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Super Mario 3D World Wii U




Absolutely excellent :hehe: A shining light amongst the darkness that has surrounded the Wii U since it's release! It took a little time to warm up but is another perfect example of a genre where Nintendo truly excel!


Liberation Maiden 3DS




I enjoyed this each time I turned it on.. yet I never felt compelled to turn it on ::shrug: I've had the game since it went on sale on the eShop dear knows how long ago but I only dipped into it every so often. I finally ended up clearing the story mode last night :heh:


PaRappa the Rapper PS1




This was only delivered to me on Tuesday while I was at work but I really got into it over the last couple of days and cleared all the last stage today.. and the experience was AWESOME :yay: I wish there was more, but the songs are so good that I'm sure I'll keep going back to it to try to somehow perfect my timings and improve my scores :hehe:

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Quick catch up -


XCOM: Enemy Unknown -One of the most atmospheric strategy games I have ever played, tough and full of depth with only a rather flat final level putting a fly in the ointment.


Fire Emblem: Awakening - The best strategy game I've played in years (and after XCOM, that's saying something). Engaging characters, a decent story and a whole slew of well designed systems add to be a consistently sumptuous gaming experience.



And last and foremost:


To The Moon

I've ended up writing this post at 2am because I finished this game at about 4pm and I'm still haunted by it. The gameplay is very light but what you get instead is a well-wrought story about autism & memory which affected me deeply and personally. I am an individual with a (twice) diagnosed autism spectrum condition and I have never found any fiction or discussion of it which resonated with me strongly until now. It's a beautiful, heartbreaking piece of interactive story telling - the fact it was made in RPG maker only makes it all the more amazing.

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Such a charming little puzzle game. The narration and the way it characterises all the different personalities in the game is fantastic. Humour that'll keep you smiling throughout and puzzles that are of the perfect difficulty to ensure you never get frustrated and instead progress at a steady rate through the games 3-4 hour length.


Loved it. And I'll go through it again sometime to find the collectibles scattered throughout the worlds and grab the remaining trophies


Oh and the soundtrack is cool too!

Edited by Retro_Link
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Played it over two days after @drahkon talked me into it... fairly enjoyable I guess. Some fun puzzles (though I HATED the shadow Tim chapter) and very different to most platformers. The storyline was ok, though a little underwhelming once I made sense of it all (with the help of some articles). Decent game but no more IMO. I'm almost tempted to say I don't see what all the fuss is about.


Now off to play Thomas Was Alone as @Retro_Link's review sold me and the trailer look great fun :)

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Dragon Quest II


Picked up a save I had from ages ago after I finished a play through of DQI. There's a huge increase in difficulty at the end if you want to defeat the final boss, plus the enemies in that area do a ton of damage. Can't remember how I managed to find all the crests when I first played the GBC version as they are hidden pretty well. In fact I'm not sure how I beat it at all. :laughing:


Was great when those memories start flooding back while playing the game as this is only the second time I've played II (first time beating the SFC version).

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Been a while since I posted in here. I need to update my status before I lose track of things. :D


Super Mario Bros.3 ( Wii U VC )


This was the first game I finished this year. It's been a while since I played it but I couldn't remember it being this challenging. I think the new Mario games have made gamers go soft and this was a nice challenge without having to sift through post game content to get to it. One of the best 2D Mario games, if only because you get to use the Kuribo shoe/sock.


Donkey Kong 64 & Mario 64 ( N64 )


I posted my thoughts upon completing these in their own threads. Fantastic games, especially Mario 64. Please return to this style of Mario, Nintendo.


Max: Curse of Brotherhood ( Xbox One )


I loved the look of this game when it was shown at E3. I never did play the original on WiiWare but for some reason the sequel just hit all the right notes for me. It was an enjoyable adventure, with some great puzzles and gorgeous visuals. The only hang up is that the controls were probably more suited to something like a tablet or the Wii U GamePad. They aren't fiddly it's just that it probably would have been easier to draw the lines/loops etc. on screen, rather than having to use a control stick.


Lego Marvel Superheroes ( Xbox One )


Bit of a weird one this. I love the Lego games but lately I have become a little tired of how big they are getting. This one is massive and is filled with filler missions. I mean at one point I had to get a bunch of zoo animals and return them to their owner. Really?


The main story is good, with the usual lego game laughs going on. I think it's going for the 100% what killed it for me.


I thought it had glitched on me as well, which Lego games are famous for doing. First I thought I was missing a gold brick but it turns out there was a race I was missing in the middle of the sea. Phew.


Next the game did actually glitch on me during the X-Men mission. It was my last mission to do and I just needed the minikits. I was going around collecting them and found that there were duplicates being spawned for some reason. If I had gotten them I would have ended up with 12/10.


I remember this happening on Lego LOTR and the game wouldn't see that you had at least 10 minikits and then screw you over for the % increase. I figured I would grab 10 and then save and exit the level. Luckily this worked and I got 100%


I have one my achievy to get but I need 2 pads for it. I'm away down my brothers this weekend and he has two and the game so I will just log in to my account on his machine and quickly grab it.


So, an alright game but one that is too big for it's own good. I much prefer the Vita versions, well at least Lego Batman and Lego LOTR, as they were just the same game but without the stupidly big overworlds. From what i've read the 3DS and Vita versions are now different from the console ones.

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I've played through OLLIOLLI on the vita which I really loved, great game. And UNEPIC on the Wii U eshop. Hmmm. Not so good, has some redeeming features and it was made by one guy, but ultimately found it was too boring and a chore to play through. Shame. it even has full voice acting the whole way through, so one up on Zelda there :)


Just coming to an end on NES Remix and Kung Fu Rabbit too!

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I've played through OLLIOLLI on the vita which I really loved, great game. And UNEPIC on the Wii U eshop. Hmmm. Not so good, has some redeeming features and it was made by one guy, but ultimately found it was too boring and a chore to play through. Shame. it even has full voice acting the whole way through, so one up on Zelda there :)


Just coming to an end on NES Remix and Kung Fu Rabbit too!


Dazzy is finishing games!? What is happening to the world? :D

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