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Games You Tried To Like But Didn't

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Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes - It was decnt but very disappointing. I loved the story and characters but I just wasn't into the gameplay, the combat seemed very clunky to me. The game was excellent in many regards but the average gameplay let it down for me.


Monster Hunter Tri - It's probably perfect for many people, just not me. I was quite impressed at first, with the graphics and scale of the game. But then I soon came to dislike it. The lack of story was a shame, and I thought the landscape was too broken up for me, top much loading between areas (wasn't a huge problem, it just spoiled the illusion of the big open world a bit). Also I'm not a big fan of boss fights and Monster Hunter felt like boss fight after boss fight. Add in the fact that the game is one big time sink, I knew I wouldn't enjoy finishing it. Also I didn't like killing the peaceful herbivores for meat, I felt quite bad about that. :laughing:

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Super Mario World - There is something about this game I can't stand. Honestly, I think it's everything. Control, sound effects, art direction... I can't like any of it, and I don't find the game fun.


GTA - It gets boring after 5 minutes. I just don't like this genre, I guess.


Disgaea - Grind, grind, grind. So disappointing that an SRPG had to be like this. Games like FF Tactics achieve a better balance, and grinding is actually somewhat enjoyable in that one.

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I was trying to think of things, but I can't. Either I'm a forgetful old man or just not a very fussy gamer. One game I will mention though is probably Kirby's Epic Yarn - not through any fault of the game itself but the fact it was so un-kirby really hurt me inside. I played and raged inside. At such a non-rage inducing game. I split with Marcamillian for it, and I think I only really played it co-op. Maybe I'll get it back and play it one day and finish it for the sake of it, but man...I hate that game being Kirby.

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Banjo Tooie I've said it before but I'll say it again.. Banjo Kazooie is AWESOME :yay: It remains one of my favourite games ever and the sequel, which I've been trying to 'get into' for the last 4 years just doesn't have the same magic :hmm: I have plenty of complaints but much of the problem comes down to the fact that it is too big :eek: In my younger days when I had more time to play games and less of a selection of games eating up my time, I may well have enjoyed it.. but it's so hard to like it right now!


A big problem with this is you can't stop playing it. I got it again for XBLA and played it a bit, then left it. When I came back I couldn't remember where I was, where I had to go next, what I'd found already, what I hadn't.

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I loved Banjo-Tooie, but I agree. The levels were just too big and empty. Which reminds me...


Epic Mickey. The levels were colossal, but not in a good way. It felt like they created the level and just scaled it up - the platforms were massive, it took ages to get anywhere an they were mostly extremely bland and ridiculously void of stuff.

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3D Mario games - Just never got into Mario 64 and that continued through the others

3D Zelda games - Just find them boring, not much else to it

Resident Evil games - I have a hard time with the controls and camera

The Last of Us - More of a personal thing but I just hate stealth bits in games and I wasnt enjoying that stuff in the game at all

Metal Gear Solid games - Another one I would love to be able to play for the stupid/crazy stories but the stealth stuff puts me off completely

Pikmin - Tried it, got bored very quickly


Might add some more later if I think of them

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Conker's bad Fur Day

As a much hyped game, and by Rare, I went in with high expectations. Never have I been so disappointed. The worst things is that the game doesn't know what it's trying to be. Jack of all trades, master of none. When a 3D-platformer suddenly becomes a third person shooter without any explanation's given, it gives out impression that the director was high, and didn't have producer telling him to stop when he crossed the border.


I also didn't like controls, felt clumsy. Camera was mostly OK, but the fact that you almost died from a drop equal to Donkey Kong made my blood boil. Especially, when you couldn't really lose in the game itself, just repeat the same thing over and over if you failed. Humor felt like hit and miss, too. Maybe it had too much toilet humor.


Metal Gear Solid 4

This was after a eun trying to play the official canon of the series (skipped Peace Walker and Twin Snakes, tough). This was just boring to play. I tried for about an hour, but the game just felt stupid, and most of all, not fun. I still have it in my shelf, but I have no desire to play it again. Maybe I'll try some time. Or maybe I just should have done what my friend told me to: Take AK-47 and shoot everyone.


Call of Duty: Black Ops II

I'm not a hyge fan of First-person shooters, but playing them with WiiMote inspired me. World at War was a nice game on Wii, and I decided to try Blops2, as I found it cheap. I couldn't even finish the story mode, it was just awful to play. And as I don't play online, the game holds no value to me.

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Another couple of games have sprung to mind..


Monster Hunter Tri I'm not even sure I even tried to like this one ::shrug: I played it just over an hour and already knew that it wasn't gonna be for me so that was that..


Grand Slam Tennis I never owned this game but played it a few times in multiplayer and was extremely underwhelmed :hmm: It felt far too slow and clumsy to be enjoyable :nono:

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Another couple of games have sprung to mind..


Monster Hunter Tri I'm not even sure I even tried to like this one ::shrug: I played it just over an hour and already knew that it wasn't gonna be for me so that was that..



I saw you replying to this and thought, "I bet he bluddy says Monster Hunter!"


Definitely a game that polarises people. You either dislike it or you really, really, really, really love it. I thought it was awesome. It should only be played online, though. It's boring as fuck by yourself.

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3D Mario games - Just never got into Mario 64 and that continued through the others

3D Zelda games - Just find them boring, not much else to it


Being on a Nintendo forum and saying this... I like your style.


I feel I should also mention Link to the Past, but I did say I was going to give it another chance.


Instead I'll say Final Fantasy VII. There's way too much is wrong with that one.

Also, Halo. Multiplayer can be whatever it wants to be, the single player was dreadful, and still makes me think of this as an overrated series.

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I was going to put 2D Zelda down, but I haven't really given it much of a chance.


The original Zelda NES I didn't mind at all... but there's something about the visual style/music/sound effects of ALTTP that puts me off that. Much the same with Super Mario World actually.


Minish Cap was ok, but that's really on only 2D Zelda I've played. I just don't feel compelled to play the rest.

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SSX Blur - Absolutely loved SSX3 & SSX Tricky but couldn't get along with the Wii version. Gave it a good go but the tricks were hard to pull off, controls felt imprecise and the game felt stripped of it's soul as they took out the player voices and made it in a very cartoony artstyle.


MGS 3 - Won a copy of the HD collection on PS3 so it wasn't even like I had lost money paying for it. I was excited to give it a go as so many people enjoyed the series but I couldn't cope with the amount of cutscenes from the start as well as how deep the controls and mechanics are. It may just be stealth games don't suit me or the game requires long play sessions which I can no longer do.

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2D Zelda games: I don't know why. My only GBA cartridge (which I bought for my DS) is A Link to the Past. And yet I didn't even play through the first dungeon. I think it's the top-down camera, because I generally dislike those types of games. I feel that perspective kills immersion and the sense of precision. And generally, it feels too much like you're running around on a grid, rather than in a living, breathing world.

I got Zelda Collectors Edition for the Gamecube and started to play both Zelda and Zelda 2 and I didn't enjoy either of those neither.

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The Halo Franchise - I don't know, i tried Halo 4 and played Halo 2 in the past, but i simply cannot like the games. Yes, i've played and completed both. But it was a chore to complete 4 in the end, and i was relieved it was done at the end of the day.

Banjo Tooie - I loved the first game, but this was something else. I tried playing it, but it was something i wasn't expecting. The levels were huge, most of them were empty in contrast. And like Kazooie's later levels, most of them had sections you had to re-explore later in the game with an item or split up in order to collect the puzzle pieces. And like it's been mentioned, you leave this for a week and come back you completly forget where you were, what you've done and how you got there.

Call of Duty – Don’t get me started, these are simply cack. Same game, different label every year without fail.


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – I heard this was a fantastic game, so I bought it as part of the MGS:HD trilogy. I stopped playing after a few days, I couldn’t get into it properly and I wasn’t enjoying it. I have played many MGS games, last proper one I played was Twin Snakes on the Gamecube.


Starfox 64 + Adventures – Played the original and the 3DS remake, not as good as I thought it would be. It was too short, so just as I was getting into it, it ended. I guess Starfox isn’t my cup of tea. Adventures, meh. It was Rare’s last home console game for Nintendo, it was lacking severely in the magic that made them good


Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts – I could go on and on about how bad I believed this game is and was. I thought Tooie was bad, but this was something else. No platforming which made the series good, it had too much customising throughout. I know some people loved this, but I didn’t. It felt like it was another game (like SF:Adventures) but had the Banjo cast cut and pasted into the game. I think I did one level and put the game down and sold it.

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Batman Arkham Asylum + City


Just reading through Flinky's posts in the Batman AC topic made me remember that I needed to put both Batman games in this list.


I played through both of them and to this day still fail to see what made them so special. I found them very boring and quite repetitive. To be fair i've never been a big DC super hero fan ( Marvel FTW! ) so maybe that helped sour the experience. Not bad games by any means but I don't think they deserved all the praise they received.


Besides, I had already played the best Batman game when I was a kid. :D




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Jet Force Gemini - Heard lots of good things and picked it up at a car boot sale for a fiver. Just did nothing for me.


Halo series - When I got a 360 I bought a group of regular Xbox games, two of them being Halo 1 & 2. Was really looking forward to it as I had to wade through the ocean of jizz people had fired out over this game but found myself unimpressed. It was an OK shooter, but it didn't stand out as anything.


Mass Effect - Not sure what people saw in this too. Maybe I just wasn't interested to begin with. I probably will give it another chance in the future.


Super Paper Mario - Meh.


Advance Wars - I bought the original after buying Dual Strike, I got so used to using the stylus that using the D-pad was a chore.


Final Fantasy VII - Superficially the graphics turned me off this one. I know, sillies.

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I loved Banjo-Tooie, but I agree. The levels were just too big and empty. Which reminds me...


Epic Mickey. The levels were colossal, but not in a good way. It felt like they created the level and just scaled it up - the platforms were massive, it took ages to get anywhere an they were mostly extremely bland and ridiculously void of stuff.


How could I forget about Epic Mickey?! I pretty much agree with everything you said and this should have been the first thing I posted in the thread! I was so hyped for this game but the more I played it, the more disappointed I was.


Not to mention the art style... I loved the cut-scene at the beginning and the concept art but the in-game graphics themselves were so dull and lifeless it actually felt like an N64 game.


From the clunky controls to the god awful textures and the huge levels, this was just one mistake after another. It also reminded me why I'm actually now a fan of the linear levels in Galaxy.

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Mass Effect - Not sure what people saw in this too. Maybe I just wasn't interested to begin with. I probably will give it another chance in the future.
It's a great sci-fi story, looks great and has some fun abilities once you get to grips with it, but the mechanics of the original game have aged terribly - it's clunky to control with a weak cover system, and buggy to boot.


The draw is dat narrative + voice acting and having a very likeable protagonist, who happens to be you. It's one of those games that I would say give another try, maybe use a walkthrough to make sure you never waste your time, once you get into it you might start to enjoy it, or you can accelerate to to 2 and 3 which are also brilliant but with much tighter build quality.

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This may sound strange to some of you. But I did not like Mass Effect at all the first time I played it. It was clunky, I couldn't get to grips with the biotic abilities (I hated having to pause the game) and the class I chose (Vanguard) meant that I only had the pistol and shotgun. I actually sold the game.


Then I saw what Mass Effect 2 was becoming, and it looked amazing. So I got the first again and tried picking Soldier this time so I could use some better weapons and enjoyed it much more. I then went back to Vanguard again in ME2 (Biotic Charge is the best ability ever).

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Yeah with the right build/abilities the first game was a lot more fun. I played first as Infiltrator, with the sniper and pistol. The sniper wasn't much use in tight spaces but the pistol plus the marksman ability were great, made you feel very powerful. Plus you had tactical armour and electronics/damping which made you awesome against robots and geth.


Then learning to use Liara's singularity... I'm not positive but I think the first game made a lot more fun use of physics, the fully powered singularity could pick up everybody and every crate/object in the room and start whirling it about.

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