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The developers behind Elders Scrolls and Skyrim.


Tbh it's not just the Wii U is it... it seems to have been developers perception of Nintendo for quite some times now. Look at the numbers the Wii did... and yet it was constantly shunned by the big PS3/360 third party titles.


For that reason I don't agree with you that if Nintendo released a key title support would be there.


There's always this feeling when third party games get released on Nintendo platforms that they will under perform, leading to an even further decrease in support. A mentality amongst fans and developers that doesn't seem to be dissipating no matter what they do.


One of the clowns from Gearbox was there. Gearbox made Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


I have already explaining many times why third parties aren't as interested in Nintendo systems.


If you look at the ten best selling games on the PS3 only one is a first party title. If you look at the ten best selling games on the 360 four of them are first party titles. Now look at the Wii, nine of the top ten selling games were Nintendo titles.


As the average system has a tie ratio of between seven and ten games the odds are far better for third party publishers on a Sony or MS console.


Nintendo titles drive the sales of Nintendo machines. Third party games drive the sales of Sony and MS machines. It has always been that way due to the strength of Nintendo titles.

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One of the clowns from Gearbox was there. Gearbox made Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Not really. Both games were a mess because they were passed around different studios (which was rather shady as they did so with Aliens without checking with SEGA first).


Geabox made the Brothers in Arms and Borderlands games.

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Does anyone else kinda get the feeling they put in the Wii U version just as a joke? If I was Nintendo, I would go and stump up the difference just to get people talking.


I was saying they could put a mil into Mighty No 9, but $20k?! They definitely should. Nintendo need to be getting these sorts of folks on board, reach out, help out - get more support.

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I havent watched it but I read the Eurogamer article and they were talking about how Nintendo didnt come to them or involve them as Sony or MS have done when they were working out the Wii U. To me it just sounds like the same old story you always hear about Nintendos bad relations with third party devs.


Bethesda talks about the wii u every month . Why I do not know. They are not interested in the console but always talking about it.


On the next console I do think its paramount Nintendo talk to developers and get input on what they want when it comes to Nintendo deciding how to design their next console. That doesnt mean do exactly what they say but they need to listen to what developers require what they like/dislike.


That is one lesson I hope is learnt from the Wii U.


I have already explaining many times why third parties aren't as interested in Nintendo systems.


If you look at the ten best selling games on the PS3 only one is a first party title. If you look at the ten best selling games on the 360 four of them are first party titles. Now look at the Wii, nine of the top ten selling games were Nintendo titles.


That doesnt mean 3rd party sales on Nintendo HW cannot and shouldnt be better. They dont have to match what Nintendo software sells but there is no real good reason why they are low as they have been. It made no sense for a game like Madworld for instance to sell so few when the Wii had such a large install base. It was baflling.


I dont know why it is but for whatever reason nintendo home console owners a lot of times stay away from 3rd party software.

Edited by liger05
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Bethesda talks about the wii u every month . Why I do not know. They are not interested in the console but always talking about it.


On the next console I do think its paramount Nintendo talk to developers and get input on what they want when it comes to Nintendo deciding how to design their next console. That doesnt mean do exactly what they say but they need to listen to what developers require what they like/dislike.


That is one lesson I hope is learnt from the Wii U.




That doesnt mean 3rd party sales on Nintendo HW cannot and shouldnt be better. They dont have to match what Nintendo software sells but there is no real good reason why they are low as they have been. It made no sense for a game like Madworld for isntance to sell so few when the Wii had such a large install base. It was baflling.


I dont know why it is but for whatever reason nintendo home console owners a lot of times stay away from 3rd party software.


The game had absolutely no advertising for starters but I would have thought the game would have benefitted from the Sin City style of the time. I found the game o.k at best, very repetitive and the o.t.t violence put me off. I only played 3 levels. Maybe it's just not my scene. Also, I'm as blind as a bat so I found discerning the games visuals very difficult.

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That doesnt mean 3rd party sales on Nintendo HW cannot and shouldnt be better. They dont have to match what Nintendo software sells but there is no real good reason why they are low as they have been. It made no sense for a game like Madworld for instance to sell so few when the Wii had such a large install base. It was baflling.


I dont know why it is but for whatever reason nintendo home console owners a lot of times stay away from 3rd party software.


Madworld didn't sell badly, it had pretty long legs and sold around 720,000 copies when it was discounted! It did far better than it's sequel Anarchy Reigns.


I personally didn't enjoy Madworld. I loved the visual style and the idea behind it was excellent. However I felt the gameplay was boring and repetitive. There was also no challenge to the game, as most of the thugs just stood there waiting for you to murder them in the most over the top way possible. It got very old very quickly.


Other third party efforts: Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles (and other RE games), the Call of Duty series, the LEGO series, Just Dance and Goldeneye did really well on the Wii. Some series like Silent Hill even did better on the Wii than they did on the PS3 and 360.


You hear a lot about the horror stories and games that flop on the Wii, you also hear about the big games that never game to the Wii - Battlefield, Bioshock and Fallout to name three. But few people talk about the successes on the Wii and even fewer people talk about the third party disasters on the PS3 and 360.


Bear in mind that the new Tomb Raider game has sold about 2.5 million copies across all formats, yet needed 5 million to break even! There's a lot of big devs who have got stung on the other formats with big name releases!

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People tend not to have a lot of money to spend on games.


I imagine one of the reasons why 3rd party games do badly on nintendo platforms is due to people preferring to spend that limited money on nintendo published games rather than others.


I am not saying this is the sole reason but is likely to be one of them.

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I'm also sure that, especially after the Wii, parents (and even some gamers) are scared to buy non-Nintendo games on a Nintendo console because of the amount of utter shit we have seen in the past. At least with first party Nintendo games, apart from a few like Wii Music, you're going to get a decent title.


And there's just always something holding back a Nintendo version of a multi-plat release that I imagine makes it sell less. A lack of HD, scaled back graphics, missing online modes, that sort of thing.

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I will soon buy a WiiU and continue to stick with NINTENDO and its shenanigens :D

I might be a poor ol' student, but with my birthday coming up and having saved up some money, I am ready to inject myself with an overdose of stuff happening on the screen, for I've always told myself: 'I'll get a WiiU when Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101 are out.'


The way I see it, there are already a good handful of classics I will be putting on my backlog list:

*Lego City Stories

*Rayman Legends


*eShop goodness


Spreadeth thou-est arms N-Europe, Ye ol' Fused will be joining you again-est-eth :D

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Anyone ever find the GamePad uncomfortable after some time? The ridge bit on the back has been irritating my hands recently.


When I still had mine yeah it would start to get uncomfortable after longer gaming sessions. I have the same problem with my Vita as well.


You guys should invest in a silicone sleeve for both of these. I've got one for the Vita and Gamepad and it makes them very comfortable. HMV were selling the Gamepad ones for a couple of quid the other week.

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