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The very first chicken, which would've been a mutation as you say, would have come from an egg though. So the egg would have been first, albeit not a chicken egg.




Well, to be technical, a mutation in a proto-chicken gamete (sperm or egg) led to a fertilised egg of a different species.


So you could say the sperm came before the egg. :p (Or maybe, to add to confusion, an egg came before an egg). Which was technically still part of the ancestral/proto chicken.

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Well, to be technical, a mutation in a proto-chicken gamete (sperm or egg) led to a fertilised egg of a different species.


So you could say the sperm came before the egg. :p (Or maybe, to add to confusion, an egg came before an egg). Which was technically still part of the ancestral/proto chicken.


But still, a sperm/egg is not a chicken. So then the egg was first.

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Well, it's not that simple. Who made that mutated sperm? :p. Teh proto chicken.


I don't disagree with you in some respects as you could argue that those gametes form the next chicken. And yet, they alone are not the egg and some would consider their own sperm when still in their body to be part of them.

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But a proto chicken isn't a chicken. It's a close relative, but not quite a chicken, ergo egg first.


Anyhoo, I don't think the WiiU sales of Watch Dogs would've been all that great. It would've been like the Rayman titles but the other way round; WiiU version sells least.

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Dude, I just explained why there is no definitive answer. This question has cropped up time and time again for that very reason.


For argument's sake, it's pretty hard to deny the gamete came first. Just say that if anyone ever tries to argue with you. :p

Edited by Sheikah
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So it looks like PES 2015 is skipping Wii U.


Personally I am not surprised at all.


confirmed for PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One and PC.


Guessing 3DS will still get japanese release.


Is there a date for this? I'm getting FIFA this year, but may look at Pro in the future.


Of course it isn't going to come to the Wii U. Why would it? Who would buy it?

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Of course it isn't going to come to the Wii U. Why would it? Who would buy it?


I'd be interested if they at least tried something NEW with a football game. They've mostly followed the same basic gameplay of the excellent ISS Pro on PS1 for years with numerous tweaks and 'improvements', but there hasn't been a completely awesome football game for such a long time :hmm:


Konami should be congratulated for what they did with Pro Evolution Soccer on Wii as that made the genre exciting again with a completely new way to play, but they never really expanded on it over the years and we're probably unlikely to see the like of it again, even if it'd be cool to see what they could do with more powerful hardware!


Since the ISS brand is basically dead, I'd love it to be resurrected in some way but taken in a new direction.. or even just do it with PES! I just want something different. R1 to sprint.. X to pass.. it's always the same :hmm: That's fine if the games are fun and engaging, but I've been finding them increasingly unsatisfying :blank:


What about changing the way we look at the control scheme of football game? Do we need a button to sprint if there's an analogue stick? Do we need different buttons for passing short, long and shooting?


I'm almost certain I made a similar post on here before, but why not break apart the conventions and try something new? Maybe the left trigger on the controller could controller your left foot and the right trigger your right so that you can decide for yourself which foot the player strikes the ball with? Maybe the direction pressed on the right stick could indicate where the player makes contact with the ball, allowing you to add height, elevation and spin to your passing and shooting? The length of time spent holding the left or right trigger and how quickly or slowly you press them, and how firmly, would affect the power of each kick..


For instance, if you wanted to lure a defender in before quickly changing pace to go past him and unleash a powerful strike with the outside of your right foot towards the top corner, you'd be lightly pressing the left analogue stick to move slowly before quickly pressing it fully in the desired direction to change pace, followed by tilting the right analogue stick down to the bottom left slightly to select where to strike the ball and quickly slamming the right trigger to smash the shot towards the goal, factoring in all of your inputs.


I may not have described that particular idea well (or maybe I did..? :indeed:) but at least it's something DIFFERENT : peace:

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I'd just like to talk about how amazing the Quick Start menu is!


I love it. I've been watching a series on Netflix every night for the past few weeks and it's so handy to just press the power button on the game pad, tap Netflix and BOOM.

In fact, as loads of others have said, the opening and closing of apps and returning to the menu compared to launch is a massive step forward.


Very good. : peace:

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I'd just like to talk about how amazing the Quick Start menu is!


I love it. I've been watching a series on Netflix every night for the past few weeks and it's so handy to just press the power button on the game pad, tap Netflix and BOOM.

In fact, as loads of others have said, the opening and closing of apps and returning to the menu compared to launch is a massive step forward.


Very good. : peace:

Yeah. I was sceptical at first about it, but now I love it. Friend says "Mario Kart?" and all I do is press the button, select Mario Kart, and bam, 20 seconds later I'm at the game's menu :D

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Cheesemeister of Neogaf fame has gave a rough translation of the investor meeting. I dunno if this belongs is this thread or the Iwata one. Just shift if it need be.


Q1: How did E3 go?

A1: Watch this video. 50k industry members attend. Splatoon was introduced. GamePad-centered games Project Giant Robot, Project Guard, and Mario Maker shown. New firmware update makes use of the GamePad. High expectations for NFC figures.


Q2: How about gifts for shareholders?

A2: There are legal limitations on gifts, and we view return to shareholders as monetary. Shareholders who already own gifted products wouldn't be happy.


Q3: When will there be new information on Zelda for Wii U? (audience laughs)

A3: Can't answer until there's an official announcement. (audience laughs) Hyrule Warriors is coming soon. The next official Zelda game will be open-world.


Q4: I don't want there to be a shift from cultivating high-priced products, but there are so many people with smartphones. How will you make use of them?

A4: We are making use of smartphones in development. Not games, but supplementary tools.


Q5: I want to suggest large screens for children. Also, casinos will apparently be legalized in some places, and many people don't know how to play casino games. How about games to teach them?

A5: Thank you for your suggestions. We will take them into consideration.


Q6: How will you handle the Chinese market?

A6: We already have the iQue brand. Further information to come in the future.


Q7: Wii had single-player games Xenoblade and Regenleiv, how about the Wii U?

A7: Games for core users have been delayed in coming, but Monolithsoft's Xenoblade Chronicles X will be released. Devil's Third as well. They had a slow start, but more and more will be released. We used the term open-world games to help you understand, but in development, we don't call them open-world games. There are games that other companies produce at great cost, and cannot become profitable without reaching the top 10. Even new titles need to be promoted in the marketplace. Leisure options have increased. Our products no longer rank as high in most-wanted product lists. The flow of information has changed greatly. We're optimistic about using smartphones and SNS in marketing.


Q8: How confident is Takeda-san in the Wii U hardware?

A8: The Wii U is in HD, of course. We're working hard to make good use of the GamePad. It doesn't have a lot of memory, but it shares DNA with the GameCube in being efficient memory. I want to share that DNA with our younger staff.


Q9: I don't know about games, and don't care about game-related questions, but your shareholders haven't said anything about the stock price dropping. What kind of a shareholder meeting is this? Tell me about the business administration. (audience applause)

A9: Thank you for your pointed opinion. Shareholder meetings are for us to communicate with shareholders. It's important for shareholders to know what we as a company are doing, and what kind of entertainment we are providing.


Q10: The business has produced losses for 3 fiscal years in a row. I want to ask about management responsibility, but is there any outlook for this term 3 months in?

A11: Efforts are being made in the expansion of 3DS titles, the utilization of the Wii U GamePad, the sales of strong titles, the amendment of income and expenditure balance, and cost reduction.


Q11: I want to hold stock for about 10 years. I have misgivings about turning this company into a medical device maker. I want to ask Miyamoto-san how future games will be played.

A11: Miyamoto: Entertainment alone cannot restore earnings, high sales are also needed. The rise and fall of market cycles are intense. Thirty years ago we had loans, but now we have large cash reserves. I don't know about 10 years from now, but I feel that accepting smartphone hand-me-downs for less than our cheapest games would be a threat. New forms of amusement are always being born, so I think we'll make do.

Takeda: We deal with amusement, not life necessities. We've gone through many market cycles. We create products that make use of hardware technology, ideas, art, psychology, and so on. We want to do our best even in the different form of health. This is one form of amusement. It's not that we are aiming for a health business.


Q12: I heard that you're merging your home and portable development environments. Isn't 3rd-party support weak? Especially, I think, overseas.

A12: When creating for Nintendo hardware, native or general tools could be used. I want to use standard tools as much as possible. In America, there are 30 companies on 3DS and 20 on Wii U. There are similar numbers contracted in Europe. Including downloadable software, in America there are 130 companies on 3DS and 200 on Wii U, in Europe there are 160 companies on 3DS and 115 on Wii U, and in Japan there are 140 companies on 3DS and 35 on Wii U. The Wii U hardware is not becoming widespread, so development for it is taken under careful consideration. We want to spread the Wii U through 1st-party titles to encourage development for it. The 3DS has become widespread primarily in Japan. Development is active. There are many plans to bring smart device applications to 3DS.


Q13: President Iwata owns many shares, but the other directors only hold 1 or 2 hundred each. Does this mean that they're not responsible? Chairman Takeda, who's worked at the company for a very long time, only holds 200 shares. (audience laughter)

A13: We don't believe that the number of shares held has any bearing on work responsibility.


Q14: You have plans to use your characters in licensing businesses outside of video games, but what exactly are these? What is the earnings outlook?

A14: First of all, we are planning Amiibo. We are not releasing earnings projections at this time.


Q15: Iwata Asks hasn't been updated in some time. Is there any reason for this other than his health issues?

A15: Our homepage is just one of many ways that we convey information about our products. There is the health reason, but we are considering various challenges in light of forming cooperation with our customers and best conveying our message to the greatest number of people. As for the President's condition, he is conducting work via e-mail. Iwata Asks will be resumed thereafter.

Miyamoto: Iwata Asks not being updated has nothing to do with his condition. Considering that the PR for those interviews only reach a few people, their exposure has been reduced.


Q16: President Iwata is too sincere and seems to be taking on the company's slump by himself. Is this the cause of his illness? Miyamoto-san seems to be aloof. (audience laughter) I want President Iwata to have that brazenness. Please tell him that. (audience laughter)

A16: Thank you for your thoughts.


Q17: Nintendo feels ebbs and flows, but isn't this just a general trend like slumps in the movie industry?

A17: That's a difficult question. I think that's one large wave. Movies and other media are an example. I've done hardware, so here's Miyamoto on content...

Miyamoto: (about Q16) I have anxiety too... (audience laughter) Yamauchi said that amusement media is a killer-app. We are in a transition period, and Nintendo has to grow its creativity. We don't compete using equivalent hardware, but by making use of the hardware's strength in uniqueness.


All 3 resolutions passed.


This is an unofficial translation of an unofficial series of postings. Please see the NCL homepage soon for a full, official transcript and translation.

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Still waiting for Konami to nick @nando's ideas he posted YEARS ago about control styles for Pro Evo on DS. Heck now they could easily use the same control ideas across Wii U and 3DS with the touch screens. Don't these people get paid to be creative?!


I agree. In regards to creativity I sometimes think modern dev lists now look like this:


  • Is it on trend
  • Guns? We need guns!
  • We need a licence. A brand!
  • Is it safe? Will it APPEAL.
  • Will it make money?
  • We should probably test it for bugs...wait...nah. DLC will fix that.
  • This is a risk-free zone. These things cost too much so MUST sell

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I agree. In regards to creativity I sometimes think modern dev lists now look like this:


  • Is it on trend
  • Guns? We need guns!
  • We need a licence. A brand!
  • Is it safe? Will it APPEAL.
  • Will it make money?
  • We should probably test it for bugs...wait...nah. DLC will fix that.
  • This is a risk-free zone. These things cost too much so MUST sell


To be fair, the rise of development costs have forced developers to be more safe, even Nintendo are guilty of this.


At the end of the day developers will make games that sell. If blowing someone's head off in a game sells then developers will chase that market.


There's a reason why certain franchises become annual and that's because the mass market enjoy playing them and continue to buy them. This can stifle creativity but I think a nice balance can be found.


I think Ubisoft is a fantastic example of how you can appeal to the masses but still be creative. Assassins Creed and Far Cry cater to the mass market, while things like Child of Light and Valiant Hearts show their creative side.


I agree with the bug fixing. Unfortunately the publishers have the power to push the game out, even if the developers don't think its ready.

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To be fair, the rise of development costs have forced developers to be more safe, even Nintendo are guilty of this.


At the end of the day developers will make games that sell. If blowing someone's head off in a game sells then developers will chase that market.


There's a reason why certain franchises become annual and that's because the mass market enjoy playing them and continue to buy them. This can stifle creativity but I think a nice balance can be found.


I think Ubisoft is a fantastic example of how you can appeal to the masses but still be creative. Assassins Creed and Far Cry cater to the mass market, while things like Child of Light and Valiant Hearts show their creative side.


I agree with the bug fixing. Unfortunately the publishers have the power to push the game out, even if the developers don't think its ready.


I love how much sense you always talk :)



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To be fair, the rise of development costs have forced developers to be more safe, even Nintendo are guilty of this.


Yep. Hence no F-Zero etc. :indeed:

It's a shame that as the industry user-base has grown, the risks have, in some ways, shrunk in the console space due to rising costs.

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I agree. In regards to creativity I sometimes think modern dev lists now look like this:


  • Is it on trend
  • Guns? We need guns!
  • We need a licence. A brand!
  • Is it safe? Will it APPEAL.
  • Will it make money?
  • We should probably test it for bugs...wait...nah. DLC will fix that.
  • This is a risk-free zone. These things cost too much so MUST sell


A good list of what is wrong with the system : peace:


I really like that the indie scene has boomed so much as it has in the last few years, because these are mostly just passionate dudes who just want to create.

You don't need money to incentivize, you don't need competition to incentivize, because that is just really not having faith in the greatness of a human being and what makes it tick.

I'd say we are beings who love to create and one way or another we will do this, but then you have all these restrictions crippling creativity so much and it just puts a frown on my face. That's why I love seeing these indie games pop up all over the place and look in awe at all the quirky and unique game concepts.

Shame we've started to believe in this system too, really a shame, but I guess if people think that the only way they can come up with more creative ideas is through competition instead of putting great minds together then so be it...just a shame it creates such a hostile environment.

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I've had Summer Games Done Quick streaming all week through my Wii U browser thanks to the HTML5 Twitch player.


If only you could have the browser playing on one screen and a Wii U game on the other, this would be the most fucking amazing browser ever.

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