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Now this is more like it Nintendo.


Exclusive WiiU games vid.


The video is awesome, but my first reaction was that it is a little bit sad to tempt people into buying your console when some of the best games are half a year or even more time away.


Is this a TV commercial or just meant for the internet?

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That sizzle reel is so eeriely like Redshells I do wonder if maybe they saw his vid that I @mentioned to them and just copied it :heh: The Inclusion of "New Game from Monolith Soft" just seemed weird in the way of showing a game in an "advert" that has no official name yet... but it was in Redshells vid so they had to put it in haha


The Luigi Parkour vid though, now that was cool :D

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So, what should I play next?


I game almost exclusively on the Gamepad whilst my flatmate uses the TV. Of course I do get time every now and again to use the TV too but really not all that often. I'm still to finish ZombiU because of this. So, I guess it's mainly games that are enjoyable on the Gamepad alone. To play I have the following...


Assassins Creed 3

Splinter Cell Blacklist

Wonderful 101


I absolutely do not know what to play next! What do you think?

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So, what should I play next?


To play I have the following...


Assassins Creed 3

Splinter Cell Blacklist

Wonderful 101


I absolutely do not know what to play next! What do you think?


You should already know the answer... ;)

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So, what should I play next?


I game almost exclusively on the Gamepad whilst my flatmate uses the TV. Of course I do get time every now and again to use the TV too but really not all that often. I'm still to finish ZombiU because of this. So, I guess it's mainly games that are enjoyable on the Gamepad alone. To play I have the following...


Assassins Creed 3

Splinter Cell Blacklist

Wonderful 101


I absolutely do not know what to play next! What do you think?


I imagine you can enjoy all three on the gamepad alone. W101 and SC do have some decent gamepad stuff that if you played exclusively on the gamepad you would be missing out on.


Ive got all of those three games to start aswell.

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So, what should I play next?


I game almost exclusively on the Gamepad whilst my flatmate uses the TV. Of course I do get time every now and again to use the TV too but really not all that often. I'm still to finish ZombiU because of this. So, I guess it's mainly games that are enjoyable on the Gamepad alone. To play I have the following...


Assassins Creed 3

Splinter Cell Blacklist

Wonderful 101


I absolutely do not know what to play next! What do you think?


Assassins Creed plays great on the pad. I went through most the game like that.


Out of that list though I would easily say W101, followed by Splinter Cell and then Creed.

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TW101 does have an Off-TV function, but the game requires two screens at certain points - so it features a picture-in-picture mode for those parts that need both screens...


It works... Sorta... It's REALLY tiny though! I wouldn't recommend playing it that way really as it's VERY difficult to see what's going on (hell it's hard enough even when using the TV!)


It's definitely a two screen game.

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So...I got a phone call from the lovely people at Flubit today.


Yup, they want that second free controller back.




Isn't there a law saying you don't have to return stuff sent by mistake, or am I getting that confused with another law?

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NOE don't set prices directly. Their open pricing model lets retailers set it at whatever they want, but GAME currently have the Zelda Wii U bundle on their site for £249.99.


Still waaaaayyy too expensive, but other retailers will probably be cheaper. GAME are always the most expensive...

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Well, Nintendo as a business doesn't want to haemorrhage money, so it's as good as you'll get :p


It might be the most that they can afford, but I'd have to agree with Kav. It's still not enough of a drop to have any real impact (just like their Xmas lineup. Good, but not good enough...)

Edited by Dcubed
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Isn't there a law saying you don't have to return stuff sent by mistake, or am I getting that confused with another law?


"Unsolicited goods" count as free gifts. If you received a random box from GAME but didn't order from them, it's yours.


Mistakes like this where you get two of the item would still be theft if you kept it.


However, @Fierce_LiNk, make sure they send you a paid-for returns label or to organise a courier themselves. You only have to make it available for them to collect.

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