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It was just a comment I imagine meant to rile Sheikah up


Can we please stop assuming every single comment is meant to be passive-aggressive towards someone else? That's the third time in like a week, that a small sentence, or a choice of words, is pointed out as "maybe secretly an insult".

Ironically, calling attention to this "perceived insult" can easily lead to actual derails.

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Can we please stop assuming every single comment is meant to be passive-aggressive towards someone else? That's the third time in like a week, that a small sentence, or a choice of words, is pointed out as "maybe secretly an insult".

Ironically, calling attention to this "perceived insult" can easily lead to actual derails.


It's not an assumption when I know that's exactly what was happening, hence my gif posted on the other page and Kav saying it was hilarious. The argument posted in the Destiny thread the other day was all about the cinematic feel of the game and frames per second. If you were in that topic its quite clear what Zechs comment was intended to mean.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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We are going to draw a line underneath all of that and move on. It's boring, it's petty and it's so far off topic that it may as well be about the mating dance of a gazelle.


Let's cut the bollocks out and just talk about the WiiU stuff in here. No petty swipes at other members, no digs, none of that.

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The past 2 weeks I've used my Wii U more than the entire time I've had it since launch.


Dat Hyrule Warriors effect, and I've found I'm playing Mario Kart 8 alot more than I did when I first got it too.


I'm going to assume it's cause I've not picked up Destiny for PS4. :blank:

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The past 2 weeks I've used my Wii U more than the entire time I've had it since launch.


I've been finding myself at the other end of the spectrum in recent weeks as I haven't touched my Wii U other than to connect my Wii Fit Meter to it one day :blank:


For me, there's absolutely nothing on the horizon to interest me until the first batch of Mario Kart 8 DLC comes in November :hmm:


In a strange twist of interests, I've been playing a considerable amount of FIFA 14 on PS3 as well as downloading and playing several PS1 games due to the retro sale on PSN..

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I'm using my Wii U a lot less now I've got my computer connected to my tv with wireless keyboard and mouse. It turns out I used it for Netflix and the internet browser way more than I originally thought, it's mainly just a party machine now for when I have people over. It makes me wonder though, will we ever get Nintendo TVii? or more realistically, will they ever quietly take the logo off the screen?


Most people just scoff at it and the idea but I was quite looking forward to it, so it seems a bit cheap of Nintendo to just outright ignore the promise they made and make no comment on it.

Edited by Josh64
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I'm using my Wii U a lot less now I've got my computer connected to my tv with wireless keyboard and mouse. It turns out I used it for Netflix and the internet browser way more than I originally thought, it's mainly just a party machine now for when I have people over. It makes me wonder though, will we ever get Nintendo TVii? or more realistically, will they ever quietly take the logo off the screen?


Most people just scoff at it and the idea but I was quite looking forward to it, so it seems a bit cheap of Nintendo to just outright ignore the promise they made and make no comment on it.


They ignore a lot of things. Good luck to anybody who asks them a question. I've sent them e-mails about several things and I get back an automated response thanking me for my query or ignored. I'd forgotten about Nintendo TVii, don't really care about all the other fluff. It's nice sure but it's a games console first and foremost. Having said that, a blu-ray player would be nice though.You'd need a major site to ask that question. Has anybody noticed how Nintendo never get a hard time in interviews, they're never really aked the tough questions. I wonder do they only agree to answer certain questions? There's probably a damn I can't think of the word.

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I'm using my Wii U a lot less now I've got my computer connected to my tv with wireless keyboard and mouse. It turns out I used it for Netflix and the internet browser way more than I originally thought, it's mainly just a party machine now for when I have people over. It makes me wonder though, will we ever get Nintendo TVii? or more realistically, will they ever quietly take the logo off the screen?


Most people just scoff at it and the idea but I was quite looking forward to it, so it seems a bit cheap of Nintendo to just outright ignore the promise they made and make no comment on it.




When was that posted up??


January this year?


Maybe if enough people pester them on social media it will embarrass them enough to either give us a straight answer or actually release it? Or not :D

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It's nice sure but it's a games console first and foremost.


And yet, it doesn't have any games :p


calm your tits, people, it was a joke



Does the WiiU have apps like Amazon Instant Video, Netflix (there are some more German one's...Watchever, Maxdome; don't know anything about UK and American VoD services)?


I think it has Lovefilm but that's about it, isn't it?

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It has LoveFilm and Netflix but that's it. Pretty dire considering I can turn on my 360 and use Netlfix, Now TV, Twitch, BBCiPlayer, Demand5, 4oD, Blink Box (whatever that is) and countless others.


It's true that it's a games console first but it would be nice, considering it is very capable, to have these other options. Then again, I think I'm in the minority for wanting multimedia capabilities on a console :p I remember being really impressed with what the XboxOne could do, the whole having the tv on clicked to one side and games on the other, whilst everyone else was blasting them for not focusing on games.

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Then again, I think I'm in the minority for wanting multimedia capabilities on a console :p


I don't think you are.


There are a lot of people who enjoy all the multimedia capabilities the consoles have to offer.

I for one was fucking excited that Netflix has finally arrived in Germany and I could use it on my PS4.


It's a shame Nintendo is missing out on many of those things :(

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It turns out I used it for Netflix and the internet browser way more than I originally thought.


I happened to check the daily log option on the Wii U and was surprised to see how much of my time is spent watching Netflix or Amazon video:





I really like using the gamepad like a portable TV and I'd like some more apps like that on the Wii U but it seems largely ignored by everything outside of Netflix and Amazon. I'm really surprised the iplayer isn't available on it for example.


I've had to switch off the Quick Boot menu. The Wii U would never boot with it switched on. Just kept getting stuck at the preparing screen.


I had to do the same thing, it was happening to me too.

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TVii seems to me to be an issue because we're in Europe rather than one country. As such, they'd be wanting to get everywhere up at once, but nope...never going to happen due to how long it takes to negotiate with providers.


If that is the case then surely through market research they would have figured that out.


So why bother include it?

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Anybody else notice the servers are acting up, I'll keep it clean, bad? Error code 102-2932. I'm sure it'll be sorted soon. Something about Nintendo Network Agreement and Nintendo Privacy Policy being changed. F*ck off, I just want to play a game.


Wii U has an upgrade apparently. Going to try and download it. Folders are added supposedly.

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It's f*cking f*cked up. Took at least 10 minutes to download and another 10 to install. And it still isn't right. no redirect to tell me there was an upgrade, just an error code, had to Google search what was going on, sorry but they're eejits. Teething problems I guess. This is amateurish. Maybe by the morning it'll be sorted. I tried to play a game before the update, just said I couldn't do it but didn't tell me either what I needed to do.


Changes that are meant to arise from the update:


Version 5.2.0 U:


Released September 29th, 2014


Changes to the Wii U Menu:


Folders can now be created in the Wii U Menu to hold and organize software icons

A Download Management icon has been added to the Wii U Menu


Changes to Quick Start Menu:


The Quick Start Menu will now display when the Wii U is powered on from the Wii U GamePad TV Remote

Options have been added to Power Settings that allow users to hide certain software from the Quick Start Menu


Changes to the HOME Menu:


The design and layout of the HOME Menu has been updated


Changes to the Nintendo eShop:


Disabled usage of characters not used when redeeming Nintendo eShop cards (O, I, Z, etc.)


Improvements to system stability and usability:


Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

Edited by Wii
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