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Things you don't understand.


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Apple computers


This isn't really something I don't understand because I know it's all due to the way Apple does its marketing. I just don't understand how computer-literate people can agree to buy a Macbook Pro/Air for use in the field of media. I studied media arts in uni; a major that taught me how to get shit done in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible. As the years went by and I started doing some light editing/shooting I was given the impression that Apple products are the superior choice to doing any work related to video production or image composition.


Even though I thought using Mac software was the best way to go, I didn't buy into the trap of actually buying one of Apple's computers because I knew I was paying way too much money for the performance I was getting. I built my current Hackintosh under this premise, spending less than half the cost to buy a top of the line model and getting far better performance than anything Apple has to offer. But even after that I discovered that PCs can pretty much do the exact same things, if not slightly better.


Now what I don't get is the startling trend of my colleagues buying Macbook Pros for use in the same line of work I'm doing. Using a laptop with that kind of configuration for extensive video editing isn't optimal because it's going to strain the system and overheat it way too often. But they already know this. And yet, they all think it's something perfectly okay to sacrifice.


Even worse are the ones who buy a Macbook Air as a machine to just check Facebook and watch Youtube. Just... why?




I use Twitter to see what friends are up to and get links to interesting articles from around the internet. It's pretty similar to what I use Instagram for; just wandering around aimlessly until I stumble upon something worthy of my attention.


What I don't get are the people who take the "micro-blogging" thing too far by posting the most mundane details about their lives every five minutes. To be honest, I'm not really complaining about that because I don't follow any friends who are guilty of this. It's just that fact that they exist at all that I don't understand. These people are obviously trying to get back some kind of attention from other people, but I rarely see this method working. Nobody ever responds to them, because nobody ever cares. So what keeps these people going? I didn't think talking to an counteractive, imaginary audience is something that could serve as motivation to continue acting this way. There's nothing there to persistently encourage their behavior.


There's also the issue of hashtag jokes. As one writer put it, people use them as "comedy shortcuts:"



One tag that I particularly hate is #firstworldproblems. See, you complain about something small and then you type #firstworldproblems after it and suddenly it's supposed to be a joke: "Hey, the barista didn't leave room for my milk. #firstworldproblems"


Look at me. I'm a funny a person. Twitter has taught me how to construct humor out of nothing at all! These are the same people who think they're making a joke when they shout, reflexively, "TMI!" or "Thanks for sharing" after anyone reveals anything personal or off-color.


People say sarcasm is the humor of the weak, but they're wrong. It's hashtags. Fucking hashtags.


I bet some people find that annoying, and if I tweeted it, they'd most certainly tweet back, #AngryMuch? Or maybe they'd go with #YouMadBro? Or whatever cliche they've picked up over the Web that they think fits. Because that's what the Web has become for so many: a place to be exposed to easily recreated, mass-produced humor to be reiterated over and over. Not humor so much as something dressed up to resemble humor.


The Internet has taught us that if you have a picture of your cat, all you have to do is make it say something a person would say and misspell it and you've got priceless LOLcat comedy. So easy.


Coffee culture


Taking what @Sexual Chocolate said a step further I don't understand the enthusiasm behind coffee lovers and the whole coffee culture.


"Oh, you should try this brew, it's got a really nice aroma!"


"Did you try the new South American blend at Starbucks? The texture is sensational!"


"My girlfriend and I are going to buy matching mugs!"


According to what I've read caffeine dependency is also caused by abuse of the substance. To this day my body has been perfectly able to function at full capacity without the need for stimulants, and I want to keep it that way. I think having to spend time drinking and money buying coffee is a wasteful expense, kind of like smoking.


I only drink coffee when I absolutely have to, like not getting enough sleep or just working myself to the point of exhaustion. But even then I don't go out and buy myself a tall, milky, iced concoction with caramel whipped cream and marshmallows. I just make myself an espresso and gulp it down. No milk, no sugar, no bullshit. It's the best way to digest the caffeine, and it's the only healthy way to drink coffee in the first place.

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Sadly I agree with the jazz thing. I love jazz but when it goes mental crazy it's hard to figure out what's going on. Take a nice slow-ish instrumental - for example the intro to Frasier - that's good shit. But when you've got the trumpet going crazy as if it's been attached to the arse of someone with chronic flatulence - no thanks.



Facebook- I get Facebook but I don't get everybody's love over it, I guess, and I don't get people who typecertain things. Facebook traits are people who act so bad that even Jeremy Kyle doesn't want them. You have several:

The thing is Jeremy Kyle needs to actually do some research on it, since 90% of his guests seem to have problems stemming from events on Facebook, his response is: "Oh don't talk to me about Facebook. I know you can poke people, that's all I know". In his line of work he should get to fucking grips with the site.

People who drink tea or coffee in the morning and simply cannot function unless they have one, get a grip, it's a drink.

Replace the drink with cigarettes for me. People should learn to suck it up.



Grinding (or training I call it) for random shit in games. It's one thing levelling up the equipment you've got or characters you have/need. But to do other stuff for the sake of it... I don't get it. My friend wants to get the S Rank (is that right?) on every weapon in Monster Hunter. The fucking point?! You have a tasty weapon, use it!

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"Celeb" culture/overly picky fashion: If famous person X has had a baby, then good for them, but I don't see why four of my housemates natter about it constantly. Or how famous person Y is wearing the "wrong" clothes. I understand fashion and all as to how clothes look, but when a totally plain shirt is bad because it's not made by a particularly poncy brand? Why does it ever matter? Some things, like suits, I totally understand, as they are different - subtly so, but definitely different. Or, likewise, I can at least see the logic behind wanting to wear clothing with a particularly fancy company's logo as a display of your wealth or taste, but when it's just a plain t-shirt or polo shirt? What is wrong with people?

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I don't get why it's so fucking hard for people to respond to texts in a timely manner. Yeah, occasionally I let one slip by but the regularity that some people do it...go fuck yourselves.


Guilty! I'm one of those annoying people. Except for my GF, I rarely ever answer in a timely fashion, lol. =P

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I was going to basically start this same thread the other day as I thought about it whilst driving!


Who framed Roger Rabbit




Celebrity Culture for people that have no actual talent (eg Kim Kardasian why am I supposed to care about you because I sure as hell don't)

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I've never understood the culture for it. I'm not against drinking, dancing or having a good time [in fact I enjoy all three]. I especially dislike the twat culture of the UK where everyone is out to get absolutely shit faced and ruin someone else's night. Combine that with overly loud music, rooms that are far too dark and stuffy and rip off drink prices it becomes an experience I just don't enjoy.

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People who spend too much time making the front garden look nice

Stop showing off, you're not gonna be spending any time there.



I really like seeing other people's lovely gardens! Also, some people put the effort into front gardens as it's something calming to see when they first arrive home.

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I've never understood the culture for it. I'm not against drinking, dancing or having a good time [in fact I enjoy all three]. I especially dislike the twat culture of the UK where everyone is out to get absolutely shit faced and ruin someone else's night. Combine that with overly loud music, rooms that are far too dark and stuffy and rip off drink prices it becomes an experience I just don't enjoy.


I've actually never been clubbing but I've seen enough on television and heard enough stories from my mates to know I wouldn't like it.


I don't get the whole need to go out and get so shit-faced that you can't even talk. That just makes me angry because it's so fucking ridiculous. The thing that disgusted and shocked me the other night was on Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents on BBC Three where this girl was absolutely blind-drunk out of her skull grinding herself up against this guy. You can very clearly see she's not on planet Earth anymore with a vacant expression on her face and she wouldn't know or remember what happened and there's this guy just grabbing her and grinding himself up against her. I sat there thinking "You stupid twat, that guy could totally take advantage of you and you wouldn't even remember if it happened!". I couldn't even bring myself to be that drunk in my own town in my own country, let alone do it abroad where you know nothing about the locations!


I don't get why it's so fucking hard for people to respond to texts in a timely manner. Yeah, occasionally I let one slip by but the regularity that some people do it...go fuck yourselves.


This I don't get either. Fair enough if you have no credit on your phone or you're busy but damn, why is it so hard to respond back later even?! I normally text that it's my last text and then tell them what I wanted to say so they get a warning from me anyway.


I think the worst one for me are liars. I don't mean white lies but I mean lies that are pretty big and lies that don't make any sense but others believe it anyway.


I don't get why people get involved with stuff they're not involved in and people who think they know the situation and have a right to say something when they don't because they know nothing about it.


I also don't get inconsiderate people who let you down constantly. Like when you arrange something and someone says "Yeah, that'd be cool" and you're waiting for them and they don't turn up...it's annoying. Then when you call them and ask what's going on, they normally come up with some stupid bullshit like "Ah, lost track of time" or something...I'd just rather them say "I don't want to go" in the first place or text or call an hour before and say "I can't make it" but then in doing that, that would be called being considerate. This way, you waste no-one's time and we can all get on with our lives, it's just inconsiderate! Then they're shocked when you're a bit mad that they ditched you...I don't mind if it was an emergency or something but it's just really annoying.


I guess I'm a simple human being and maybe old-fashioned but when someone asks me if I wanted to do something and I didn't want to, I'd say "No but maybe another time?". Liars and let-downs (let-downs being people who say yes and then don't turn up purely because they don't want to and don't even call or text you) are two people I have absolutely no time for. If someone is that inconsiderate, why should you care?

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I really like seeing other people's lovely gardens! Also, some people put the effort into front gardens as it's something calming to see when they first arrive home.


That makes quite a bit sense actually, but I know if I was really into gardening I'd spend my time in the back garden. Nothing particularly wrong with a nice front garden but every time I see one with that's had a lot of time spent on it I always just think 'the poor people, they're never going to get to use it!'.

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Here's something I don't understand:


I agree with most of the things said here, which would seem to suggest that most people are reasonable human beings of a similar mindset. So why does it seem like 99% of the population are irritating twats who do most of the above?

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For me, it's Magnets and gravity. I don't reaaally get why they do what they do.


Dude, google it. :blush:


There seems to be mostly a running theme with you guys, clubbing, gyms, facebook.


For me its a handful of things:


Drivers, why is it ok for people to act like assholes when driving? I currently take two colleagues with me to work and find that I'm constantly worrying about their safety due to the bad driving in Cambridge. So much so that I constantly ask my Dad to ensure that I'm not the unsafe one.


What happened to looking where the fuck your going and not being an asshole, I don't want to die/kill you.


I'm probably going to be quite controversal with this one, but bare with me folks. The older generation.


Now before we begin, let me say that most people in most generations are assholes and spend a lot of their time worrying about themselves rather than a little common curteosy, I've been known to do it, forgotten to say thank you etc.


But today, I've spent my time in a large city and every single time I have been pushed out the way or snarkily been commented about has been from someone over the age of 60. I realised that its quite a common theme.


Driving again for instance, I find it is mostly the younger generation who tends to be quite nice to you, letting you pass, thanking you etc.


It is of course a vast generalisation, but what happened to practising what you preach? I made sure to be polite and never get in someone's way if it could be helped, but to be pushed and spoken to like I was absolutely vile (one woman shoved herself on the seat next to me with a glare, for no particular reason). Grr.


Finally, magazines. I bought one today, thinking about getting some inspiration for some clothes as I've been trying to mix up the stuff I wear as I'm quite bored.


I wasw bombared with:


'50 ways to get that flat tummy'

'Get your body ready for a bikini'

'Lose that flab'


To top it off as you're probably aware, I was shown skinny after skinny model looking absolutely perfect. Now thats fine, perfect is fine, I'm no idiot and do not mind that my body isn't that thin and that my thighs don't have a gap between them and my hair isn't flawless.


But if I wanted a magazine yelling at me to get thin, I'd buy one, fuck.off.

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Wine - I keep trying it over and over with an open mind just to see if it eventually clicks, but it's been 10 years since I started trying to enjoy it and it just doesn't make sense to me. It tastes horrible and that's pretty much the only thing I can get from it, no matter how good or acclaimed the brand is. I don't understand it.


I agree with you 100%, and to a lesser extent for me, with beer. It all tastes disagreeable to me, i don't understand why people would drink it for pleasure and not just to get drunk. Red wine is the absolute nastiness.


I agree with you on wine. The stuff tastes disgusting.




Never understood it at all, its 99% of the time sour/bitter and just generally a chore to drink. I'm told its like this to be refreshing.......i suppose thats in the same way chewing some garlic would be refreshing

and wine tasting/smelling i really don't get that at all




Wine is great, I will hear none of this nonsense :heh:


There's probably more if I think about it, but I'm going to say cigarette. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

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For me it has to be shopping


You have a day off, so what do you do? You clog up the roads finding a parking space in an equally clogged up car park. You then traipse around aimlessly from shop to shop, little kids and the elderly getting in your way, until you buy something you could get for a fraction of the cost online.


Don't get me wrong, I like getting new stuff but going out shopping is a pointless, almost archaic exercise in this day and age.

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Wine is great, I will hear none of this nonsense :heh:


This is something that annoys me (and should probably go in the Things That Annoy You thread, rather than here) although this is not aimed at you Ashley,


but i hate it that wine is associated so heavily with being cultured, and if you don't like it you aren't cultured etc. It's just a drink, you may love it and quaff many bottles of it, but it doesn't make you more cultured just because you drink it.

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A couple more.



People keeping the OneFifty (or whatever) sticked on their caps.




Oh god that is the most irritating thing ever! supposedly removing the sticker devalues them....because you need a shiny sticker saying authentic on a Lakers hat don't you...

I just want to go up and rip them off hats, which i must confess i do if i see them on shelves in stores, i remove the labels. i'm saving one douchebag from himself at a time


I was going to basically start this same thread the other day as I thought about it whilst driving!


Celebrity Culture for people that have no actual talent (eg Kim Kardasian why am I supposed to care about you because I sure as hell don't)


uhhhh yes, how can someone who is famous for her dead father's money, a sex tape, and generally being white trash with money be considered famous and deserving of our respect, when they quite clearly don't respect themselves. I bet their father is spinning in his grave so much he could generate enough electricity to run LA


Doors leading out of public toilets. I've just washed my hands and I'm exiting the room, but I have to grab the same door handle as the people who didn't bother washing their hands.


Why can't it be push to exit?


That is the most simple, yet genius idea i have ever heard!

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Doors leading out of public toilets. I've just washed my hands and I'm exiting the room, but I have to grab the same door handle as the people who didn't bother washing their hands.


Why can't it be push to exit?


Presumably to prevent someone being bashed in the face with the door?


The ideal solution would be motion-sensor doors.

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