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Mario Kart 8


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Did you not read all the moaning about pricing? Inclusion of none Mario characters? That the DLC is spread out? That Nintendo seemed to be putting their resources in DLC rather than new games?


It was a boring discussion anyway. You didn't miss anything.

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Did you not read all the moaning about pricing? Inclusion of none Mario characters? That the DLC is spread out? That Nintendo seemed to be putting their resources in DLC rather than new games?


No, I didn't. I was actually focusing on the good aspects of Nintendo finally releasing DLC for their game when reading this thread.


It was a boring discussion anyway. You didn't miss anything.


Yeah, I figured as much ;)

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Zelda, F-Zero and an Excitebike track sounds pretty awesome to me :yay:


The little orange light on my Wii U is glowing so I'll probably turn it on after the update is complete and get the DLC purchased :hehe: It's a shame there's no improvements to the battle mode included but 16 new courses definitely isn't to be sniffed at :heh:


I've been wanting to see N64 Wario Stadium return for years but given the inclusion of Wario's Gold Mine, I don't think we're gonna see it this time around! I honestly haven't seen the first half of that track in such a long time. Who doesn't jump over the wall at the start..? ::shrug:

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I don't see why that's such a weird thing to assume. :indeed:

With Nintendo these days, not a lot is making any sense. Mario Kart 8 may well be the biggest seller at the end of the Wii U's life cycle. What if Nintendo thought it would and therefore created a lot of content before release to bring it out a year later?

How many people bought Mario Kart 8? More than a million? I'm pretty sure that at least 80% of them will buy the DLC because they probably have played the game to death and it sits on their shelves by then :p




Assumption. There is no evidence to support this.




I'm quite sure they're holding back. And - as I've said before - I hope they do.


Reading your responses it sounds like you think I was being negative.

I was being far from negative. I hope this is a sign of Nintendo doing some smart decisions from now on :)


Not only does what you're suggesting make no sense, but is also pretty much impossible.


Mario Kart 8 started development when Mario Kart 7 shipped (December 2011). It had had a development cycle of around 2 years and a few months, which is pretty much the standard amount of time that all Mario Kart games have had for development ever since Double Dash.


Now, how do you think they've managed to develop roughly twice the amount of content as a regular Mario Kart game (a HD Mario Kart game might I add! Which means that it had taken far more man hours to make than any previous entry, just for the same amount of content), in the same amount of time to make as the other entries in the series?


The answer is simple really. They didn't (hell they had to actually forego making Battle Mode arenas in order to get the game out in time for May!)


Nothing about what you're suggesting makes any sense whatsoever.

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The price seems excellent value :) Love the colour swapping perk for downloading both too.


Heh, I've just realized this. My best mate's girlfriend will be in heaven. She LOVES Yoshi in every colour...and now she gets to choose them in Mario Kart 8 :laughing:

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I'm happy and unhappy about several things but also curious. Is this complete, when was it completed? It looks like it's not concept art, to me we're looking at finished characters, vehicles and tracks. See this is the problem I have with DLC. Holding things back so they can charge us later for it. Yes it's good for giving the game added legs but it's asking us to pay more.


I think this was finished back when the main game was completed and is sitting in a vault or on a hard drive somewhere waiting to strategically come out in November in time for Christmas(and Amiibo) and next May, its 1 year anniversary. Very convenient how they've that already worked out.


Do you really think the Mario Kart 8 are going to be working on this for another year? I don't. There's probably a small team for ironing out bugs and reacting to simple doable things e.g. map on the TV or changing next race icon with view race icon. Where's the reaction to the awful Battle Mode since the game came out? Where's the new maps for it? Tough $h1t, we're not getting it because the team has moved on to other projects. I may be wrong, I hope there is new Battle Mode maps.


Sorry to be The Grinch. I really like the DLC though it makes it less Mario Kart I can't wait for some F-Zero loving. I understand Nintendo's thinking but I object to paying for something I believe could have been on the disc at launch. They know MK is a cash cow and this is there way of getting us to fork over more while trying to get new customers with renewed hype. Give it to me free, get your publicity and hype and I've no problem.


Oh and you know how MK8 took so long to come out and missed the previous Christmas? I believe it's "DLC" like this that helped cause that delay. This leak I think proves the DLC's already ready. They're just getting the milking parlour ready.


There may well be more planned because there's still missing characters(Diddy, Boo, Petey) and yet there's fluff like the Koopalings and the metal characters.


I f-ing despair. ::shrug:

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Happy to pay the £11 for what will amount to 6 characters, 8 cars and 16 (!) new courses. Paying upfront is nothing more than a season pass, but ehh, I'm liking this new Nintendo enough to want to support this and see where it leads with other software.


The conversion is a bit poop, but we're always getting boned on this stuff. The value is still there, it's just pretty cruddy compared to the value proposition when our currency is weighed against other territories. One day it'll be equal...


That said, Nintendo aren't being shy about advertising the add-ons. The characters are already on the select screen but locked and so are all the new cups.


Prediction - This is gonna sell really well.


On the topic of this content already being ready and it having been deliberately left out of the retail release - I had plenty of fun with the retail release of this game. Way more fun than £40 would get me elsewhere. My enthusiasm has been waning a bit recently, so this update and the strategically spread out DLC will result in very welcome third and fourth winds.

Edited by Guy
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I f-ing despair. ::shrug:

Yeah come on @Wii!


Holding stuff back... maybe, but they already gave us a full Mario Kart game! They gave us the same number of cups, of tracks, ok arguably the chosen Mario characters were a little lacking (but this DLC doesn't really address that either). You got your Mario Kart!


This is a full half another Mario Kart game! So why not charge for it? and at less than half the price of a full game. Plus it's experimenting with other Nintendo themed tracks!


Battle mode aside, it's more than we ever wanted from Mario Kart DLC!

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The stereotypical whiny gaming fanboy who thinks the world owes him everything for nothing, and who gives us all a bad name. Sorry but that rant was pathetic. Nintendo could have not released any DLC and we would have already gotten our money's worth with MK8, this is an added bonus for an outstanding price.

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The DLC clearly wasn't made BEFORE the game came out. Why?


Because the Wii U was selling like sh*t before this game came out and as a result they would have been rushing to get the game out as soon as possible. No way in hell would they divert resources to making content which wouldn't be used at launch. Secondly, if characters like Link were ready, they would have announced it before launch to generate even more excitement.

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Another thing that suggests that the DLC wasn't made before release: the placeholder icons, which were likely made to test how the layouts and to see how it would look (the actual ones are different).


It's clear that Nintendo planned 16 additional tracks, and made it so the game would support it, but seems likely that they didn't make them until after release.


Not working on my classic controller pro


You have to press it on the GamePad, which sounds annoying for those who don't use it.

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