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Mario Kart 8


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Got stars on all tournaments. Missing 3 stars only two, and of course it's the rainbow cups.


Could have gotten three stars on the new rainbow cup, but lightning struck me a few turns before the finishing line, and I got the weird issue of slides occasionally not registring when hit with lightning so I went straight off the track. Does that happen to everyone else? The first time or two after hit with lightning you can't slide?

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Got stars on all tournaments. Missing 3 stars only two, and of course it's the rainbow cups.


Could have gotten three stars on the new rainbow cup, but lightning struck me a few turns before the finishing line, and I got the weird issue of slides occasionally not registring when hit with lightning so I went straight off the track. Does that happen to everyone else? The first time or two after hit with lightning you can't slide?


You need to have enough speed in order to drift, thus it's hard to drift straight away when you get hit by lightning.

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Is there a way to recover quicker? I keep seeing people recover from things quickly, but whenever I do, I come to complete stop and take forever to start up again.


I think some items simply gives you a shorter recovery window. That item that counters blue shells, people seem to recover from that very quickly as opposed to other items.


Acceleration level is the only other thing I can think of.

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Is there a way to recover quicker? I keep seeing people recover from things quickly, but whenever I do, I come to complete stop and take forever to start up again.


Yup, lighter characters and look at the acceleration stat when you select the parts for your vehicle.

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So I was just playing some off-TV on the gamepad and came to realise that it doesn't actually seem to have a specific 'off-TV' option which means...same issue as before. No map on my racing screen.


Off-TV play or a map on your gamepad, but not both! Revolutionising gameplay.

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So I was just playing some off-TV on the gamepad and came to realise that it doesn't actually seem to have a specific 'off-TV' option which means...same issue as before. No map on my racing screen.


Off-TV play or a map on your gamepad, but not both! Revolutionising gameplay.

The concept of Off-TV play is just to duplicate what is on the TV and have it on the GamePad. It has never added extra bits.

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One thing that really bugged me with the gamepad is that if you're playing a 4 player split screen match, there's no way to have just your screen on the gamepad! Another flaw that comes from not having any configuration options.

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I finally got around to uploading all my Time Trials online.

So, you know, if anyone wants to give beating my time a go...

(Also, hoping to prove that my performances in the league aren't just flukes. But tomorrow will show whether that's true or not)

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The concept of Off-TV play is just to duplicate what is on the TV and have it on the GamePad. It has never added extra bits.


It's not an "extra bit" though. The map is a standard feature of Mario Kart.


The problem is Nintendo decided to just throw it on the Gamepad like that was a no brainer, without any customisation option allowing it to be overlaid on the TV. That would've been simple enough and would've meant it would be on the gamepad when you duplicate the screen.


I play the game on the gamepad only fairly regularly and it does irritate me that it limits my ability to play strategically. I can't decide to fall into 2nd if I can't see if someone else just got a blue shell. I don't know if someone behind me has a red shell or not and therefore if it's safe for me to drop my banana just now. It's annoying.

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It's not an "extra bit" though. The map is a standard feature of Mario Kart.


The problem is Nintendo decided to just throw it on the Gamepad like that was a no brainer, without any customisation option allowing it to be overlaid on the TV. That would've been simple enough and would've meant it would be on the gamepad when you duplicate the screen.


I play the game on the gamepad only fairly regularly and it does irritate me that it limits my ability to play strategically. I can't decide to fall into 2nd if I can't see if someone else just got a blue shell. I don't know if someone behind me has a red shell or not and therefore if it's safe for me to drop my banana just now. It's annoying.


i actually like the tactical thinking element now that you are in effect driving blind. If you're in second or third on the last lap with a red shell it's a real tough decision whether to attack the driver in front or defend yourself. You could move up one place or go back several.

It's starting to annoy me now that I get hit with a lightning bolt on the last lap pretty much every race, invariably when I'm holding 3 mushrooms, and yet I never get it as a weapon, literally half a dozen since launch, to the point where I'm starting to wonder if certain items are character specific, I use Mario mostly and just get mushrooms and coins constantly plus a few stars, which would all be Mario type weapons, does bowser get fireballs, koopas get shells etc?

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It's starting to annoy me now that I get hit with a lightning bolt on the last lap pretty much every race, invariably when I'm holding 3 mushrooms, and yet I never get it as a weapon, literally half a dozen since launch..


Come to think of it, I haven't had a single Lightning Bolt in my possession since getting the game at launch.. or a Bullet Bill :eek: I'm sure that when I start to play it more online I'll see plenty of them further down the grid but my single player experiences haven't involved them. I haven't even got to unleash a Blue Shell :shakehead

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I'm starting to wonder if certain items are character specific, I use Mario mostly and just get mushrooms and coins constantly plus a few stars, which would all be Mario type weapons, does bowser get fireballs, koopas get shells etc?


Now you mention it.. I hadn't thought of that possibility, but I do remember racing with a different character and finding my luck with items in first was considerable, and consistently better.

It could be, as I dismissed it at the time, pure luck, or it maybe, as you have suggested, that characters influence items likelihood of turning up...


I don't see many people recording item frequency according to race position/online ranking/any other possible variables to find a definitive answer though.


Maybe try racing as different characters within the same weight class?

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Yeah, the map thing is stupid, played two player local battle mode yesterday (I know, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!) and I had an unbelievable advantage by having the map on my gamepad screen


As long as you have the computer playing as well, it's not so bad. Kinda race to kill the most computer karts as possible in the given time.

But nowhere near as good as the original battle mode :(

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Yeah I agree, it's just a shame it's never lived up to the N64/DS days of Battle mode. I mean, it's bad enough having to play on normal maps (I don't care what they say about seeing levels in a new way, it's clearly a time saving measure and the design of the maps really dont work for battle mode) but why force a time limit? I used to love it on the N64 on block fort, agreeing to allow the first 5 mins to protect your coloured block with bananas before trying to protect your land, some battles would go on for ages but it was so fun!


Also, the green shell rule on block fort was to always throw them into the road below, so the few times you do go back down there for whatever reason, there's loads of green shells bouncing around all over the place.


Damn man, Block Fort DLC has to happen

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items vanish quickly in MK8, green shells seem to be very brittle these days, a few bounces and they smash, the banana skins are super biodegradable. so a lot of that fun would be diminished sadly.

Personally I would love battle course 2 from the original, along with the feather item, to make a come back.

Who knows, maybe Nintendo will be kind with DLC : /

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Doing some time trials yesterday. Pretty refreshing just concentrating on working out the fastest way to get around the track and the best place to use your mushroom and not worry about getting hit with items the whole time.

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