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Sunset Overdrive


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E3 2013: Insomniac Introduces Sunset Overdrive




Crazy action in a crazy world.


Insomniac's latest game is Sunset Overdrive, and it's coming exclusively to Xbox One. Insomniac CEO Ted Price describes the game as a stylized open-world shooter, where the experience can change every day. Price mentioned weapons and challenges would be updated "constantly" through Xbox One's cloud.



Edited by Retro_Link
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This was the most promising game at the MS conference alongside Phantom Pain. Very miffed it has been pinched from Sony platforms. Gameplay could still be terrible though, just look how Fuse tanked. Is Insomniac really fit to handle more than one project at a time?

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Insomniac were never under Sony and were always free to make games for any console of their choosing, though it is kind of funny how they decide to go multi-platform and then almost immediately make an Xbone exclusive. :p

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  • 10 months later...

@Cube, I haven't really been following any news about this game... so it's a digital game only? That seems a strange choice for Insomniac's 'next big thing', the game they describe in that video has being what 'all previous games have been leading up to'. What's the reason behind that?


Also being a download title shouldn't limit it in scope/stop it from being equivalent to a game you can buy physically!

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@Cube, I haven't really been following any news about this game... so it's a digital game only? That seems a strange choice for Insomniac's 'next big thing', the game they describe in that video has being what 'all previous games have been leading up to'. What's the reason behind that?


I was under the impression that it was an XBLA game, but it's actually a full-priced retail game.

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For a downloadable game, it looks decent.


@Cube, I haven't really been following any news about this game... so it's a digital game only? That seems a strange choice for Insomniac's 'next big thing', the game they describe in that video has being what 'all previous games have been leading up to'. What's the reason behind that?


Also being a download title shouldn't limit it in scope/stop it from being equivalent to a game you can buy physically!


I was under the impression that it was an XBLA game, but it's actually a full-priced retail game.


It clearly looks like a full retail to me and always has done.




Well that was underwhelming.


Infamous meets Dead Rising, but it just felt kinda boring and a bit copycat/seen this kinda thing before.


Couldn't disagree more, it looks vibrant and fun.


The thing is Infamous is hardly original we've had the sandbox box super hero games before; spiderman 2, that hulk game on ps2/xbox and others. It's giving that genre it's own twist and identity which makes it fun and for me this looks like it's got enough. Dead Rising was awesome the weapons add some traversal in there and it's gonna be the bomb.


I've always loved the Rachet games and am definitely going to preorder this one.

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  • 4 months later...

*4 Month Bump! :D


Taken from the Xbox One thread...


So thanks to work I managed to get an Xbox One minus Kinect plus both Alien Isolation AND The Evil Within for £248.76 which I decided was far too good an offer to pass up, especially as I could sell the games to make back another £50 at least which would mean that I got the machine for less than £200! :D


I must admit it was Sunset Overdrive that did it for me, a third-person action shooter crossed with Jet Set Radio with shades of inFamous with a mutant apocalypse set in the middle of a vibrant city? Yes please! :)


Time to slap down a pre-order for that and Halo - just because - on ShopTo! : peace:


It was this game that swayed my decision to finally order an Xbox One and it's out this Friday! So naturally I was wondering how many other owners of the console would be picking this up, especially as interest seems to have been average at best since the games reveal, personally I've seen a few recent gameplay videos and I'm sold on it so I'm just hoping now that it lives up to the hype which it certainly has even if it isn't immediately apparent; I mean this is a brand new IP from Insomniac Games on a platform which is unfamiliar territory to them, I think it has the potential to surprise a lot of people... it has certainly surprised me so far anyway and I hope it will do so again when it releases in a few days by being a unique, awesome title which - let's face it - the Xbox One needs right now. : peace:

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As you know, I am on the pre-order train too. Really looking forward to it! Definitely looks like a crazy blend of games like Jet Set Radio, Ratchett and Clank, and even the Spiderman / Batman games with the grinding and jumping / flying through the air sections!


I too, hope the game lives up to the promise it is showing in gameplay trailers and early impressions from people in the industry who have played it, but I doubt we'll find out before ShopTo manage to get it to me!


Re the One needing an awesome title... I think it already has a few great games out for it, particulalry the exclusives! You're too harsh S.C.G :heh:

But a game like this in this style is definitely welcome to the console and I can't wait to get it!


I'm just pissed off that mine will be a download code coz it's bundled with the console. :mad:

Fuming about that!

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I'm still planning on this being a game I pick up in the cheap in a few months time or so, really interested to see review scores, whether it's worth picking up on launch or not. The more I watch of it the more I'm tempted I must say...


Also plenty of awesome titles on the One @S\.C\.G, that's never been its problem! ;)


And here we go, first review from IGN, looks like I may need to find that money for it and quick!! @Aneres11 you might be interested in this too :)



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I'm sort of wishing I got an Xbox and not a ps4 now :( Though I know more people with ps4 and the games will come (they will won't they?), but I want to play this...


Lol, you are so fickle, Dazzy. :laughing:

I laughed at the bolded part. This isn't like the Vita where there's going to be no support for the system, this is the leading console for this generation. :p

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Dazzy the games will definitely be coming for PS4 without doubt. You shouldn't regret your purchase! Unless you don't like the console, I dunno how you feel about it tbh.


The One has some great exclusives that suit my play taste better which is the only reason I got one over PS4. Otherwise I'd have been Ps4 all the way.

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